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Communication and Education Technology (Bsc. Nursing II Year) Important Topics

1. Define communication.

2. List any two methods to overcome physical barriers of communication.

3. List four factors facilitating communication.

4. List any two psychological barriers of communication.

5. List the elements of communication.

6. Mention any two examples for one way communication.

7. Name four barriers of communication.

8. Write any two advantages of Johari window.

9. List any four phases of interpersonal relationship.

10. Mention any four purposes of interpersonal relationship.

11. List any two reasons for nurse to establish interpersonal relationship.

12. Mention two examples for professional interpersonal relationship.

13. Mention two examples for social interpersonal relationship.

14. List any four types of interpersonal relationship.

15. Explain the advantages of teamwork in nursing.

16. Explain the types of motivation.

17. Distinguish between the team work and group work.

18. Explain the stages of group formation.

19. Explain the social attitudes.

20.List the principles of educational guidance.

21. List the types of guidance and explain anyone.

22. Explain the tools used in counselling.

23. Explain the roles of nurse in health guidance.

24. Explain the scope of counselling

25. Mention any four issues for counselling in nursing.

26. Write any two differences between guidance and counselling.

27. Write any four types of guidance.

28. Write any four roles of counsellor.

29. List any four purposes of guidance and counselling.

30. Define educational objectives.

31. List any four components of lesson planning.

32. Mention any four principles of teaching.

33. Mention any four components of classroom management.

34. List any four aims of education.

35. List any four educational philosophies.

36. List any four maxims of teaching.

37. a) How will you organize a role play?

(b) Illustrate with an example advantages of simulation.

38. (a) List any six methods of classroom teaching.

(b) Explain the lecture method in detail.

39. (a) List any four clinical teaching methods.

(b) Write the demonstration method in detail

40. Define micro teaching. Explain the process of micro teaching in detail.

41. Write the merits and demerits of bedside clinic

42. Explain the panel discussion in detail.

43. Explain the steps of role play.

44. Components of self instructional module.

45. Write the merits and demerits of field trips.

46. List any four advantages of lecture method.

47. List any four methods of teaching.

48. Write any two differences between seminar and symposium.

49. List any four merits of group discussion.

50. List any four demerits of group discussion.

51. Discuss the modern technology such as computers internet as effective media for teaching.

52. List the types of audio visual aids. Discuss the preparation and use of any one aid in detail.

53. Name four three dimensional aids. Explain any one in detail.

54. List any five projected audio visual aids. Describe any one projected audio visual aid in detail.

55. Write the principles of use of OHP.

56. Write the types and advantages puppets as an educational aid.

57. Write the effective use of chalkboard.

58. Explain the principles and criteria to prepare flash cards.

59. List the various graphic aids and write a brief note on chart.

Explain likert scale.

60. Justify the need for practical examination in nursing.

61. Explain the advantages of OSCE.

62. Explain the advantages of practical examination.

63. Describe the merits and demerits of short essay questions.

64. Write the criteria to conduct viva.

65. Explain formative evaluation with an example.

66. Explain the criteria for selection of assessment techniques and methods.

67. List any four prerequisites for health education.

68. Define health education.

69. Write any two advantages of group health education.

70. Mention four levels of health education.

71. Mention any two approaches for health education with example.

72. List any four advantages of role play in health education.

73. List any four printed used in health education.

74. List any four problem faced during health behavior.

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