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M.Sc. Nursing I year MENTAL HEALTH (PSYCHIATRIC) NURSING Important Questions

Updated: Sep 8, 2022


1. Define stress. Explain psychological adaptation to stress. Discuss nurse’s role in the management of stress.

2. Discuss briefly normal reaction and problems related to pregnancy and peurperium. How do you manage these problems? Write a note on premarital counseling.

3. What is adjustment disorder? List the etiological theories. Present the diagnostic criteria for adjustment disorder. Write nursing care plan for a patient with adjustment disorder.

4. Describe the cycle of battering in women. Write a nursing care plan for a victim of abuse.

5. a) Define theory.

b) Enumerate the types of theory.

c) Explain the cognitive development theory in detail.

6. a) What is borderline personality disorder?

b) Discuss those developmental factors as a predisposing factor.

c) Present the diagnostic criteria for borderline personality disorder.

d) Write a nursing care plan for a patient with borderline personality disorder.

7. Explain elder abuse. Write a nursing care plan for an elderly client.

8. a) Explain the psychopathology, types and treatment modalities of depression.

b) Draw a nursing care plan for a patient with depression with suicidal ideas.

9. a) Discuss the etiology and different types of dementia.

b) Write down the nursing care plan of a patient with dementia.

10. a. Define personality.

b. Enumerate the types of personality developmental theory.

c. Explain in detail Eric Ericson’s developmental theory in detail.

11. a. Explain the psychological aspect of a pregnant mother.

b. Problems related to conception, pregnancy and Puerperium.

c. Write in detail about Marital counseling.

12. a) Describe the trends in the field of mental health and mental health nursing.

b) Discuss the issues in the field of mental health and mental health nursing.

13. a) Describe the phases of nurse patient relationship in detail.

b) Discuss in detail on stress management

14. Define Electro convulsive therapy. Write the nursing responsibility for pre, during and post ECT care.

15. Define psychiatric nursing and differentiate between medical and psychiatric assessment and explain in detail the psychiatric history taking as an important assessment.

16. What is Therapeutic Communication? Explain the Techniques and Barriers of Therapeutic Communication.

17. Define Stress and describe in detail the General Adaptation Syndrome and Transaction Model of Stress Adaptation

Short Notes:

1. Mental Health and Mental illness.

2. Neuro psychiatric disorders.

3. Cognitive development theory.

4. Assertive training.

5. Components of self concepts and its manifestations in low self-esteem.

6. Mental status examination.

7. Electroconvulsive therapy

8. Differentiate major depression from dysthymic depression.

9. HIV counselling.

10. Principles of deinstitutionalization.

11. Family education for anxiety disorder.

12. Clinical forensic nursing specialities.

13. Concept care plan for hypochondriasis.

14. Suicide theories

15. Occupational therapy.

16. Explain about the documentation process in problem - oriented recording and focus charting.

17. Effect of herbal medicine on mental health.

18. Psychoanalytic’s theory - Freud’s.

19. Standards of psychiatric nursing.

20. Explain the stress management.

21. Implications for nursing in psychobiology.

22. Continuum of depression.

23. Dynamics of sexual dysfunction.

24. Intermittent explosive disorder.

25. Critical pathways of care – anorexia nervosa.

26. Principles of psychiatric rehabilitation.

27. New freedom commission on mental health.

28. End of life issues – Counselling.

29. Dissociative disorders.

30. Crisis intervention.

31. Conduct disorder.

32. Aggression management.

33. Mentally challenged.

34. Obsessive compulsive disorder.

35. Conversion disorder.

36. Nursing care of a patient with Anorexia nervosa.

37. Counseling.

38. Halfway home.

39. Types of schizophrenia.

40. National mental health programme.

41. Administration and management of psychiatric ward.

42. Neuro transmitters

43. Stress adaptation theory

44. Therapeutic communication

45. Assertive behaviour

46. Yoga

47. Mental health and Mental illness

48. Neuroleptics

49. Mental status examination

50. Role of nurse in promoting self-esteem

51. Behaviour therapy.

52. ICD classification of mental illness.

53. Post-partum depression.

54. National mental health program.

55. Mental Health Act.

56. Antipsychotics.

57. Standards of Psychiatric Nursing.

58. Circadian Rhythms.

59. Theory of Psychosocial development.

60. Guided imagery technique.

61. Group therapy

62. Individual therapy.

63. Mood stabilizer.

64. Therapeutic techniques.

65. Peplau's nursing model.

66. Antianxiety agents.

67. Self concept.

68. Acupressure and Acupuncture.

69. Family therapy.

70. Concept mapping.

71. Lithium Toxicity.

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