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Updated: Sep 10, 2022

Elaborate on:

1. Mr. X, 30 yrs old met with an accident and was admitted in emergency department with diagnosis of head injury.

a) Write immediate neurological assessment of Mr. X

b) Discuss the medical and nursing management of Mr. X for first 8 hours.

2. a) Explain in detail types of aphasia.

b) Discuss the medical and nursing management of this patient including rehabilitation.

3. a.Discuss the nursing management of a patient with unconsciousness.

b) Types of space occupying lesions (SOLS) and its management.

4. a) Nursing management of patients with spiral cord injuries.

b) Explain the surgical and nursing management of children with hydrocephalus.

5. a) Medical and nursing management of cerebro vascular accident.

b) Write down the pathophysilogy of facial palsy and its nursing care plan.

6. a) Define epilepsy. Explain types, stages of epilepsy and Describe the immediate management of epilepsy.

b) Explain the quality control in neurological nursing practice.

a) Explain the types of stroke.

b) Describe the etiopathogenesis of ischemic stroke.

c) Draw a nursing care plan for a patient with ischemic stroke.

7. a) Describe the pathophysiology of a patient with myasthenia gravis.

b) Explain the clinical manifestations of myasthenia gravis.

c) Enumerate the rehabilitation of a patient with myasthenia gravis.

8. a) Discuss the nursing management of patient with unconsciousness.

b) Define epilepsy. Explain types, stages and management of epilepsy.

9. a) Describe the types of Space Occupying Lesions (SOLs) and its management.

b) Discuss the medical and nursing management of Cerebro Vascular Accident (CVA).

10. Mrs. ‘X’ admitted and diagnosed as Guillain Barre Syndrome.

a) Write the causes, clinical manifestations, pathophysiology of Guillain Barre Syndrome.

b) Write the medical and nursing management of Mrs. ‘X’.

11. a) Explain the etiology, pathophysiology and clinical manifestations of Meningitis.

b) Identify five nursing diagnoses and write the nursing care plan for a patient with Meningitis.

12. Mr. Ram 50 years old, admitted in hospital in unconscious stage.

a) Write the causes for unconsciousness.

b) Describe the assessment of an unconscious patient.

c) Explain in detail about the management for unconscious patient.

13. a) Define Parkinson’s disease.

b) Describe the pathophysiology, clinical manifestations and diagnostic evaluation in Parkinson’s disease.

c) Explain about the management for patients with Parkinson’s disease.

14. Mr. Sekar 70 years old, admitted in hospital and diagnosed as cerebrovascular accident. a) Write the types and causes of cerebrovascular accident.

b) Describe the pathophysiology and clinical manifestations of cerebrovascular accident.

c) Explain in detail about the management for cerebrovascular accident.

Write notes on:

1. Space occupying lesions.

2. Spinabifida.

3. Neurogenic bladder.

4. Ataxia.

5. Hydrocephalus.

6. Epilepsy.

7. Down’s syndrome.

8. Brain death and organ transplantation - ethical and legal issues.

9. Glasgow coma scale.

10. Metabolic changes following injury and starvation.

12. Classification of seizures and its medical management.

13. Euthanasia.

14. Types of Head injuries.

15. Clinical features of increased intracranial pressure.

16. Diabetes Insipidus.

17. Pharmacological management of Parkinson’s disease.

18. Syncope.

19. Menier’s Syndrome.

20. Dementia.

21. Encephalitis.

22. EEG.

23. Anti convulsive drugs.

24. Carpal tunnel syndrome.

25. Space occupying lesions.

26. Ethical issues related to neuro nursing.

27. Myasthenia gravis.

28. Neuro syphilis.

29. Glasco coma scal

30. Metabolic encephalopathy.

31. Emergency management of spinal cord injury.

32. Brain tumors.

33. Herniation of a lumbar disc.

34. Quality control in neurological nursing.

35. Relevance of Health promotion and disease prevention in neurological conditions.

36. Epidural hematoma.

37. Ethical issues related to neuro nursing.

38. Cerebral angiography.

39. Increased intra Cranial Pressure.

40. Meningitis.

41. Syncope.

42. Sleep disorders.

43. Quality control in neurological nursing.

44. Plan and develop physical layout of Neuro IW.

45. Subarachnoid Haemorrhage.

46. Neuro syphilis.

47. Brain death and organ transplantation.

48. Myasthenia gravis.

49. States of impaired consciousness.

50. Emerging trends in Neurosurgery.

51. Evidence based nursing in neurological and neurosurgical nursing.

52. Intra-cranial pressure.

53. Cerebral palsy.

54. Alzheimer’s disease.

55. Chronic fatigue syndrome.

56. Poliomyelitis.

57. Peripheral neuropathy

58. Cerebral aneurysm.

59. Concepts and principles of rehabilitation.

60. Status epilepticus.

61. Chorea.

62. Communication in case of impairment.

63. Electro-encephalogram.

64. Encephalitis.

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