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Pharmacology Important Questions – B.Sc. Nursing

What are Beta-lactam antibiotics ? classify with examples. Give general mechanism of action. Write pharmacology of Penicillin – G. 2. What are anti-tubercular drugs? classify with examples, give mechanism of action. Write a note on DOTS. 3. What are anti-leprotic drugs ?classify with examples give mechanism of action. Write a note on MDT. 4. What are anti-cancerous drugs? classify with examples, give mechanism of action. Write a note on I 131. 5. Define asthma, write the pharmacology of anti-asthamatics. 6. What are diuretics. Classify with examples, give mechanism of action. Write a note on furasemide. 7. Write a detail note on general principles involved in management of poisoning? 8. What are analgesics anti pyretics? Classify with examples, give mechanism of action. Write their pharmacology. 9. What is sedative and hypnotics? Write their pharmacology? 10. What are anti-diabetics? Write their pharmacology? 11. Write the detailed note on routes of drug administration. 12. What are Beta lactam antibiotics. Classify with examples. Add a note on Penicllin – G and cefixime.Define hypertension, mention its types, write the pharmacology of anti-hypertensives


1. Sources of drugs 2. Factors modifying drug actions 3. Anti-depressants 4. Anti-psychotics 5. Cardiotonics 6. Anti-anginals 7. Quinidine 8. Heparin 9. Thrombolytics 10. Anti-hyperlipidemics 11. Oral contraceptive pills 12. Anabolic steroids 13. Interferons 14. Antithyroids 15. Azithromycin 16. Chloroquine 17. Acyclovir 18. Albendazole 19. Metranidazole 20. Fluconazole

21. Anaphylaxis 22. Prostaglandins 23. How do you prepare 150 ml of DNS 24. How do you prepare 840 ml of Half normal saline. 25. Amoxicillin 26. Ciprofloxacin 27. Co-trimoxazole 28. Methanol poisoning 29. Narcotics poisoning 30. Organo phosphorous compounds poisoning 31. What is pharmcopia, add a note on I.P. 32. Phenotoin 33. Drugs used in treatment of cough 34. Anti-emetics 35. Nasal decogents 36. Warfarin 37. Acetazolamide 38. Clinical pharmacology

39. Therapeutic index

40. Teratogenicity 41. Carcinogenicity 42. Anaphylaxis 43. Idiosyncrasy 44. Tachyphylaxis 45. Bioavailability and its significance 46. Biotransformation and its significance

Very Small Topics Oral thrush Serum thickness Gray baby syndrome Principle action of GH Principle action of oxytocin Principle action of thyroxine Tocolytics Epinephrine and nor-epinephrine Muscle relaxants Latrogenic Antiseptics and disinfectants give 2 example each What are vaccines and serum give 2 examples each Hematonics Drug addiction Purgatives Anti histamines, examples Define antidotes, add note on it. Super infection Jarisch –Herxheimer reaction Astringents Hemostiptics

Vaccines and serums, give 2 examples Ivermectin Niclosame Write two therapeutic uses and adverse effects of following drugs. Organic nitrates, Tetracyclines Salbutamol Azithromycin Furosemide Clopidogrel Phenotoin Omaprazole Anthelminitics Anti-histamines Vitamin – A Insulin Adrenaline Dopamine Captopril Ramipril Amlodepine CPM Anti-depressants Methotroxate Atropine Metaclopramide Domperidone Thiazides Chlorpromazine Aminoglycosides Anti-psychotics Inhalational anaesthetics Intra-venous anaesthetics Anti-platelets Anti-funcels Lithium Cetrimide Antidote for heparin, iron Anti-oxidants SRI (anti-deprassents) Cetrazine Ketotifen

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