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Important vocabulary with meaning for IELTS Examination preparation

Barely, scarcely, hardly


Antisocial- offensive


Foster- Support, nourishment

Engrossed in something- glad, cheerful

Impeccable- perfect, faultless

Imposing person- important

Impulsive- doing things suddenly without advanced

Clapped-out – old and in bad condition

Chock-a-block – very crowded with people or cars

Hush-hush – Secret

Chicken out – not to do something because you are afraid

As far as I know – I do not know for sure

But all the same- But nevertheless

The small hours- After midnight and in the very early morning

Let’s face it- Accept it

You mark my words- remember what I am about to say

Put your foot in it- Accidentally do or say something that embarrassing

Take it for granted that- Believe that something is a fact without thinking

All told- in total and including everyone, money and when you are counting

Be all for something- To totally agree with

All of a sudden- Suddenly

Count yourself lucky- Consider yourself lucky

Have a field day- Have the opportunity to criticize about someone

It’s just as well- It is a good thing

Only just- Only recently

No one in their right mind would- Only a crazy person would

In a matter of seconds – very quickly

Hand in your notice- to resign from your job

Stiff competition- Difficult competition

Gape- Stare at someone

Gaze- Look for a long time without really seen

Give someone a black look- to quickly look at someone angrily

Peruse- to read

Squint at someone- to looking at someone

Object poverty- terrible poverty

Eke out a living- to earn just enough money to survive

Earn a pittance- earn very low salary

Have something tucked away- store something valuable

Well-heeled – Rich

A windfall- a large amount of money you receive unexpectedly

Appreciate in value- Increase value

Depreciate in value- Decrease value

Borrow heavily- Got a lot of money from someone as a loan

Be on a strict budget- You cannot spend more than

Cost a small fortune- to cost a lot of money

In the region of- Approximately

Knock an amount of money off something- to reduce the price of something

Beat about the bush- avoid or delay talking about something

Grassroots- ordinary people

Oversight- forgetting to do something

Reek- Unpleasant smell

The nick of time- When something happens just in time to prevent something bad from happening

Hit the nail on the head – to say something that is exactly right

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