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Sociology (B.SC. Nursing II Year) Important Topics

1. Throw light on significance of sociology in nursing.

3. Uses/ application of sociology.

6.Define electra complex.

7. What is meant by re- socialization.

8. Define individualization.

9. Define oedipal complex.

10. Define anticipatory socialization.

11.What is material culture?

12. Define civilization.

13. What transcultural society?

14. List two functions of culture.

15. Mention two negative effects of cultural practices.

16. Discuss collective behavior.

17. Classify social group.

18. Explain the role of primary group in health and diseases.

19. Differentiate crowd and public.

20. Explain psychology of crowd behavior.

21. What is acculturation?

22. Define accommodation.

23. List factors hindering the assimilation.

24. Differentiate clan and tribe.

25. Mention two ways of resolving conflict.

26. What are the effects of population explosion on health?

29. Explain the causes of over population.

31. Explain the remedial measures of over population.

33. Define joint family. Explain its Characteristics. Discuss the factors of disintegration of joint family.

34. Define marriage. Explain the importance of marriage. Discuss the marriage problems in India.

37. What is modern family? Explain the features of modern family

38. Discuss the factors of instability of modern family.

40. Discuss the health effects of caste and class system.

41. Discuss social mobility.

42. Explain the changes taken place in the caste system.

43. Write a note on Jajmani system.

44. What is ascribed status?

45. Define race prejudice.

46. What is casteism?

47. List two demerits of caste system.

48. Define caste panchayat.

49. Define racism.

50. Mention any two Characteristics of caste system.

51. Differentiate rural and urban community.

52. Discuss the impact of community development program on rural India.

55. Explain the urbanization and it’s impact on health.

56. What is meant by homogeneity of rural community.

57. Mention two problems of urban community.

58. Mention two health problems of urban community.

59. What is regional community?

61. Write a note on cultural lag.

62. Discuss the evolutional theories of social change.

63. Discuss the factors of social change.

64. Discuss the role of nurse in bringing about social change.

66. Define social system.

67. Define social organization.

68. What is meant by voluntary association?

69. Define social values.

70. Define status.

71. Define social control.

72. Differentiate folkways and mores.

73. Differentiate customs and laws.

74. Define norms.

75. Mention two purposes of social control.

76. What meant by belief?

77. Define fashion.

78. Define prostitution. Explain its causes. Discuss the health effects of prostitution.

79. What is meant by minority group? List various minority groups in India. Discuss the problems of religious minority in India.

80. What social disorganization? List it’s characteristics. Describe the causes of social disorganization.

81. What is meant by child abuse? Describe various measures taken by the government for child welfare.

82. Mention the problems of elderly. Describe the measures taken by the government for their welfare.

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