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B.SC. Nursing First Semester Applied anatomy and physiology

Long Questions:

1. Describe the anatomical position- anterior, ventral, Posterior dorsal, superior, inferior, median, lateral?

2. Describe the anatomical planes?

3. What is movements? Explain about flexion, extension, abduction?

4. What is cell structure and cell division?

5. Define tissue? Its classification and its types?

6. Define membrane? Explain about glands classification and structure?

7. Describe the types of cartilage?

8. Define features of skeletal, smooth and cardiac muscle?

9. Describe the structure of respiratory system

10. Explain about muscles of respiration?

11. Describe the structure of digestive system?

12. Describe the structure of circulatory and lymphatic system?

13. Make the diagram of heart and describe chambers,layers, valve, and arteries position through diagram?

14. Describe the structure of endocrine Glands?

15. Describe the structure of various sensory organs?

16. Describe anatomical position and structure of bones and joints?

17. Make the diagram of human skeletal with classification?

18. Describe types and structure of Muscles?

19. Describe the structure of renal system?

20. Describe the structure of reproductive system with diagram?

21. Describe the structure of nervous system including the distribution of the nerves?

22. Describe the ventricular system?

23. Describe the respiratory system in detail.

24. Name the salivary glands and explain in detail

25. Describe the parts of urinary system with diagram.

26. Name and describe the parts of the digestive system.

27. Describe the different parts of male reproductive system with diagram.

28. Describe the different parts of excretory system with neat diagram.

29. Describe the autonomic nervous system

30. Describe the pituitary gland and its function

31. Describe the ventricles of the heart

32. Describe the different parts of alimentary system.

33. Describe different parts of female reproductive system.

34. Describe endocrine glands with their location.

35. Describe the blood supply of the heart

36. Describe the hip joint in detail

37. Classify the bones with examples, and microstructure. Give detailed explaination of humerus

38. Describe and explain the thyroid gland in detail

39. Name the different parts of central nervous system.

40. Describe the liver in detail and its histology

41. Give four examples of exocrine glands.

42. Explain the differences between endocrine and exocrine glands

43. Describe the cerebellum in details

44. Describe the uterus in details

45. Describe the stomach in details

46. Describe the kidney in details.

47. Describe the testis in details

48. Describe the gross anatomy of urinary bladder

49. Describe the right lung in detail

50. Describe the duodenum in detail

51. Describe the parotid gland in detail

Short Notes:

· Microscopic structure of duodenum

· Neuron

· Name the components of nerve tissue. Describe the nerve cells

· Femoral artery

· The peritoneum and its functions

· Broncho pulmonary segments

· Thyroid gland

· Lymphoid tissue

· Tongue

· Islets of langerhans

· Parts of large intestine and differences from small intestine

· Transverse section of thoracic part of the spinal cord

· Lymph node

· Vermiform appendix

· Suprarenal glands

· Ectopic pregnancy

· Veins of the heart

· The medulla oblongata

· Spleen

· Shoulder joint

· Deltoid muscle

· Trachea

· Structure of thick skin

· Ventricles of the brain

· Classify the connective tissue

· Gluteus maximus muscle

· Pituitary gland

· Typical spinal nerve its formation and distribution

· Pancreas

· Innominate bone

· Structure of the ovary

· Sternum

· Intercostals muscles

· Prostate

· Upper end of humerus

· Nephron

· Femoral nerve

· Thoracic duct

· Nasal cavity

· Supports of uterus

· Pleura

· Midbrain

· Cerebrospinal fluid

· Fallopian tube

Short Questions:

1. Name the arteries supplying the stomach

2. Name four lobes of cerebrum

3. Name the cranial nerves supplying the eye ball

4. Name the Parts of thyroid gland

5. What are the features of a typical rib? Name the atypical rib

6. Name the parts of fallopian tube

7. Explain the Classification of tissues

8. Give the attachments of biceps branchii and its nerve supply

9. Name any two exocrine glands

10. Name the bones forming thoracic cage

11. Explain the various position of vermiform appendix

12. Give the important functions of the skin

13. Define Apex beat

14. Explain Lymphatic drainage of breast

15. What is pelvimetry

16. Name the hamstring muscles

17. Name the ligaments that hold the uterus to its normal position

18. Name four muscles of abdomen

19. Ligaments of uterus

20. Histology of large artery

21. Name the fibrous joints

22. Define Wharton’s jelly

23. Explain Hip joints

24. Name the organelles of the cell

25. Define Pisiform bone

26. Define Femur

27. Define Sciatic nerve

28. Where are the islet of langerhans found and give their functions

29. Give the total number of ribs and name the parts of a typical rib

30. Name the ligaments of knee joints

31. Name the cranial nerves

32. Name the salivary glands

33. Name three extrinsic muscle of tongue

34. Define Nissi bodies

35. Name the types of cartilages

36. Name the bones of upper limb

37. Name the meninges of brain

38. Name any four muscles of the back

39. What is the nerve supply of parietal pleura

40. Structures passing through the hilum of kidney

41. Name four parts of pancreas

42. Name the bones forming skeleton of the hand

43. Name the Parts of epididymis

44. Name the branches of femoral nerve

45. Name four parts of small intestine

46. Give the branches of abdominal aorta

47. What is radial artery a branch of? Give its clinical importance

48. Name the branches of external carotid artery

49. Name the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall

50. Name four structures of root of lung

51. Explain Great saphenous vein

52. Name the openings in the diaphragm

53. Name the structures related posterior to the stomach

54. Name the layers of pericardium and its function

55. Name the parts of the vertebra

56. What are the contents of the middle ear

57. What are fontanelle and where are they found

58. What are intercostals arteries? How many are there and what are they branches of?

59. Name two muscles present in the forearm

60. Name the functions of thalamus

61. Given the origin and termination of the thoracic duct

62. Name the important lymphatic tissues of the body and their functions

63. Name the bones forming the elbow joint and the movements possible

64. Define Sternocleidomastoid

65. What is retinaculum? Give its function

66. Define Femur

67. Name the skull bones

68. Name the layers of large sized artery

69. Name organs of lower respiratory tract

70. Explain Quadriceps femoris

71. Name the types of muscle tissue and their microscopic differences

72. Name the lower limb bones

73. Name the features of a vertebra

74. Name the bones forming the wrist joint

75. Name the carpal bones

76. Draw a labeled diagram of the parts of nephron

77. Explain Otic ganglion

78. Explain Ductus deferens

79. Name the cranial nerves in order

80. Name the ventricles of the brain

81. Explain Sublingual gland

82. Explain the Structure of trachea

83. Name two functions of the liver

84. Explain Thoracic duct


1. Describe the physiology of cell, tissues, membranes and glands?

2. Describe the distribution of total body fluid?

3. Define cell cycle?

4. Explain about tissue formation and repair?

5. Describe function of membranes and glands?

6. Describe functions of respiratory organs?

7. Define pulmonary circulation and pulmonary ventilation?

8. Define regulation of respiration?

9. Define PFT?

10. Define hypoxia, cyanosis, dyspnoea, periodic breathing?

11. Explain respiratory changes during exercise?

12. Explain aging changes?

13. Functions of the organs of digestive tract?

14. Explain saliva-composition?

15. Discuss regulation of secretion and functions of saliva?

16. Function of gastric juice,

17. Function of pancreatic secretion?

18. Functions of liver, gall bladder?

19. Secretion and function of small and large intestine?

20. Functions of heart, conduction system, cardiac cycle?

21. Explain stroke volume and cardiac output?

22. Explain the Joints and their movements.

23. Explain the uterine changes taking place during menstrual cycle.

24. Define Synapse. Describe in detail about structure and functions of synapse.

25. Name the Hormones of Thyroid. Describe in detail the functions of Thyroxine.

26. Describe in detail about functions of growth hormone

27. Draw a neat, labeled diagram of neuro-muscular junction and describe the events occurring at it.

28. Describe the components of gastric juice. What are the functions of stomach

29. Describe the mechanism of blood clotting

30. Describe the transport of oxygen in the blood. Explain hypoxia in detail

31. Explain calcium regulation of the body in detail

32. Name the hormones of anterior pituitary gland.

33. Define arterial blood pressure. What are the factors determining blood pressure. How is it regulated?

34. Describe the transmission of impulse across neuromuscular junction. Explain myasthenia gravis in detail

35. Describe the mechanical events of cardiac cycle with neat diagram

36. Name the respiratory centres and describe regulation of respiration in detail

37. Classify WBC’s and describe in detail about its functions

38. Describe the pathway of coagulation. Explain anti coagulants in detail

39. Describe erythropoiesis in detail

40. Describe the ABO blood group system. explain blood transfusion in detail

41. Describe the functions of thyroid hormone. Name the diseases of hypo and hyper secretion of thyroid hormone

42. Describe the mechanism of respiration

1. Define Oogenesis

2. Name any two gastro intestinal hormones and explain their function

3. Functions of testosterone

4. Name the hormones of posterior pituitary gland

5. Name the different types of normal haemoglobin

6. Draw a labeled diagram of nephron

7. Explain Rh incompatibility

8. Define Erythoblastosis foetalis

9. Functions of insulin

10. What is myopia

11. Name two muscles of inspiration

12. Define landsteiners law

13. Draw a neat diagram of neuron and label its parts

14. Define vital capacity. Give its normal value

15. What is Surfactant

16. Mention any four secondary sexual characters of a male

17. Explain Refractive errors of eye

18. Mention four functions of skin

19. Functions of hypothalamus

20. Explain Radial pulse

21. Functions of platelets

22. Explain salutatory conduction of neurons

23. Draw a neat diagram of reflex arc

24. Mention hormones secreted by anterior pituitary gland

25. Define Safe period

26. Define blood pressure

27. Explain Myasthenia gravis

28. Explain Goiter

29. Define cardiac cycle

30. Name the types of lymphocytes

31. Explain Refractory period

32. Functions of granulocytes

33. Define Meiosis

34. Enumerate two functions of estrogen

35. Explain Synapse

36. Mention functions of middle ear

37. Explain the Movements of intestine

38. Write two actions of gastrin


1. Explain Cerebrospinal fluid

2. Name the different types of blood groups.

3. Explain Referred pain

4. Describe stages of erythropoiesis

5. Classify nerve fibers

6. Define sensory receptors

7. Describe the compensatory changes in the body to increased temperature

8. Describe the actions of growth hormone

9. What are the types of neuroglia? Mention its functions

10. Draw a spirogram indicating various lung volumes and capacities

11. Name the posterior pituatory hormones and explain their actions

12. Name the movements and functions of small intestine.

13. Describe neural regulation of respiration

14. What is immunity? Explain its types.

15. Explain factors influencing blood pressure

16. Name plasma proteins. Mention their functions

17. Define Heart sounds

18. Explain the Composition of gastric juice

19. Describe functions of hypothalamus

20. Explain the mechanism of oxygen transport in blood

21. Describe – Trace the pathway for pain

22. Describe Pregnancy tests

23. Define GFR. Describe the factors affecting GFR

24. Define Jaundice

25. Describe actions of thyroid hormones

26. Explain the Mechanism of blood coagulation

27. What is the composition and function of saliva

28. Describe the functions of testosterone

29. With neat diagram represent reflex arc and enumerate properties of reflex arc

30. Explain the Functions of growth hormones

31. Explain the different stages of menstrual cycle

32. Define Micturition reflexes

33. Define ESR

34. Name the conducting tissues of heart.

35. What are the composition and functions of blood

36. Describe ECG curve

37. Define Middle ear

38. Define Spermatogenesis

39. Explain the Intrinsic mechanism of coagulation

40. Define Estrogen

41. Explain the Functions of liver

42. Define landsteiner’s law

43. Explain the conduction of electrical impulse in the heart

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