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Introduction Of computer (Unit-I) BSC. Nursing I year

What is Computer?

Computer is an electronic machine. Which take raw data, process according to the instructions given by user and product the output on output device.

How computer work?


Meaning Of Computer Word

C- Calculate

O- Operate

M- Memory

P- Print

U- Update

T- Tabulate

E- Edit

R- Research

History of computer

First Computer Abacus, it is use for simple calculation work. Now, kinder garden school using for children calculation with fun.

Napier's bones - it was use for large and complex calculation work.

Charles Babbage (Father of computer)

Analytical Engine-

Difference engine- it is also invented by Charles Babbage, after modification of analytical engine.

Generation of computer

First generation- Big size required more electricity, more chance of failure.

Example Vaccum tube

Second generation-becomes smaller size, less electricity required, speed also faster than first generation. Example-Transistor,

Third generation-Overall improvement, become integrated circuit,

Forth generation-Micro computer, for example- very large scale integrated circuit.

Fifth generation- Artificial intelligence or today’s computer.

Type of computer

Analog computer- a electronic computer that performs arithmetical operations by using some variable physical quantity, such as mechanical movement , eye checking machine.

Digital computer- It is use for calculation data feeding.

It is four type.

Mini-computer- It is use in faster than personal computer. Minicomputer has largest storage capacity

For example-Railway, banking computer.

Micro-computer- It is also called personal computer. Personal computer, home computer, laptop

Mainframe computer- it is use in networking filled.

Super Computer- It is most powerful and expensive computer. It is use for weather forecasting, weapon research.

Hybrid Computer- It is a combination of analog and digital computer. It is mainly use in scientific filed.

Hardware- All part of computer that we can see and touch is called Hardware.

  1. Input device- All device that are use to feed data into computer called Input Device I.Keyboard- It is always attached with the computer It has three type of keys.

a. Function key- F1 to F12

b. Alpha-numaric keys- 0 to 9, A to Z

c. Special keys- Enter,Alt,Ctrl,Shift,backspace, and all.

II. Scanner- it is use to scan image and send into CPU.

III. Mouse- It is use in graphical package. It has two or three button.

2. Output Device – All device that are use to show data into computer is called output device.

I. Monitor- It is also called VDU, Video display unit.

II. Printer- It is use to print the matter on paper.

III. Speaker- It is use to convert our information in audio form.

3. CPU (Centre processing unit)- It is main part of computer. All the operations are control by CPU. It is also called brain of computer.

It is divided into three parts.

ALU-(Arithmetical Logical Unit) ALU Control all the arithmetical operation like addition, subtraction, multiplexing, division and logical observation.

CU- Control Unit to control the activity and process.

MU- to store the information.

4. Storage devices-All devices that are use for store the data is called storage device when any data store in our computer it reserves space in computer memory and hard disk.

In memory, bit is a lower measurement of data in a computer. Bit is combination of 0 & 1, Byte is combination of bit.

1 byte= 8 bit,

1 character = 1 byte

1 kilobyte= 1024 byte

1 megabyte= 1024 KB

1 gigabyte= 1024 MB

Software-Is set of program. We cannot touch because it is written in machine language. Three types of software.

1. System Software- is necessary to start a computer because it is use to control the hardware activity.

Example- Loader linker, assembler, operating system (Window)

2. Application Software- it is use for special work. Example- MS Office package(Word,powerpoint,excel and access) Accounting Package-(Tally, SAP), Drawing package- paint, corel draw.

Language package- Java, C, C++.

3. Utility Software- it is use for entertainment, virtual protection and repair of the disk and other work. For example- anti virus, gaming and videos.

Characteristics of Computer- Speed, accuracy, diligence, storage capability and versatility are some of the key characteristics of a computer.

Application of computer in nursing-

1- Healthcare Record

2- Administration Work

3- Education

4- Nursing research and survey.

1- Health care work- computer use in healthcare work like recording and keeping patient details. For example- handheld monitors • (e.g., pulse oximetry & peripheral blood glucose monitors, Infusion pumps...) • Wireless technology with automatic nurse paging capability when client measurements fall outside of normal parameter

·Use information & communication technology to document & evaluate patient care, advance patient education, & enhance the accessibility of care.

· Use appropriate technology to assess & monitor patients.

Nursing station system - It is located in each ward for patient care management • Test requesitition • Dietary requirement • Drug administration schedule

2- Administration work- staff duties, salary and performance record.

1-Human Resources- Employers must maintain a database, for each employee ➢ Data’s include demographic salary, life support certification, health requirement, performance appraisal.

2- Medical Records- Computerization of medical records is utilized for ✓ Monthly demographic data analysis ✓ Hospital mortality and morbidity rate ✓ Monthly and annual report ✓ Reference

3- Personnel management-Nursing audit ▪ Performance record ▪ Leave record ▪ Salary ▪ Promotion ▪ Career development

4- Facilities management-managing building and non nursing services – Control heating – Air conditioning – Ventilation – Alarm system – Readers (scanning IDcards) – Barcodes • Budget and Finance-Billing ▪ Salary.

3- Education- to tech nursing student and professionals through various PowerPoint presensations and projector presentation.

In nursing education, computers are used in

1.Teaching and learning

2. Testing

3. Student and course record management

Computers enhance academic performance for both students and faculty through facilitating ✓ access to literature ✓ computer-assisted instruction ✓ classroom technologies ✓ distance learning. For nursing faculty, liquid crystal display (LCD) panels allow computer screens to be displayed to the entire classroom.

4- Research- Problem identification • Literature Search • Research design • Data Collection and Analysis • Research Dissemination

Surveys, including anonymous questionnaires, can be completed online. For testing, large banks of potential items can be written, and the computer can generate different exams for each student depending on the selection criteria.

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