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Elaborate on:

1. a) Define acute renal failure.

b) Classify causes of renal failure and clinical manifestations with related pathophysiology.

c) Draw a nursing care plan for the patient with acute renal failure.

d) Role of nephro nurse in dialysis unit.

2. a) Define quality assurance.

b) Explain the importance of quality control in transplant unit.

c) Explain the role of nephro nurse in maintaining quality assurance in nephro unit.

d) Nursing audit in nephro unit.

3. a) Define Urinary retention.

b) List the different types of catheters and indications for urinary catheterization.

c) Explain four routes used for urinary tract catheterization.

d) Explain the collaborative care for urinary retention.

4. a) Define Kidney transplantation.

b) Discuss the role of nurse in pre-operative and post-operative care in the kidney transplant unit.

c) Legal aspects of donor selection – Discuss?

5. 70 year old man admitted in emergency department with the diagnosis of chronic renal failure. After investigations patient was advised for haemodialysis.

a) Define chronic renal failure.

b) Explain the causes and predisposing factors for chronic renal failure.

c) Write a nursing management for that patient.

d) Complications of haemodialysis.

6. Mr. Ram 80 year’s old man admitted in surgical unit with the diagnosis of BPH.

a) Define BPH.

b) Clinical manifestation of BPH.

c) Surgical management of BPH.

d) Draw a care plan for Mr. Ram.

7. a) Define Glomerulonephritis.

b) List the various types of Glomerulonephritis.

c) Explain the etio-pathology of Glomerulonephritis.

d) Discuss in detail the collaborative management of a patient with Glomerulonephritis.

8. Explain in detail about Renal Transplantation including the medico-legal issues.

9. a) Define acute renal failure.

b) Explain the etio-pathology of acute renal failure.

c) Discuss in detail the collaborative management of patient with acute renal failure.

10. Mr. X is diagnosed as having renal calculi. Explain in detail about renal calculi and discuss the collaborative management including nursing management.

11. Mr. Nathan, 60 years old man was diagnosed to have Renal calculi. He was advised to undergo surgery for his problem.

a) Enumerate the causes and risk factors of Renal calculi.

b) Describe the clinical manifestations and diagnostic measures.

c) Discuss the surgical management for this condition.

d) Draw a nursing care plan for Mr. Nathan.

12. Define Quality Assurance. Explain on Professional Practice Standards and ensuring quality control in Nephrology unit.

13. Mr. Ramesh, 60 years old man got admitted in urological unit with the diagnosis of cancer bladder. He was advised to undergo radiation therapy.

a) Enumerate the causes and risk factors of cancer bladder.

b) Describe the clinical manifestations and diagnostic measures.

c) Discuss the management for this condition.

d) Draw a nursing care plan for Mr. Ramesh.

14. a) Define urinary retention.

b) List the different types of catheters and indications for urinary catheterization.

c) Explain four routes for urinary tract catheterization.

d) Explain the collaborative care for urinary retention.

15. a) Define nephrotic syndrome.

b) Discuss the causes of nephrotic syndrome and clinical manifestations with related pathophysiology.

c) Draw a nursing care plan for the patient with nephrotic syndrome.

d) Role of nephro-nurse in medical unit.

16. a) Define Kidney Transplantation.

b) Discuss the role of nurse in pre-operative and post-operative care in Kidney Transplantation Unit.

c) Explain legal aspects of donor selection.

17. Mrs. X, 45 years old lady got admitted to emergency department with severe flank pain and was diagnosed to have Renal Calculi.

18. a) Enumerate the Types of Renal Calculi.

b) List the Clinical Manifestations and Diagnostic Studies done for Renal Calculi.

c) Write the various Modalities of treatment and draw a Nursing Care Plan for a patient undergoing surgery for Renal Calculi.

19. a) Define Urinary Diversion.

b) Describe the types of Urinary Diversion.

c) Draw a Pre and Postoperative Nursing Care Plan for a Patient who has undergone Cutaneous Ureterostomy

Write notes on:

1. Psychosocial assessment of patients with nephro and urological conditions.

2. Uroflowmetry.

3. Immuno suppressant therapy.

4. Neurogenic bladder.

5. Nephrotic syndrome.

6. Management of renal emergencies.

7. Current treatment modalities for renal calculi.

8. Acute graft rejection and its management.

9. Rehabilitation of patients on dialysis and after kidney transplant.

10. Legal and ethical issues in nephro and urological nursing.

11. Renal circulation.

12. Common assessment abnormalities of urinary system.

13. Cystoscopy.

14. Renal calculus.

15. Renal trauma.

16. Urinary Incontinence.

17. Urinary tract infection.

18. Renal diet.

19. Alternate and complementary therapies for nephro and urological conditions.

20. Trends and issues related to nephro and urological nursing.

21. Peritoneal dialysis.

22. Current trends in nephro and urological nursing.

23. Renal function tests.

24. Records maintained in dialysis unit.

25. Management of urinary diversions.

26. Graft rejections.

27. Urinary tract infection.

28. Congential anomalies of uterus.

29. Acid base balance.

30. Renal calculi.

31. Kidney Biopsy.

32. Diabetic Nephropathy.

33. Congenital Malformations of Kidney.

34. Haemolytic Uremic Syndrome.

35. Haemodialysis.

36. Renal Diet.

37. Urinary Incontinence.

38. Peritoneal Dialysis.

39. Neurogenic Bladder.

40. Renal Hypertension.

41. Nephrotic Syndrome.

42. Urinary Diversions.

43. Kidney Injury.

44. Urinary Tract Infection.

45. Similarities and contrast between Hemo and Peritoneal dialysis.

46. Recent advances in the field of Nephro and Urological nursing.

47. Uroflowmetry.

48. Diabetic Nephropathy.

49. Home care of Ileal conduit.

50. Role of nurse in preventing urinary problems.

51. Cystogram.

52. Role of advance practioner in nephrological nursing.

53. Evidence based nursing practice in nephro and urology

54. Benign prostate hypertrophy (BPH).

55. Renal function test.

56. Ureteral reflux.

57. Peritoneal dialysis.

58. Congenital anomalies of nephro-urology system.

59. Renal tuberculosis.

60. Diuretics.

61. Urinary Incontinence.

62. Lifestyle modification of patient with renal failure.

63. Urinary Tract Infection.

64. Physiology of Urine Formation.

65. Renal Artery Stenosis.

66. Diabetic Nephropathy.

67. Renal Abcess.

68. Nursing Care of Patient with Urinary Retention.

69. Uroflowmetry.

70. Complications after Renal Transplantation.

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