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M.Sc. Nursing I year Nursing Education

Updated: Aug 8, 2023

Elaborate on:

1-a) Discuss the need and process of curriculum revision.

b) Describe the role of different educational authorities in management of curriculum.

2- Illustrate the different models of collaboration between education and practice

3- a) Difference between formative and summative evaluation.

b) Characteristics of a good evaluation.

4. a) How will you use slides effectively in class room teaching.

b) Advantages of video and computer in nursing education.

5. a) Enumerate the Standardized and Non-standardized tests.

b) Discuss about Validity, Reliability and Construction of tests.

2. Describe about principles, advantages and disadvantages of various types of instruction strategies.

6. a) State the Aims and Objectives of Nursing Education.

b) Distinguish between formal and informal agencies of education.

7. a) What are the basic determinants in developing the philosophy of nursing curriculum? b) Describe any one of the nursing curriculum offered at university level in India with rationale.

8. Define Teaching. Comment on “Teaching is an art as well as a science”. Briefly state on the different types of clinical teaching methods.

2. Define Evaluation. Mention the various techniques and tools of evaluation Elaborate on Rating Scales.

9. (i) Define distance education. (ii) Characteristics of distance education. (iii) Comment on distance education in nursing.

10. (i) Define clinical assignments. (ii) Write on the philosophy which best suits clinical assignment. (iii) Types of clinical assignments.

11. Mention the levels of Course Planning.

b) Discuss the principles of planning of course outline.

12. a) Describe the guidelines for selection and use of Teaching Learning methods.

b) Discuss the seminar as a method of teaching.

13. a) Define Education.

List out the Modern Contemporary Philosophies of Education and explain any two Philosophies.

14. a) Define Guidance and Counseling.

b) Explain the difference between Guidance and Counseling and describe the Counseling techniques for Counseling the first year nursing student.

15. Define evaluation. Mention the types of evaluation and explain each in detail.

16. a) State the aims and objectives of nursing education.

b) Explain in detail about the current trends in nursing education in India.

17. a) Define evaluation.

b) Enumerate the differences between measurement and evaluation.

c) Describe in detail the evaluation methods for different domains.

18. a) Classify educational objectives.

b) Explain the principles in selection of learning experiences.

c) Describe the different methods used in clinical teaching.

19. a) Elaborate in detail about organizing continuing education.

b) Discuss the concepts and theories of adult learning.

20. a) Describe the various instructional strategies.

b) Appreciate the differences between nursing clinic and nursing rounds.

21. a. Theories of teaching and learning.

b. Write in detail about methods of clinical teaching.

22. a. Role of curriculum co-ordinator in planning, implementing and evaluation of curriculum.

.b. Curriculum research in nursing.

23. a. Definition of Teaching and Learning Process.

b. Elaborate Theories of Current Teaching Learning Process.

c. Distinguish between Teaching and Learning Process.

24. Describe about various Standards and Accreditation in Nursing Education Program.

25. Explain the curriculum change.

b. Discuss the selection and organization of learning experience?

26. Comment on the current issues of nursing education and also explain in the detail the emerging trends in nursing educations.

Write notes on:

1. Role of Indian nursing council.

2. Continuing Nursing education.

3. Micro-Teaching.

4. Performance appraisal.

5. Counseling services at institutional level.

6. Principles in planning and organizing clinical experience.

7. Projected visual aids.

8. Distance education in nursing.

9. Faculty development programs.

10. Master plan.

11. Reliability.

12. Factors affecting curriculum.

13. Write the philosophy and objectives for a B.Sc. (N) programme

14. Aims of education.

15. Lesson plan.

16. Principles in selection of A.V. Aids.

17. Rating scale.

18. Personality test.

19. Principles of adult learning.

20. Public relations.

21. Role of boards and university.

22. Peer evaluation.

23. Cumulative evaluation.

24. Teaching strategies.

25. Correlation of Theory and Practice.

26. Application of Idealism in nursing education.

27. Concept of faculty supervisor position.

28. Qualities of an evaluation tool.

29. Field Trip.

30. Staffing.

31. Student discipline.

32. Communicating health messages to nursing students.

33. Anecdotal records.

34. Trends in nursing education.

35. Principles of curriculum development.

36. Enhancement of psychomotor skills in nursing.

37. Maxims of teaching.

38. OSCE.

39. Audio Visual Aids used in Nursing Education seminar.

40. Vocational guidance.

41. Process recording.

42. Self directed learning.

43. Blooms taxonomy.

44. Core curriculum.

45. Teaching learning environment.

46. Factors affecting nursing education.

47. Inductive vs Deductive method.

48. Bedside clinic.

49. Posters.

50. Objective Structured Clinical Examination.

51. Determinants of curriculum.

52. List any six factors which help in determining the aims of education.

53. Phases of counseling

54. What are the factors that influence Curriculum Development in nursing?

55. Theories of teaching and learning.

56. Validity.

57. Performance appraisal.

58. Micro teaching.

59. INC, TNAI, TNC and SNA.

60. Learning experiences.

61. Programmed instruction

62. Principles of curriculum development.

63. Role of Indian nursing council.

64. Distance education.

65. Formulation of philosophy

66. Maxims of teaching.

67. Students welfare services.

68. Clinical rotation.

69. Standardized tests.

70. Problem based learning.

71. Curriculum development in nursing.

72. Question bank-preparation.

73. Methods of Faculty Evaluation.

74. Item Analysis for Objective Questions.

75. Role of administrator in curriculum change.

76. Organizing counselling services.

77. Role of teacher in using instructional aids.

78. Anecdotal record

79. Lesson plan.

80. Instructional aids.

81. Formative evaluation.

82. Professional preparation and training for counsellor.

83. Discipline.

84. Qualities and competencies of a teacher.

85. Recruitment process in the College of Nursing.

86. Self and Peer Evaluation.

87. Tests of Intelligence.

88. Anecdotal Records.

89. Problem Based Learning.

90. Inductive (vs) Deductive Method.

  1. Taxonomy of educational objectives

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