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M.Sc. Nursing I year COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING Important Questions

Updated: Sep 8, 2022


1. a) Explain in detail about ethical, legal and socio cultural issues in community health nursing.

b) Distinguish moral accountability from legal accountability.

2. a) Discuss the steps you will undertake to maintain quality in community health nursing service.

b) Explain in detail about nursing audits

3. a) Describe National Rural Health Mission.

b) Explain the role of Public Health Nurse in the integrated management of neonatal and childhood illness.

4. a) Explain Health care delivery system in India.

b) Discuss methods of quality assurance in the community health nursing service.

5. You are assigned to a family were Master. Deepak aged four years who have diarrhoea, vomiting and fever. Identify the probable diagnosis and prepare a community health nursing care plan applying an appropriate theory.

6. Define Disaster and explain in detail the role of community health nurse in the three stages of Disaster management.

7. Define demography and explain about the population control methods and related programmes.

8. Explain Health care delivery system in urban and rural areas of India.

9. (a) List out the community nutritional programmes.

b) Explain the role of the community health nurse in organizing and conducting the nutritional health education in the community set up.

10. Explain with examples the trends and challenges in community health nursing.

11. Elaborate on the alternate systems for health promotion and management of health problems.

12. Discuss the roles and responsibilities of a community health nurse in IEC and BCC.

13. a) Describe the social - cultural issues in community health nursing.

b) Elaborate on national goals, health indicators and sustainable development goals.

14. Explain current status, trends and challenges in Community Health Nursing.

b) Role and Functions of District Public Health Nurse Officer.

15. a) List down various Voluntary Health Agencies in India.

b) Describe NGO’s roles and function

16. a) Alternative Health System.

b) Alternative system for health promotion and management of

health problem.

17. a) Health delivery system in India.

b) Health Organization at central level.

18. Elaborate on IMNCI (Integrated Management of Neonatal and Childhood Illnesses).

19. a) List out the Community Health Programs.

b) Explain the Role of Community Health Nurse in Organizing and conducting National Health Program in the Community setting.

20. a) Integrated Management of Neonatal Illness.

b) Role of Community Health Nurse in Home Based New Born Care

Write Short Notes on:

1. Telemedicine and Tele-nursing.

2. Primary health centre.

3. Maternal mortality.

4. Skilled birth attendant.

5. Assessment of sick children from 2 months to 5 years.

6. National rural health mission.

7. Millennium developmental goals.

8. Information, education and communication.

9. Steps of family nursing process.

10. Disaster management.

11. Role of NGOs in the health care delivery system.

12. National Health policy.

13. Significance of Ecosystem in health and illness.

14. Methods of contraceptions.

15. Measurements of Health.

16. Current trends and challenges of Community Health Nursing.

17. Anyone nursing model suitable for health education.

18. Health survey and developmental committee.

19. Alternative systems of medicine.

20. Population control programme.

21. Adolescents’ health.

22. Socio cultural issues in Community Health Nursing.

23. Solid waste disposal.

24. Health Care delivery system at district level.

25. Community Mental Health.

26. Inter-sectoral coordination.

27. Trends and Challenges in community Health Nursing

28. National Health Policy

29. Alternative system for health promotion and Management of health problems

30. Waste disposal

31. Theories of population

32. Care of elderly at home

33. IMNCI module for anemia and malnutrition

34. Training and supervision of health workers

35. Public private partnership

36. Nursing audit

37. Public health legislation in India

38. Health Economics

39. Scope of community health nursing practice

40. National Population Programmes

41. Community health nursing standards

42. Models in community health nursing

43. Mass media’s role in health communication.

44. Impact of Ecosystem on health.

45. Census.

46. Triage during disasters.

47. Roles and functions of health agencies in India.

48. Role of community health nurse practitioner.

49. Community diagnosis.

50. Skilled birth attendant.

51. Theories of population.

52. Challenges of health care delivery system.

53. Measurement of health.

54. Community health nursing process.

55. Psychosocial care in disasters.

56. Millennium Development Strategies.

57. Transition and theories of population.

58. Community Health Nursing standard competencies.

59. Care of Elderly in community.

60. List down principles and strategies of IEC/BCC.

61. Disaster management strategies.

62. Skilled Birth Attendance Modules.

63. Management, Information and Evaluation System.

64. Special care of physically and mentally challenged in community.

65. Community Health Centre.

66. Family nursing and family centred approach.

67. Population Dynamics and control measures.

68. National Rural Health Mission.

69. Folk medias in Health Education.

70. Nursing Care of Geriatrics.

71. Records & Reports.

72. Behavioural Change Communication.

73. Alternative System of Medicine.

74. Challenges and Scope of Community Health Nursing.

75. Inter-Sectoral Coordination.

76. Health work of Bilateral agencies.

77. Health Promotion Measures in Genetics.

78. Natural Family Planning Methods.

79. High Risk Adolescents.

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