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Updated: Sep 9, 2022

Elaborate on:

1. What is adjustment disorder? List the etiological theories. Present the diagnostic criteria for adjustment disorder. Write nursing care plan for a patient with adjustment disorder.

2. Describe the cycle of battering in women. Write a nursing care plan for a victim of abuse.

3. What is borderline personality disorder? Discuss those developmental factors as a predisposing factor. Present the diagnostic criteria for borderline personality disorder. Write nursing care plan for a patient with borderline personality disorder.

4. Explain elder abuse. Write nursing care plan for an elderly client

5.a) Explain the psychopathology, types and treatment modalities of depression.

b) Draw a nursing care plan for a patient with depression with suicidal ideas.

6. a) Discuss the etiology and different types of dementia.

b) Write down the nursing care plan of a patient with dementia.

7. a) Define affective disorders.

b) Discuss the various types and explain psychopathology and symptomatology.

c) Draw a nursing care plan of a patient diagnosed with mania.

8. a) Define mental retardation.

b) Discuss the etiology, clinical features and classifications.

c) Explain the management of a 10 year old boy with mental retardation.

9. a) What is substance use disorders and substance induced disorders.

b) Write in detail the treatment modalities for substance related disorders and its nursing management.

10. Explain in detail the ethical and legal issues in mental health Nursing.

11. Explain in detail about Psychiatric emergencies and their management.

12. Discuss the principles of psychiatric nursing in detail.

13. a) Discuss on the theories of Suicide.

b) Discuss on the nursing management of a patient who attempted Suicide and admitted in Psychiatric Ward.

14. Explain in detail about Crisis and Crisis intervention.

15. a) Describe various types of schizophrenia.

b) Discuss the nursing management for a patient with paranoid schizophrenia.

16. Discuss in detail about national mental health program and the role of a nurse in preventive psychiatry.

17. Discuss the clinical manifestations and nursing management of a mentally challenged child.

18. a) Define Mania.

b) List down the clinical features and pre-disposing factors to Mania.

c) Discuss the treatment and nursing management of a patient with Mania.

19. Explain in detail about psychiatric emergencies and their management.

20. Define delirium and discuss the etiology, clinical manifestation and nursing care of client with delirium.

21. a) Define substance use disorder. Discuss the medical management of patient with opioid dependence syndrome.

b) Discuss the nursing management of patient with alcohol withdrawal syndrome.

22. a) Discuss the psycho-pathology of eating disorder.

b) Explain in detail on nursing management of teenage with Anorexia Nervosa.

Write notes on:

1. Differentiate major depression form dysthymic depression.

2. HIV counselling.

3. Principles of deinstitutionalization.

4. Family education for anxiety disorder.

5. Clinical forensic nursing specialities.

6. Concept care plan for hypochondriasis.

7. Suicide theories.

8. Continuum of depression.

9. Dynamics of sexual dysfunction.

10. Intermittent explosive disorder.

11. Critical pathways of care – anorexia nervosa.

12. Principles of psychiatric rehabilitation.

13. New freedom commission on mental health.

14. End of life issues – Counselling.

15. Dissociative disorders.

16. Crisis intervention.

17. Conduct disorder.

18. Aggression management.

19. Mentally challenged.

20. Obsessive compulsive disorder.

21. Conversion disorder.

22. Nursing care of a patient with Anorexia nervosa.

23. Counseling.

24. Half way home.

25. Types of schizophrenia.

26. National mental health programme.

27. Administration and management of psychiatric ward.

28. Antisocial personality disorder.

29. Crisis intervention.

30. Legal responsibilities of a psychiatric nurse.

31. Counselling.

32. National Mental Health Program.

33. Psycho sexual disorders.

34. Sheltered workshops.

35. Specific problems faced by mental hospitals.

36. Anger Management.

37. Obsessive compulsive disorder.

38. Phobia.

39. Family Therapy.

40. Anti depressants.

41. Anorexia Nervosa.

42. Delirium.

43. Sexual disorders.

44. Phases of crisis.

45. Sleep disorder.

46. Post traumatic stress disorder.

47. Catatonic schizophrenia.

48. Anorexia nervosa.

49. Psychosocial aspects of ageing.

50. Legal issues in mental health nursing.

51. Aggression management.

52. Autistic disorder.

53. Dementia.

54. Types of Schizophrinia.

55. Counseling of HIV patients.

56. Legal aspects of Psychiatric Nursing.

57. Lithium toxicity

58. Counselling of HIV/AIDS.

59. Attempted suicide.

60. Psychiatric problems among elderly.

61. Generalized anxiety disorder.

62. Treatment of mania.

63. Management of alcoholic disorder.

64. Grief and grief reaction.

65. Legal issues in psychiatric nursing.

66. Violence.

67. National mental health programme.

68. Sexual disorders.

69. Catatonic schizophrenia.

70. Amnestic disorder.

71. Anti-social personality disorder.

72. Principles of Psychiatric Nursing.

73. Generalized Anxiety disorder.

74. Adjustment disorder.

75. Differentiate Anger and Aggression.

76. Sleep disorder.

77. Major Tranquillizer

78. Conduct disorder.

79. Legal issues in psychiatric nursing.

80. Schizo-affective disorder.

81. Post-traumatic disorder.

82. Gender Identity disorders.

83. Quality Assurance in psychiatric nursing.

84. Histrionic personality disorder

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