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BSC.Nursing III MSN II Important Topic Unit Wise

Updated: Jun 9, 2023

Unit –I

Short Essay

Explain Post operative management of Mastoiditis.

List the causes and management of Epistaxis.

Explain the rehabilitation of a patient with hearing loss.

Explain the management of common cold.

Describe the nursing management of sinusitis.

Discuss the meaning, causes and clinical manifestations of pharyngitis.

Explain medical and nursing management of tonsillitis.

Explain surgical and nursing management of tonsillitis.

Explain care of patient with tracheostomy.

Briefly describe the causes, signs and symptoms of Otitis media.

Clinical manifestations and nursing management of patients with Otitis media.

Discuss causes and signs and symptoms of speech disorders.

Explain the care and maintenance of hearing aids.

Explain the role of nurse in communicating with hearing impaired patients. Explain the nursing management of patients with Meniere’s disease.


List four causes deafness.

List down the classification of hearing loss

List four causes of speech disorders.

List any two indications of speech therapy.

Define peritonsilar abscess.

Define laryngitis.

Define adenoiditis.


Define parotiditis. What is audiometry? List two types of audiometry. What are hearing aids? Define tympanicmembrane perforation List the etiological factors of tympanicmembrane List the Clinical manifestations of tympanic membrane Define. Otosclerosis. Define menierie’s disease? Define otalgia. Write the method of foreign body removal from the throat. What are the clinicalmanifestations of foreign body in the ear? List types of otalgia. Enumerate the causes of nasal obstruction List complications of suppurative otitismedia List surgicalinterventions of suppurative otitis media Enumerate the Indications for otoscopic examination List indications for ear irrigation. Define Quinsy What is impacted wax? What is Tympanoplasty? What is nasal septaldeviation? List the types of hearing aids What is ototoxicity ? List down any FOUR ototoxic drugs



Discuss the types ofrefractive errors.

Plan health educationfor a patient after cataractsurgery.

Discuss the causes, signs and symptoms and management of patient with conjunctivitis.

Discuss the causesand management of patient with blindness.

List ocular emergencies and discuss preventive aspects of ocular emergencies.

Explain Causes, sign & symptoms & management of Uveitis.

Discuss in detailabout National blindness control programme.

Discuss beiefly about retinal detachment.

Discuss the causes, signs and symptoms and medical management of a patient with Corneal Ulcer.

Define Tonometry & list the types of tonometers & explain the procedure of Tonometry.

Explain the surgicalinterventions in cataract.

Explain the medicaland surgical management of glaucoma.

Explain the typesof Cataract in detail.

Define Blindness? Discussthe measures to prevent and treat Blindness?

Discuss in detailabout Trachoma?


List the Clinicalmanifestations of glaucoma.

Enumerate the medical management for glaucoma

List any two functions of eye banks.

Differentiate between mature & immaturecataracts.

Enumeratethe etiology of cataracts.

List emergencies of eye.

State the characteristic symptoms of retinaldetachment.

Define Astigmatism.

What is the use of Snellen chart?

State the purposesof slit-lamp examination.

Define Glaucoma.

What Is Myopia?

What is Hypermetropia?

What is Conjuctivitis?

What do you mean by diplopia?

What is night blindness?

Differentiate entropian & ectropian

What is enucleation?

What is Eviseration?


What are the chief complaints of a patient with Uveitis?

List two common malignant tumors of the eyelids?

Define blepharitis.

Define Hordeolum.

What is a Chalazion?

State any two commontypes benign tumors ofthe eyelids.

Define blindness?

List types of ocular prosthesis.

List any two functions of Nurse in an Eye camp.

What is the use of Opthalmoscope?



List cranialnerves.

Differentiate Primary& Secondary headache.

List majortypes of head injuries.

Differentiate betweenParaplegia, hemiplegia and quadriplegia.

Define herniation of intervertebral disc.

Define Gliomas.

List FOUR warning signs of aneurysms.

List the changes occur in CSF in bacterial Meningitis.

Define Chorea.

State the triad of Parkinson ’s syndrome.

List the stages of Seizures.

Write the constituents of CSF.

List FOUR clinical featuresof increased intracranial pressure.

What is Bell’s Palsy?

What is Trigeminal Neuralgia ?

What is Cerebral aneurysm?

List classicalsymptoms of Parkinsonism.

Define Aphasia.

Classify Aphasia.

Define SpinalShock.

Differentiate betweenConcussion & contusion.

What is Chorea?

Coup and counter coup injury.

List out uses of Glasgow coma scale.

List out the componentsof Glasgow coma scale.

What is Agnosia?

What is Dementia?

What is Romberg test?


Define Neurocysticercosis.

List sign & symptomsof Neurocysticercosis.

Enumerate medical& surgical management of Neurocysticercosis.

Define Hydrocephalus.

Define Syringomyelia.

Classify Spinabifida.

List clinicalmanifestation of ChiariMalformation.

What are the normalvalues of Proteins & Glucose in Cerebrospinal fluid?

Where is the Cerebrospinal fluid produced?

List three major functionsof Nervous System.

List the symptoms of Guillain-Barre Syndrome.

Write about Levodopa.

LONG ESSAYS : 1. Mr. X, 30 year old male has met with RTA and has sustained Head Injury. He had transientloss of consciousness and is confused& complains of severe head ache & has projectile vomiting - Answerthe following: Define Head Injuries. Briefly explainthe Major Typesof Head Injuries? Write a Nursing care plan for Mr. X based on his clinicalpresentation. 2. Mrs. Y, 40 years old female slipped in the staircase and sustained Spinal injury. She is not able to move any of her extremities - Answer the followin Explain the mechanism of spinal injuries. Classify &differentiate plegias. Write a nursing care plan for Mrs. Y based on her clinicalpresentation. 3. Mrs. X, 36 years old female has presentedwith severe prolongedheadache & intermittent vomiting since one month and has been diagnosed as having Glioma - Answer the following: What is Glioma? List the measures for treating Glioma? d. Writea nursing care plan for Mrs. X based on three prioritized nursing diagnosis. 4. Mrs. Y , 35 years old female presented with complaints of weakness in lower limb since 15 days & pain in lumbar region radiating to lower extremity. she has been diagnosed as having herniation of intervertebral disc at L 2 level - Answer the following: Explain the pathophysiology of lumbar disc herniation. Write a nursing care plan for Mrs. Y based on her clinicalpresentation. 5. Mrs. Z 48 years old female is admitted in the neurological ward with the diagnosis ofSeizures - Answerthe following: List the probable risk factors of seizures. List the different types of seizures.

Enumerate the medical management of seizures. Prepare a nursing care plan for Mrs. Z based on two prioritized nursing diagnoses. 6. Mr. Z, a 65 years old male is admitted in the emergency department in unconscious stage and is diagnosed as having Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA) and right sidedhemiplegic - Answerthe following: Explain the pathophysiology of CVA. List the medical managementfor CVA. Write a nursing care plan for Mr. Z for the first 48 hours. 7. Mrs. X, 39 years old female admitted to the neurology ward with complaints of ascendingweakness and diagnosedto have GB Syndrome - Answer the following Enumerate the causes of GB syndrome. List the Medical management of GB Syndrome. Write a nursing care plan for Mrs. X based on her clinical presentation & the probable risk diagnosis. 8. Mr. Y, 48 year old male presented with muscle weakness, difficulty in breathing & diplopia. He is diagnosed as having Mysthenia Gravis - Answer the following: Enumerate the causes of Myasthenia Gravis. Explain the Pathophysiology of Myasthenia Gravis. Write a nursing care plan for Mr. Y based on three prioritized nursing diagnosis. 9. Mr. Y, 75 years old male has been diagnosed to have Parkinson’s Disease. He is giving the history of tremors, rigidity, postural changes & difficulty in swallowing - Answer the following: What are the causes of Parkinson ’s disease? List the medical Measuresfor managing Parkinson’s Disease. Describe the components of Home care management for Mr. Y 10. Mrs. X, 32 years old female has been admitted to neuro ward with diagnoses of Multiple Sclerosis(MS) - Answer the following:

Explain the pathophysiology of Multiple Sclerosis.

Write a nursing care plan for Mrs. X based on three prioritized nursing diagnosis.

Define stroke. List down the various types of stroke. Explain in detail the Rehabilitations of a patient with hemiplegia?

11. Mr. Ram 48 years old male is admitted to the emergency department with a history of fall from height.He is diagnosed to have spinalcord injury at C4Level.

List down the clinicalfeatures of cervicalinjury.

Discuss the emergency management of Mr. Ram.

Prepare a nursing care plan for Mr. Ram

12. Mr. Ashok 45 years old is admitted with history of double vision and giddiness and is diagnosed with brain tumors:

List the types of brain tumors.

Enumerate the clinical manifestation of brain Tumors that will be seen in Ashok.

Explain the postoperative management of Ashok after craniotomy

Classify spinalcord tumors. Explainthe management of spinal cord tumors.

13. Ms Seema 15 years old is admitted to neuro ward with bacterial meningitis .Answer the following:

Define Meningitis.

List down the etiological factors and clinicalfeatures of Meningitis.

Describe the collaborative management for the patient.



Explain the steps of Breast self examination.

List the causes & explain the management of toxicshock syndrome.

List the side effects of Hormonal replacement therapy& their Management.

Classify Abortions & state the MTP Act.

Illustrate the provisions providedunder MTP Act.

Explain the Indications & procedure of PAP smear.

Explain the Indications &procedure of Endometrial Biopsy.

Explain the Indications & procedure of cervical biopsy.

Explain the Indications &procedure of calposcopy.

Explain the Indications & procedure of Breast biopsy.

Define Family Planning. List the objectives of National family welfare program.

Explain any two strategies of National family welfareprogram.

Enumerate the causes, clinicalmanifestations and medicalmanagement of Vulvovaginitis.

Describe the pathophysiology of Pelvic Inflammatory disease.

Briefly explainthe components of health education for Pelvic Inflammatory disease.

Explain the causes & signs & symptoms of Menopause.

Explain the clinical manifestations & collaborative management of Fibrocystic disorders

of the breast.

Differentiate between uterine prolapse, rectocele & cystocele.

Write the pre-operative and post-operative nursingmanagement for woman with totalabdominal Hysterectomy.

Define AbnormalUterine Bleeding. Write about its types.

Explain the role of nursein prevention of Cervical Cancer.


Briefly explainthe causes and clinicalmanifestations of Endometriosis.

List the congenital abnormalities of female reproductive system and brieflyexplain about the Septate Uterus.

List the causes of Uterine Displacement. Describe about the Pessary.


Define infertility.

List any four causesof infertility.

Classify Infertility.

Enumerate the Barrier methodsof contraception.

What is Hormonal Contraception?

List Intrauterine methods of contraception.

Enumerate the types of Sterilization in birth control.

List complications of Intrauterine Device (IUD).

List common sites of endometriosis.

Define cervicalpolyps.

Enlist the emergency contractive pills.

Define Fertilization.

Define Oogenesis and Spermatogenesis.

List the External Genitalia of Female Reproductive System.

Mr. Y, 50 yrs old male admittedto the burns ward with 40% burns - Answerthe following: List the types of burns. Explain the Pathophysiology of burns. Describe the First-aid management of Burns. Mr. Y 50 years old male weighing65kg admitted to burns ward with 50% thermal burns - Answer the following: List the factors that influence severityof burns. Explain the classification of burns injuryaccording to depthof injury. Explain the fluidrequirements for Mr. Y for first 48hours. Mrs. X, 25 years old female admittedto burns ward with 60% burns - Answer the following: Explain the wound care for Mrs. X. Explain the aspects of rehabilitation measures for Mrs. X. Mrs. X, 45 years old female is admitted to the hospitalfor breast reconstruction. Answer the following: List the indications for breast reconstructive surgery. Explain the role of nurse in pre and postoperative care of Mrs X . Mr. B is admittedin burns unit with thermalburns. Answer the following:

List out the complications of burns .

Write the Formula for estimating fluid replacement.

Explain the Nursing management of Mr. B with thermalburns.


State the Rule of Nine.

Write the Parkland’s formulafor fluid calculation in burns.

Write the Evan’s formulafor fluid calculation in burns.

Write the modified Brooke formula for fluidcalculation in burns.

List the cardiovascular complications of Burns.

List the renal complications of Burns.

List the pulmonary complications of Burns.

List the gastrointestinal complications of Burns.

State the American Association classification of Burns.

Enumerate the major Nursingdiagnoses of a patient with Burns.

What is Chemical burns?

What is Electrical burns?

What is Thermal burns?

What is Inhalational burns?

What is Carbon-monoxide poisoning?

Write the formula for calculation of caloric requirement in burns patient.

What is Curling’s ulcer?

What is Stress InducedDiabetes mellitus?

List out FOUR clinicalfeatures of Burns.

List out the topicalapplications used in Burns.

List out the complications of burns in rehabilitation phase.

Classify skin grafts.

What is cleansing in burns?

What is Debridement

UNIT VI - ONCOLOGY LONG ESSAYS: (10 marks each) Mr. X, 48 years old male is undergoing external radiation therapy- Answer the following Differentiate betweenthe types of radiation therapy. Enumerate the probable side effects of radiation therapy which Mr. X may experience & write their Management. Mrs. X, 48 years old female is admitted with complains of pain in right hypochondriac region.On examination a palpable solid mass is found - Answer the following: Differentiate betweenbenign and malignant tumors. List the waning signsof cancer. Explain the TNMclassification of cancer. Mrs. X, 55 years old female is admitted for chemotherapy - Answer the following: Enumerate the types of Chemotherapeutic agents with example. Explain the Nurses’ role in administering the Chemotherapy. Mrs. Z 47 years old female is admitted for radical mastectomy - Answer the following: Enumerate the risk factors of breast cancer. Explain the diagnostic measuresfor breast cancer. Explain the rehabilitation plan for Mrs. Z afterradical mastectomy. Mr. Y, 60 years old male is admitted to oncology ward with diagnosis of colon cancer. Answerthe following List the risk factors of colon cancer. Enumerate the diagnostic measures for colon cancer. Explain about care of patient with colostomy . Mr.Suresh is 45 years old male patientpresents with hoarseness and gentle voice and been diagnosed as Ca Larynx and posted for total laryngectomy. Answer the following questions: Discuss the post operative nursing management of Mr. Suresh. Briefly discussrehabilitative care of Mr. Suresh.

A 43-year-old male was referred to gastro department because of an abdominal mass lesion. Recently he had begun to experience epigastric pain, abdominal fullness, and vomiting episodes, especially after heavy meals.At laparotomy, a huge, encapsulated, well-defined tumor with hard consistency was found. Answer the following: Define cancer. Differentiate betweenbenign and malignanttumors. Prepare a nursing care plan for a patientwith stomach cancerwho underwent gastrectomy. A 58-year-old Asian lady experiencing generalized body weakness, pallor, left upper abdominal pain and sudden weight loss of 5 kg within three weeks and a high blood pressure of 190/110 presented to oncologist and various laboratory tests including complete blood count were conducted and the test results revealed a diagnosis of chronic myeloid leukemia : Define Leukemia. List the types of Leukemia. Write in detail the management of a patient with Leukemia. Mrs. Y has been admitted with a diagnosis of breast cancer and posted for mastectomy. Answer the following questions: Write the different modalities of surgical management of breast cancer. explain in detail about post- mastectomy exercises of Mrs. Y. Mrs. A admitted in hospital with complaints of coughing of blood, breathlessness and chest pain and is diagnosed with Lung Cancer.Answer the following List out thecauses of Lung Cancer. Write about thediagnostic measures used in Lung Cancer. Explain the nursing management of Mrs. A suffering from Lung Cancer. Mrs. B admitted to hospital with complaints of vaginal discharge, abnormal vaginalbleeding and pelvicpain and has been diagnosed as Cervical Cancer.Answer the following questions: What is Cervical Cancer? List the clinical features of Cervical Cancer? Write about Pap-smear test in cervicalcancer? Explain about the management of Cervical Cancer? SHORT ANSWERS State the warning signsof cancer. Define “Distance” as principles of Radiation safety. Define “Time& Timing” as principles of Radiation safety. Define “Shielding” as principles of Radiation safety. Enumerate the treatment modalities of treating Cancer. List four Biologic Response modifiers. Classify Leukemia. Define Alopecia. Define Tumor Markers. List common Metastatic sites. Write down the characteristics of Cancer cells. Define Hospice Care. Define Gene therapy. Specify two types of surgical procedure for cancerstomach. List out any four chemotherapeutic drugs.

UNIT VII: NURSING MANAGEMENT OF PATIENT IN EMERGENCY & SHORT ANSWERS Explain the Disaster management cycle. Explain the principles of disaster nursing. Discuss the types of natural disaster. Explain the role of nurse in disaster preparedness. Explain the principles of emergency nursing. Discuss the legal aspectsof disaster nursing. Explain the physical rehabilitation of victims of natural disaster. Describe the psychosocial rehabilitation of victims of disaster. Explain the concept of triage. Explain the Nurse’s role in triage. Explain the national policiesrelated to disastermanagement. Explain the Nurse’s role in triage. Explain the Nurse’s role in triage. Describe the guidelines for cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Explain the Disaster management cycle. Define shock. Explain the different types of shock. Explain the emergency management of patient with cardiogenic shock. Enumerate typesof Poisoning and their antidotes. Describe the management of Heat stroke. Explain the sign & symptoms of Frost bite & their management. Explain the management of a patient with snake bite. State the regimen of Anti rabies treatment. Explain the emergency management of Status Asthmaticus. Explain the emergency management of Cardiogenic Shock. Write in detail about procedure of CPR. Explain the nursing management of patients with respiratory alkalosis. Explain the management of patients with seizures. Explain in detail about crash cart. Discuss the drugs used in Emergency department. Discuss in detail about thoracentesis. UNIT VIII - NURSING CARE OF THE ELDERLY SHORT ANSWERS: Explain psychosocial aspects of aging. Explain legal issues in care of elderly. Discuss the age relatedchanges in cardiovascular system among elderly. Explain the care of elderly with dementia Explain the nursing management of elderly with fractureof femur Discuss the ethical issuesin care of elderly Discuss the components of health educationto an elderly with constipation Discuss the methods of stress management in elderly Discuss the factors influencing coping among elderly Describe the role of a nurse in meetingthe nutritional needs of elderly Write a short note on Elderly Abuse. Explain aboutmedications used for elderlypeople. Describe the use of hearing aids for elderly people? Enumerate Role ofnurse for caregivers of elderly? Explain the home and institutional care of aged people? Write a shortnote on Cognitive aspects of ageing.

Unit IX: CRITICALCARE UNIT SHORT ESSAYS Describe the infection controlprotocol in criticalcare unit. Discuss about the principles of critical care nursing. Explain aboutindications for Mechanical Ventilation. What are the norms forphysical setup of a criticalcare unit. Explain about defibrillation. Explain the usefulness of cardiac monitoring in Critical care unit? Describe in detail about cardiac monitoring. Enumerate the common drugsused in criticalcare unit and state their action. Explain the role of autonomy in Critical care unit. What ethicalissues the nurse may face while workingin critical care unit. What are Ethical and legal aspectsin critical care nursing. Explain the factors to be taken in to account while communicating with Critically ill patient & their family members. Explain the importance of protocols in Critical Care unit. Explain the nursing care of patientson ventilator. Describe the nursing management of a critically ill patient. Write a short note on CVP monitoring. Differentiate betweenCardio version & Defibrillation. Explain the modes of Mechanical ventilator. Explain the process of weaning the patient off the ventilator. Write a short note on Crisis Intervention. Explain the role of nurse in Critical Care Nursing.



Define Occupational Disorders.

List the major Occupational lung disorders.

Define asbestosis.

Enumerate the causes of Byssinosis.

Define silicosis.

State the medical management of pneumoconiosis.

List the high risk occupations for developing contactdermatitis.

List five preventive measuresfor prevention of occupational skin disorders.

Define Farmer’slung.

What is computer visionsyndrome?

List out FOUR symptoms of Lead poisoning.

What is Anthracosis?

Define Occupational Dermatitis.

List out the diseaseswhich occur due to radiationexposure.

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