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M.Sc. Nursing II Year NURSING MANAGEMENT Important Questions

Updated: Sep 8, 2022

Elaborate on:

1. Describe the principles of administration applied to nursing.

2. Write briefly the leadership styles in nursing at various levels.

3. a) List the steps in Fiscal planning.

b) Estimate a budget plan for the college of nursing for the academic year 2021–2022.

c) Discuss in detail about Health economics.

4. a) Define Leadership.

b) Discuss the concepts and theories of Leadership.

c) Describe the various Leadership styles and Leadership behaviour.

5. Explain the methods of patient assignment.

6. Plan the staffing for a 300 bedded super speciality hospital based on INC norm.

7. Describe the principles of administration applied to nursing.

8. a) Define motivation.

b) Write the types and theories of motivation.

9. a) Enumerate the types of budget and cost-effectiveness.

b) Discuss the role of a nurse administrator in budgeting for various units and levels in the Hospital.

10. a) Explain various leadership styles.

b) Describe different theories of leadership and the application of leadership in nursing management.

11. Interpersonal conflicts hinder effective outcome - Discuss. How would you as a Nursing Supervisor maintain minimum conflicts in your ward.

12. a) Enumerate principles of organization.

b) Explain responsibility of Nursing Superintendent of hospital in planning and organizing nursing service for providing quality care.

13. Define organization. Write about the principles and theories of organization.

14. a) Discuss the nurse manager’s role in decision-making models.

b) Discuss the influence of power and politics in nursing.

15. Write briefly about health care delivery system in nursing at various levels.

16. Discuss elaborately about conflict management:

a) Definition.

b) Process of conflict management.

c) Role of nurse in conflict management.

17. a) Define administration. Write about principles and techniques of administration.

b) Discuss theories and models of administration applied in nursing.

c) Role of nurse manager in administration of Nursing Service and Education.

18. Write briefly about Quality Assurance in Nursing.

19. a) Enumerate the steps in Fiscal Planning.

b) Discuss in detail about Cost Effectiveness.

20. Define conflict. How will you manage conflicts in your Ward as a Nurse Supervisor?

Write notes on:

1. Health care delivery system of your state.

2. Decision-making.

3. Methods of patient assignment.

4. Staff development programme.

5. Factors influencing motivation.

6. Nursing Audit.

7. Types of Budget.

8. Principles of administration.

9. Innovations in nursing.

10. Organizational structure.

11. Legal issues in nursing.

12. Motivational theories.

13 Collective bargaining.

14. Nursing informatics.

15. Team Nursing.

16. McGregor’s theory X and Y.

17. Difference between administration and management.

18. Process of decision-making.

19. National health policy.

20. Management information and evaluation system.

21. Analysis in material management.

22. Group dynamics.

23. Concepts and principles of supervision.

24. Legal issues in nursing.

25. Critical pathway method.

26. Lobbying.

27. Quality assurance.

28. Tele-nursing.

29. Conflict management.

30. Performance appraisal.

31. In-service education.

32. Staffing.

33. Methods of patient assignment.

34. Communication.

35. Material management.

36. Advantages of duty rotation plan.

37. Principles and components of planning.

38. Role of a nurse in Infection control.

39. Public relations in an educational institution.

40. Current trends in management.

41. Factors influencing staffing.

42. Power and politics.

43. Organization of Nursing Services and patient care.

44. Discipline.

45. Infection control.

46. Health Insurance.

47. Recruitment.

48. Management Information and Evaluation System (MIES).

49. Theories of motivation.

50. Recruitment process.

51. Code of ethics and professional conduct.

52. Cost-effectiveness.

53. Primary nursing care.

54. Peer evaluation.

55. Difference between administration and management.

56. Electronic medical records.

57. Characteristic of an effective leader.

58. Consumer protection act.

59. Inventory control.

60. Programme evaluation and review technique.

61. Personnel policies.

62. Organizational climate.

63. Principles of material management.

64. Differentiate Between Administration and Management

65. Innovation in Nursing.

66. Disaster Management Plan.

67. Recruitment and Selection.

68. Methods of Procurement.

69. Quality Assurance Activities in the Ward.

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