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  1. Post Operative nursing management of radical mastectomy and complications of radical mastectomy

  2. A. Classify anaemias b. list down the clinical features of chronic lymphocytic leukaemia c. describe the different mode of treatment for chronic lymphocytic leukaemia

  3. Define nephritic syndrome. Explain the pathophysiology of nephritic syndrome. Describe the nursing management of using nursing process

  4. Write the pathophysiology and clinical manifestations of hypertension. Give the health education related to diet and medications

  5. Write the etiology and clinical manifestations of renal calculi. Explain the invasive and non invasive surgical methods of management. Explain the post operative nursing management based on three nursing diagnosis

  6. Peptic ulcer disease. Write the difference between gastric and duodenal ulcer. Explain patho physiology of peptic ulcer disease. Describe the surgical management

  7. Define fracture. List the different types of fracture. Explain the nursing management of patient with lower limb fracture on plaster of paris based on problems

  8. Hypertension. Mention the risk factors of hypertension. Discuss the pathological process in hypertension. Plan on an health education on life style modification, diet and medication regime

  9. Define atherosclerosis. Explain the stages of atherosclerosis. Explain the risk factors for development of atherosclerosis

  10. Diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis. Explain the clinical manifestations. Write a nursing care plan for rheumatoid arthritis based on three prioritized nursing diagnosis

  11. Define osteomyelitis. Discuss the pathophysiology of osetomyelitis. Explain the treatment modalities

  12. Define diabetes mellitus. List the complications of diabetes mellitus. Explain the nursing management of a patient with diabetes mellitus

  13. Differentiate between gastric and duodenal ulcer. Discuss the medical, surgical and nursing management of a patient with peptic ulcer

  14. Explain the etiological factors and pathophysiology of bronchial asthma. Explain the management of client with status asthmaticus

  15. Explain the etiopathophysiology of intestinal obstruction. Explain the post-operative management of client with colostomy

  16. Define Rheumatic Heart Disease. Describe the etiology and pathophysiology of RHD. Write the nursing management of patient following valve replacement surgery

  17. Define cholelithiasis. List down the methods of non surgical removal of gall stones. Describe the post operative nursing care

  18. Define cirrhosis of liver. List the etiology and clinical manifestations. Prepare a nursing care using nursing process

  19. Mention the types of renal calculi. List the clinical manifestations and diagnostic procedures used to diagnose renal calculi. Describe the pre and post operative nursing care

  20. Write the complications of diabetes mellitus. Plan health education related to care of feet and diabetic diet

  21. Write the common causes and types of congestive heart failure. List the signs and symptoms of chronic congestive heart failure. Explain the nursing management of this patient based on three nursing diagnosis

  22. List the etiology and clinical manifestations. Explain the nursing management based on three nursing diagnosis

  23. Define benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Explain the pathophysiological basis of clinical manifestations and diagnostic measures in BPH. Explain the post operative management of a client who has undergone transurethral resection of prostate (TURP)

  24. List down clinical manifestations of COPD. Discuss the pathophysiology of chronic bronchitis and emphysema. Write the nursing care plan based on 5 prioritized nursing diagnosis

  25. What is bronchogenic carcinoma. List the causes, signs and symptoms and diagnostic tests.

  26. What are the signs and symptoms of fracture. Explain the management of skin traction. What health education you would plan

  27. What is renal calculi. List the signs and symptoms and diagnostic investigations done for renal calculi. Mention the methods of treating renal stones and write the nursing interventions to be provide to a patient in relation to relieving of pain and discomfort, prevention of recurrences of renal stones, monitoring and managing of potential complications.

  28. What is cirrhosis of liver. List the clinical manifestations of cirrhosis of liver. Write the nursing management based on three priority nursing diagnosis

  29. Briefly explain classification of burns. Calculate the fluid requirements for a patient aged 40 years with 60 % burns. Discuss the problems the patient may develop and write nursing care plan for two priority problems

  30. List the types of leukaemia. Write the nursing management

  31. Write a assessment of head injury. Explain the nursing management including rehabilitation

  32. Write the medical management of congestive cardiac failure including dietary management. Write the nursing care plan based nursing diagnosis

  33. Explain the various approaches used in prostate surgery. Enumerate the nursing management following TURP

  34. Explain the principles underlying haemodialysis. Briefly explain the complications to be observed during and after haemodialysis

  35. write medical management of renal failure. Discuss the nursing management using nursing process approach

Short Questions-

  1. Chest physiotherapy

  2. Haemophilia

  3. Hypertensive crisis

  4. Pathology of fracture

  5. Intake and output chart

  6. Hepatic coma

  7. Organization of C.C.U

  8. Thombo Angitis Obliterans

  9. Care of patient with inter costal drainage

  10. Pre operative teaching

  11. Acne vulgaris

  12. Types of fracture

  13. Infection control measures

  14. Bio medical waste management

  15. Pain management techniques

  16. Blood transfusion

  17. Hemorrhoids

  18. Nursing management of a patient with nephritic syndrome

  19. Types of food poisoning and its prevention

  20. Pathophysiology in diabetes mellitus

  21. Hepatitis and its management

  22. Treatment for peduculosis

  23. Complications of cirrhosis of liver

  24. Bladder irrigation

  25. Nursing care of a patient on blood transfusion

  26. Osteoporosis

  27. Health education on prevention of diabetic foot

  28. Colostomy care

  29. Nurse’s responsibilities in blood transfusion

  30. Post operative nursing care of a client after TURP

  31. Home care management of psoriasis

  32. Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome

  33. Biomedical waste management

  34. Define anesthesia. Explain the types of anesthesia

  35. Positions for common surgical procedures

  36. Surgical approaches of benign prostatic hypertrophy

  37. Process of inflammation

  38. Nursing care of unconscious patient

  39. Lung abscess

  40. Colostomy care

  41. Anti-hypertensive drugs

  42. Cardio-pulmonary resuscitation

  43. Wound healing process

  44. Management of a client with Chest Tube drainage

  45. Explain the stages of shock

  46. Emergency management of patient with myocardial infarction

  47. Nursing management of patient following Trans Urethral Resection of Prostate (TURP)

  48. Cryptorchidism

  49. Diabetes insipidus

  50. Osteoporosis

  51. Prevention of HIV infection

  52. Explain the role of nurse in organ donation

  53. Describe the preoperative preparation of patient undergoing abdominal surgery

  54. Explain the current CPR guidelines

  55. Describe the nursing responsibilities during thrombolytic therapy

  56. Explain pathophysiology of diabetes mellitus

  57. Explain the causes and management of psoriasis

  58. Explain the current schedule of short course chemotherapy for tuberculosis

  59. Explain about prevention of transmission of HIV infection among adults

  60. Types of vascular access and complications of hemodialysis

  61. Esophago gastroduodenoscopy

  62. Causes of gastritis

  63. Tracheostomy care

  64. Etiology classification of anemia

  65. Etiology and clinical manifestations of hypo thyroidism

  66. Nursing management of a patient with osteoarthritis

  67. Classification of anesthesia

  68. Explain the management of a patient with myocardial infarction in the first 24 hours

  69. Role of a nurse in organ donation

  70. Role of a nurse in cardiac rehabilitation

  71. Nursing care of a patient with colostomy

  72. Pathophysiology in diabetic insipidus

  73. Infection control in operation theatre

  74. Techniques for pain management

  75. Pathophysiology in pulmonary tuberculosis

  76. Causes of acute renal failure

  77. Radiation protection standards

  78. Buerger’s disease

  79. Glucose tolerance test

  80. Cushing syndrome

  81. Paget’s disease

  82. Hernia

  83. Treadmill test

  84. Prevention of food poisoning

  85. Paracentesis

  86. Long term complications of diabetes mellitus

  87. Osteoporosis

  88. Anaemias

  89. Psychological considerations in intensive care unit

  90. Malabsorption syndrome

  91. Fractures

  92. Side effects of chemotherapy and its management

  93. Prevention of scabies

  94. Broncho dilators

  95. Rehabilitation of a patient with rheumatoid arthritis

  96. Care of a patient with tetanus

  97. Etiology and medical management of intestinal obstruction

  98. Diet plan for a patient with diabetes mellitus

  99. Patho physiology of myocardial infarction

  100. Approaches to patient care

  101. Health education for a patient with urinary tract infection

  102. Peritoneal dialysis

  103. Pathophysiology of cirrhosis of liver

  104. Post operative complications of abdominal surgery

  105. Difference between hypo and hyper thyroidism

  106. Mode of treatment for fracture

  107. Fluid management of burns

  108. Nursing care of unconscious patient

  109. Complications of chemotherapy

  110. Amoebiasis

  111. Antihypertensive drugs

  112. Oral hypoglycemic

  113. Diet for a patient with renal calculi

  114. Pathophysiology of peptic ulcer

  115. Rehabilitative aspects of patient care

  116. Health education for a patient with plaster cast

  117. Risk factors for hypertension

  118. Treatment modalities in cancer

Care of diabetic foot

Short Notes Topics

  1. Kyphosis

  2. Types of kidney stones

  3. Haemorrhoids

  4. Complications of hypertension

  5. Diabetic neuropathy

  6. Gangrene

  7. Orchitis

  8. Spinal anaesthesia

  9. Shock

  10. Urticaria

  11. Emphysema

  12. Colostomy care

  13. Leukaemia

  14. Gynecomastia

  15. Thoracentesis

  16. Osteomalacia and osteoporosis

  17. Cardio pulmonary resuscitation

  18. Renal regulation of water balance

  19. Types of pneumothorax

  20. Atelectasis

  21. Spondilitis

  22. Psoriasis

  23. Skin graft

  24. Tracheostomy

  25. Arthritis

  26. Inguinal hernia

  27. Principles of dialysis

  28. Define hemophilia

  29. Cushing’s syndrome

  30. Tracheostomy care

  31. Tetanus

  32. Osteomalacia

  33. Dermatitis

  34. Epispadiasis and hypospadiasis

  35. Diabetes mellitus

  36. Thalassemia

  37. Hydronephrosis

  38. Incontinence

  39. Bronchiectasis

  40. Pleural effusion

  41. Types of anemia

  42. Complications of acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS)

  43. Raynaud’s disease

  44. Etiology of renal calculi

  45. Defibrillation

  46. Portal hypertension

  47. Anti-tubercular drugs

  48. Urinary Incontinence

  49. Types of anaesthesia and methods of administration

  50. Gynaecomastia

  51. Causes and prevention of Dengue fever

  52. Types of Anesthesia

  53. ECG changes in hyperkalemia

  54. Pleural effusion

  55. Mantoux test

  56. Define thrombocytopenia

  57. Clinical features in cretinism

  58. Write any two specific non-invasive diagnostic procedures done in cardiac diseases

  59. Indicate two reasons to follow rotation of site for insulin administration

  60. Name two opportunistic infections among AIDS patients

  61. Classify hemophila

  62. List two suture materials and its uses

  63. List four major duties of scrub nurse

  64. Specify the incubation period for poliomyelitis

  65. Write two important clinical manifestations of left ventricular failure

  66. What is DASH diet

  67. List two complications of tracheostomy

  68. Intake and output chart

  69. Dumping syndrome

  70. Hepatitis A virus

  71. Barium enema

  72. Atelectasis

  73. Vomiting

  74. Normal ECG

  75. Hyperkalemia

  76. Inflammation

  77. Surgical asepsis

  78. Edema

  79. Intussusceptions

  80. Oxygen toxicity

  81. Parotitis

  82. Steatorrhoea

  83. Percutaneous Transluminal coronary angioplasty

  84. Gas gangrene

  85. Volkmann’s Ischemic Contracture

  86. Digoxin

  87. Types of anemia

  88. Scoliosis

  89. Prevention of hepatitis B

  90. Lichen planus

  91. Flail chest

  92. Atherosclerosis

  93. Cystitis

  94. Scabis

  95. Tracheostomy

  96. Sigmoidoscopy

  97. Lichen planus

  98. Warning signs of cancer

  99. Thyroid strom

  100. Vasodilator

  101. Glossitis

  102. Lordosis

  103. Pneumonectomy

  104. Glucose tolerance test

  105. Types of shock

  106. Orchitis

  107. Total hip replacement

  108. Cause and spread of pediculosis

  109. Uses of splints

  110. Causes of pericarditis

  111. Laryngitis

  112. Medical therapy for malaria

  113. Cystitis

  114. Fissure

  115. Vasodilators

  116. Principles of medicine administration

  117. Compartment syndrome

  118. Varicocele

  119. Peticheal haemorrhage

  120. Eczema

  121. Deep vein thrombosis

  122. Mega colon

  123. Aneurysms

  124. Rule of nine

  125. Cause and prevention of cholera

  126. Nephritis

  127. Etiology of hyperthyroidism

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