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Msc. Nursing II Year BRANCH II – CHILD HEALTH (PAEDIATRIC) NURSING Important Questions

Updated: Sep 8, 2022

Elaborate on:

1. a) List out the anomalies of the nervous system.

b) Difference between spinabifida and myelomeningocele.

c) Clinical manifestations of myelomeningocele.

d) Explain the nursing management of myelomeningocele.

2. a) List out the problems of the child with cleft lip and cleft palate.

b) Etiology for cleft lip and cleft palate.

c) Discuss the pre-operative management of cleft lip.

d) Explain the post-operative management of cleft lip.

3. a) List down the common congenital acyanotic and cyanotic heart diseases in children.

b) Describe the pathophysiology of congenital cyanotic heart.

c) A toddler is admitted in the ICU after corrective surgery of Tetrology of Fallot.

4. As a paediatric nurse, you are assigned to plan a paediatric intensive care unit. Discuss in detail how will you go about in planning the physical setup, equipment supplies and personnel.

5. Discuss in detail about resuscitation, stabilization, and monitoring of children admitted in paediatric intensive care unit.

6. a) Define broncho-pneumonia.

b) Explain the causes, pathophysiology and clinical features of broncho- pneumonia.

c) Describe the nursing care of child with broncho-pneumonia.

7. Master. Babu eight months old is diagnosed as a case of Intestinal obstruction.

a) List out the causes for Intestinal obstruction.

b) Clinical manifestations of Intestinal obstruction.

c) How will you prepare the child for surgery?

d) Explain the post operative management of Master. Babu.

8. A three years old child admitted in paediatric ward with the complaints of generalized edema.

a) Difference between Nephrotic syndrome and Nephritis.

b) Explain the pathophysiology of Nephrotic syndrome.

c) Explain the medical and nursing management for nephrotic syndrome.

9. Master Kavin eight years old is diagnosed as a case of Rheumatic Fever.

a) Define Rheumatic fever and list its cause.

b) Write the Pathophysiology and its clinical manifestation. c) Describe the Medical and Nursing Management of Rheumatic Fever.

10. Child admitted with a history of Tracheo-oesophageal Fistula.

a) Define Tracheo-oesophageal fistula.

b) Describe the different type of Tracheo-oesophageal fistula.

c) Discuss the medical and surgical treatment modalities of Tracheooesophageal fistula.

d) Explain the pre and post operative nursing care.

11. Su , a 7 year old child is admitted to the pediatric ward with a diagnosis of Meningitis.

a) Define Meningitis.

b) Write the pathophysiology of meningitis.

c) Explain the medical & nursing management for child Su.

12. Child Kivi is admitted to the emergency unit with 40% burn injuries.

a) Explain the pathophysiology of burns.

b) Discuss the fluid replacement therapy for the child.

c) Explain the medical & nursing management for Kivi.

13. a) Define High risk newborn.

b) Classify High risk newborn.

c) Explain the assessment and nursing care of High risk newborn.

14. a) Define cleft lip and cleft palate.

b) Explain feeding techniques for the new born with cleft palate.

c) Explain pre and post operative nursing care of children with cleft palate.

15. Ms. Amu 10 years old is on treatment of Thalassemia.

a) Define and classify Thalassemia.

b) Explain the pathophysiology and clinical manifestation of Thalassemia.

c) Write the medical and nursing management for Ms. Amu

16. a) Define Hirschsprung’s disease.

b) List the clinical manifestations.

c) Describe the medical and surgical management of child with Hirschsprung’s disease.

d) Draw a nursing care plan for a child with Hirschsprung’s disease.

17. Master Manoj 10 years old is admitted in the paediatric ward with the diagnosis of meningitis.

a) Define meningitis.

b) Explain pathophysiology and clinical features of meningitis.

c) Discuss medical and nursing management of meningitis.

18. Describe in detail the organization of neonatal intensive care unit and management of nursing services in NICU.

19. Master Rahul aged 2 years is admitted in the Paediatric ward with diagnosis of Hydrocephalus.

a) Discuss the clinical manifestations and diagnostic evaluation of Hydrocephalus.

b) Explain the treatment modalities and nursing management of this child.

20. Describe briefly about the different neonatal infections. As a nurse of delivery room, what are the preventive measures you would undertake in prevention of those infections?

21. a) Define leukemia and list out the types of leukemia.

b) Explain the pathophysiology and clinical manifestation of leukemia.

c) Describe the medical and nursing management.

22. a) Define ano-rectal malformation.

b) Explain the classification and clinical manifestation.

c) Describe the pre- and post-operative nursing management.

23. Master Arun, 8 years old child is admitted with the diagnosis of Chronic Adeno Tonsillitis. a) Define Tonsillitis and list down the Causes of Tonsillitis.

b) Explain the Types, Pathophysiology and Clinical Features of Tonsillitis.

c) Write the Pre and Postoperative management of child with Tonsillectomy.

24. a) Define Bronchial Asthma and its Causes.

b) Explain the Pathophysiology and Clinical Features of Bronchial Asthma.

c) Describe the Medical and Nursing Management of Child with Bronchial Asthma

Write notes on:

1. Jones criteria.

2. Cystic fibrosis.

3. Staff development program.

4. Adjustment reaction to school.

5. Legal issues in child health nursing.

6. Phototherapy.

7. Asphyxia neonatorum.

8. HIV in children.

9. Pyloric Stenosis.

10. Autism.

11. Newborn Resuscitation.

12. Expanded and Extended Role of a Paediatric Nurse.

13. Mental Retardation.

14. Rheumatic Heart Disease.

15. Rhabdomyosarcoma.

16. Legal and ethical issues in paediatric Intensive care.

17. Neonatal seizures.

18. Hypoxic Ischemic encephalopathy.

19. Current principles and trends in paediatric nursing.

20. Congenital hypothyroidism in newborn.

21. Anatomical and physiological basis of critical illness in children.

22. Hydrocephalus in children.

23. Marasmus.

24. Wilm’s tumor.

25. In-service education program in paediatric care.

26. Oxygen administration.

27. Cerebral palsy.

28. Habit disorders.

29. Kerosene poisoning.

30. Ventilator Dependent Child.

31. Sickle cell anemia.

32. Assessment of dehydration in children.

33. Discuss the ‘Jones criteria’ for diagnosis of rheumatic fever.

34. Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD).

35. Adjustment reaction to school.

36. Principles and practices in prediatric nursing.

37. Liver transplantation.

38. Bone tumours.

39. Lyme Disease.

40. Icterus Neonaturum.

41. Poliomyelitis.

42. Wilm’s tumour.

43. Phenylketonuria.

44. Juvenile Diabetes Mellitus.

45. Transportation of sick neonates.

46. Osteomyelitis.

47. Care of child with Protein energy malnutrition.

48. Nutritional needs of critically ill child.

49. Learning disabilities.

50. Vitamin A deficiency.

51. Diabetes insipidus.

52. Rheumatic fever.

53. Hydrocephalus.

54. Hodgkin lymphoma.

55. Hemolytic uremic syndrome.

56. Ethical issues in pediatric intensive care.

57. Rheumatic heart disease.

58. Non Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.

59. Club foot.

60. Meningitis in newborn.

61. Nutritional needs of critically ill child.

62. Rheumatic fever.

63. Liver transplantation.

64. Criteria for dose calculation in children.

65. Learning disabilities.

66. Hemophilia.

67. Broncho-pneumonia.

68. Galactosemia.

69. Nursing care of mentally challenged children.

70. In-service education needs for paediatric nurses.

71. Care of a child with cystic fibrosis.

72. Documentation in paediatric care unit.

73. Infantile autism.

74. Drugs used in newborn.

75. Control of cross infection in nursery.

76. Childhood schizophrenia.

77. Training and rehabilitation of challenged children.

78. Hyaline membrane disease.

79. Neonatal resuscitation.

80. Role of nurse in managing hospitalized children.

81. Developmental dysplasia of hip.

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