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Pharmacology Important Topics Unit Wise (BSC. Nursing II Year)

1. Enlist the routes of drug administration.

2. Enlist the adverse conditions that lead to poor absorption of drug from gut.

3. List four drugs from plant sources.

4. List the factors affecting drug action.

5. List the principles of drug administration.

Unit II

1. Explain the types of penicillins and their actions.

2. Name any two drugs belonging to amino- glycosides. Write the action and adverse effects of any one.

3. Write the action and adverse effects of co trimoxizole.

4. List the types of antibiotics. Explain the advantages, disadvantages and adverse reactions of sulphonamides.

5. Explain the dosage, indication and contraindication for albendazole.

6. Name any two anti viral drugs. Explain the dosage and side effects of any one.

7. Name any two anti leprotic drugs. Explain the dosage and side effects of any one.

Unit -III

1. Name any four disinfectants.

2. Name any two antiseptics and their indications.

3. Name two each of the disinfectant acids and halogens.

4. Name two each of the disinfectant alcohols and oxidizing agents.

5. Name two each of the insecticides and antiseptics.

Unit- IV

1. Name any two of each of the anti emetics and anti diarrheals.

2. Name any two of each of the purgatives and anti histaminics.

3. List any two of each of the emetics and and anti emetics.

4. Name any two anti motility drugs and mention two side effects of any one.

5. List any two actions and two side effects of potassium.

Unit- V

1. List four anti histaminic drugs.

2. Name two decongestants and mucolytics.

3. List the types of bronchodilators.

4. Name any four bronchodilators.

5. Name any one broncho constrictor and two of its side effects.

Unit- VI

1. List four diuretics.

2.. write actions and side effects of lasix.

3. Write the indication and any two side effects of antidiuretic hormone.

4. Name any urinary alkalizer and it’s indication.

5. Name any cholinergic drugs with its action on urinary tract.

Unit- VII

1. Write the action of calcium.

2. Name any four vital vaccines.

3. Write the antidotes used in opioid poisoning.

4. List any four drugs used in emergency.

5. List any four minerals preparations.

Unit- VIII

1. What are the decongestants? Give two examples.

2. What are the myotics? Write the indication of acetazolamide.

3. Write the meaning of ceruminolytic. Mention the dosage.

4. List four topical agents used on the skin.

5. What are the mydriatics? Write the side effects of atropine.

Unit- IX

1. Classify anti psychotics. Explain the actions and adverse effects of anti psychotics.

2. What is tranquilizer? Classify tranquilizers. What are the pharmacological actions of tranquilizers?

3. Classify analgesics. Explain the action and side effects of aspirin.

4. Classify anesthetics. Write the action and adverse effects of any one general anesthetic.

5. Write the pharmacological action and side effects of noradrenaline.

6. Classify the CNS stimulants. Write the action and side effects of any one.


1. Classify the anti arrythmic drugs with examples.

2. Classify anginal drugs. Explain the side effects of nitroglycerin.

3. Explain the pharmacological actions and toxic effects of cardiac glycosides.

4. Write the thrombolytics? Write the indications and side effects of thrombolytics.

5. List four anti coagulants. Explain the side effects of anti coagulants.


1. What are the regulators of calcium in the body? Name any two calcium preparations with side effects.

2. Write the uses and adverse effects of uterine relaxants.

3. Classify insulins. Write the mechanism of action of insulin.

4. Name two steroid preparations. Write the side effects of steroid administration.

5. What are the pharmacological effects and side effects of anabolic steroids? Unit-XII

1. What are the the principles of homeopathy? List any three homeopathy medicine.

2. Name the alternative system of medicines. Explain the branches of ayurvedic medicine.

3. Enlist sources of Unani medicines with examples.

4. Name the five basic elements of human body according to Ayurveda. Name any three types of ayurvedic medicines.

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