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M. Sc. Nursing I Year NURSING RESEARCH AND STATISTICS Important Questions

Updated: Sep 8, 2022


Elaborate on:

1. a) Mention the characteristics of a qualitative research design.

b) Explain qualitative research design with suitable example.

2. A nurse researcher is interested to study the efficacy of two different interventions in reducing radiation induced vaginitis in patients with cancer cervix.

a) Identify the most appropriate design to study this research problem.

b) Explain the reasons for selecting the particular design.

c) Detail the methods to enhance research control.

3. Present an overview of the research process

4. describe sampling process in detail.

5. a) List the steps used in the Research process.

b) Discuss the use of Surveys in nursing.

6. Define sample and explain the types of sampling methods in detail with suitable Examples.

7. a) Discuss the various methods of data collection in a quantitative research design.

b) Prepare an observation checklist to assess the steps followed by a student nurse to perform head to foot assessment of an adult woman patient.

8. a) Discuss the various methods of data collection in a quantitative research design.

b) Prepare an observation checklist to assess the steps followed by a student nurse to perform head to foot assessment of an adult woman patient.

9. Define nursing research and discuss the Qualitative Research design in detail.

10. a) Describe the steps of research process.

b) Explain the various methods of sampling.

11. A researcher is interested to measure the level of care in two different hospitals by reviewing patient records of 15 patients from each hospital.

a) Identify the suitable research design and draw a schematic presentation of the selected design.

b) Discuss the assumption and delimitation of this study.

c) Briefly explain the tool which can be used in this study for better analysis.

12. Explain in detail about qualitative research design with relevant examples.

13. a) What is Research Design? Write the Classification of Research Design.

b) Explain the Non-Experimental Research Design with suitable examples.

Write Short Notes on:

1. Ethics in research.

2. Significance of theoretical framework in research.

3. Steps of literature review.

4. Pilot study.

5. Sampling technique.

6. Writing research report.

7. Barriers to utilization of research findings.

8. Hypothesis.

9. Literature review.

10. Meta analysis.

11. Bio-physiological parameters

12. Scope of Nursing Research.

13. Evidence Based Practice.

14. Steps in Literature Review.

15. Probability sampling techniques.

16. Rating Scales.

17. Barriers in Research Utilization.

18. Descriptive statistics.

19. Steps in research process.

20. Ethnography.

21. Barriers of nursing research utilization.

22. Mixed methods in research.

23. Importance of research in nursing.

24. Critiquing Nursing Research.

25. Non probability sampling techniques.

26. Evidence based practice.

27. Developing theoretical framework.

28. Informed consent.

29. Methods of Data collection.

30. Probability sampling techniques.

31. Survey method.

32. Factorial design.

33. Variables.

34. Reliability and validity.

35. Halo effect and Hawthorne effect in research.

36. Explain the types of true experimental design.

37. Non-probability sampling technique.

38. Conceptual framework.

39. Limitation and delimitation.

40. Sampling error.

41. Evidence based practice.

42. Mixed methods in research.

43. Ethics in Research.

44. Assumptions and Delimitations.

45. Write the Steps in Presenting a Research Proposal.

46. Briefly Explain the Check List.

47. Dissemination of Research Findings.



1. a) What are various methods of collecting statistical data? Which of these is more reliable and why?

b) What is a statistical average? Describe the characteristics of a good statistical average?

2. a) Define and explain the uses of Birth rate, post neonatal mortality rate, infant mortality rate, incidence rate and prevalence rate.

b) A study revealed that among 30 males 10 were obese and among 20 females 10 were obese. Use chi square test to find whether sex and obesity are associated.

3. a) Explain Regression analysis

b) In a study to find out the association between the distance from the health centre and the number of antenatal visits, the following date are obtained.

Find the correlation coefficient Distance (Km) : 2 2 4 6 7 8 9 10 No of Visits : 6 7 5 4 4 3 2 1

4. Two independent samples of Albino rats chosen among both the sexes had the following increase in weight when fed on a diet Table value = 2.179

(a) Can you say that the mean increase in weight differs significantly with sex?

(b) Calculate 95% Confidence Interval for both sexes

Male: 96 88 97 89 92 95 90 Female: 112 80 98 100 84 82 89

5. a) Discuss testing of hypothesis procedure.

b) Calculate Mann-Whitney ‘U’ test value for following Hemoglobin data and give your interpretation.

Study Group 6 9 10 11 14

Control Group 9 12 8 10 11 12 14

6. a) Non parametric tests.

b) Systolic Blood Pressure of 10 normal individuals were observed as 122, 121, 120, 115, 126, 130, 120, 125, 128, 130. A stimulus was administered and the Systolic Blood Pressure observed as 120, 118, 115, 110, 122, 130, 116, 124, 125, 128. Test whether the stimulus has effect. (Table value = 2.262)

7. a) Explain the procedure of test of significance.

b) In a drug experiment before and after the experiment, the response obtained from 100 patients were classified gave the following information.

Before After

Improved Worst

Improved 20 30

Worst 40 10

Test at 5% level of significance by using Mc.Nemar test whether there has been a significant change before and after treatment.

8. a) Explain the procedure of test of significance. b) Pain score before and after the intervention on joint pain has been given.

Test whether the intervention has significant effect to reduce the joint pain. (LOS: 0.05%, table value: 2.26).

Before 9 8 6 7 8 7 9 6 10 7

After 4 3 3 4 2 2 3 1 5 3

9. a) Explain the types of correlation.

b) Calculate coefficients of correlation for the following data.

Age 43 21 25 42 57 59

Glucose level 99 65 79 75 87 81

10. a) Explain the different measures of central tendencies.

b) A sample of 12 fathers and their eldest sons gave the following data about their height in inches:

Father 65 63 67 64 68 62 70 66 68 67 69 71

Son 68 66 68 65 69 66 68 65 71 67 68 70

Calculate the coefficient of rank correlation.

11. a) Various types of Measures of central tendencies.

b) Calculate Karl Pearson’s correlation between hours of daily study and the marks obtained by 7 students.

Hours of study : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Marks secured : 40 48 50 57 66 72 87


1. A certain stimulus administered to each of the 12 patients resulted in the following increase of blood pressure 5, 2, 8,-1, 3, 0, -2, 1, 5, 0, 4 and 6. Can it be concluded that the stimulus will in general be accompanied by an increase in blood pressure?

2. Explain how linear regression equations are useful in prediction.

3. Mann-Whitney U-test.

4. Incidence and prevalence rate.

5. Sector diagram.

6. Type I and Type II errors.


8. Z Score.

9. Net reproduction rate.

10. P-value.

11. Beta coefficient.

12. Explain the different types of diagrammatic presentation and mention the advantages.

13. Coefficient of variation.

14. Linear Regression Analysis.

15. Normal distribution.

16. Analysis of variance.

17. Diagrammatic representation of data.

18. Type I and type II errors.

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