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Pathology And Genetics Important Topics (BSC. Nursing)


. Blood Collection Methods for pathology, biochemistry and microbiology tests

· Etiopathogenesis and complications of rheumatic heart disease

· Neoplasm and different pathways of spread of malignant tumor

· Peptic ulcer. Pathogenesis and morphology (important)

· Define oedema. Its pathogenesis

· Pathogenesis and morphology of pyogenic osteomyelitis

· Define inflammation and cellular events of inflammation

· Pneumonia

· Difference between benign and malignant tumor

· Etiopathogenesis of tuberculosis (important)

· Bone healing

· Cryptorchidism

· Methods of blood grouping and cross matching

· Lung abscess

· Pathophysiology of edema

· Aneurysm (important)

· Renal calculi

· Atrophy

· Difference between benign and malignant tumor

· Bleeding time and clotting time

· Factors affecting wound healing

· Bronchiectasis

· Liver cirrhosis

· CSF analysis

· Bone healing

· Hemoglobin estimation

· Etiopathogenesis of tuberculosis

· Etiopathogenesis of embolism

· Bronchial asthma

· Transfusion reaction


· Trisomy and examples

· Mention four autosomal recessive disorders

· Lyon hypothesis

· Co-dominance and example

· Mention four anomalies in turner’s syndrome

· Goals of human genome project

· Spontaneous abortion

· Clinical features of klinefelter’s syndrome

· Amniocentesis

· Gene therapy

· Name single gene disorders

· Legal and ethical issues in genetic counselling

· Prenatal testing and diagnosis (important)

· Down syndrome (trisomy 21)

· Sickle cell anemia

· Autosomal recessive disorders

· Sex chromosome

· Tumor suppressor gene

· Name four sex linked inheritance

· Name four prenatal diagnostic test

· Chromosomal disorder

· Turner’s syndrome

· Sex chromatin

· Four causes of spontaneous abortion

· Role of nurses in genetic counseling

· Structure of the chromosome

· List four autosomal abnormalities

· Define infertility

· Define karyotyping

· Name four trisomies

· Autosomal dominant inheritance

· Name four inborn error of metabolism

· Types of chromosome

· Define barr body

· Recombinant DNA technology

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