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Brief Discussion-

1. Define learning. List out the principles of Learning. Discuss steps in curriculum development.

2. Define Evaluation. State the criteria for selection of Evaluation methods. Discuss the methods to Evaluate Student's Learning.

3. a) Define clinical teaching. b) Write the purposes of clinical teaching. c) Discuss in detail about nursing care plan and bedside clinic.

4. Explain in detail about the methods and media for communicating health messages.

5. a) Define lesson plan. b) Discuss the role of the teacher in making a good lesson plan. c) Prepare a model lesson plan in a selected topic.

6. a) What is meant by counselling? b) How does it differ from guidance? What is the role of counsellor? c) Explain the steps involved in organization of counselling services.

7. a) Enumerate the methods of teaching in the classroom. b) Discuss in detail about any one method of teaching.

8. a) Define guidance and counselling. b) Explain the purpose and principles of guidance and counselling.

9. a) Define teaching. b) Illustrate the characteristics of a good teaching and factors influencing learning. c) How will you plan and organize a workshop in a nursing college?

10. a) Define evaluation. b) Explain the types of evaluation. c) How do you evaluate clinical skills of students?

11. a) Define human relations. b) Explain the stages of group development. c) Discuss the strategies to be followed for building up a successful team.

12. a) Classify Mass Media. b) Discuss the steps of health education planning. c) How can a nurse impart health education effectively?

13. List down the clinical teaching methods and explain briefly about any one method in detail.

14. a) Define Audio Visual aids. b) List the Audio Visual aids based on classification. c) Explain any one of the teaching aids in detail.

15. Explain in detail about “Field trip” as one of the teaching methods. a) Purpose and different types of field trip. b) How do you organize a field trip? c) What are the advantages and limitations of a field trip?

16. a) Principles involved in using A.V aids. b) Characteristics of good A.V aids. c) Discuss any two types of A.V aids in detail.

Short Questions-

1. Issues for counselling in nursing students.

2. Pragmatism.

3. Blooms taxonomy of objectives.

4. Difference between Symposium and Simulation.

5. Group and team nursing

6. Charts.

7. Aims of education.

8. Problem based learning.

9. Therapeutic communication.

10. Motivation.

11. Steps in construction of a written test.

12. Public address system.

13. Characteristics of good project method.

14. Existentalism.

15. Unit plan.

16. Group dynamics.

17. Bedside clinic.

18. Idealism.

19. Mass media communication.

20. Computer assisted teaching

21. Explain Johari’s window model.

22. Role play.

23. Principles of health education.

24. Flash card.

25. Lesson plan.

26. Differences between guidance and counseling.

27. Demonstration.

28. Nonverbal communication.

29. Barriers in communication.

30. Team work.

31. Role of a teacher in classroom management.

32. Advantages and disadvantages of group discussion.

33. Use of computer in nursing.

34. Nursing Rounds.

35. Simulation.

36. Role of a nurse in health education.

37. Idealism.

Short Notes-

1. Mention four projected AV aids.

2. Parts of Multiple Choice Question.

3. Define Problem Based Learning.

4. Define OSCE/OSPE.

5. Mention four principles of Master Rotation Plan.

6. Rating scale.

7. Enumerate four types of Nursing Curriculum.

8. Difference between Anecdotal and Incidental Record.

9. State four Barriers of Communication.

10. Types of Mass Media.

11. Uses of computer in nursing.

12. Write any two differences between guidance and counselling.

13. List any four methods of overcoming the barriers of communication.

14. Use of mass media in health education.

15. List the cognitive domain of learning.

16. Write the principles of flash cards.

17. Types of rating scale.

18. Seminar.

19. Curriculum.

20. Types of model.

21. Define the term nursing.

22. Enlist the types of validity.

23. Specify the points to be kept in mind while conducting bed-side clinic.

24. Write the factors responsible for crisis.

25. List the principles of learning.

26. Specify the sources of AV aids.

27. What is meant by self?

28. Differentiate between goal and objectives.

29. Define process recording.

30. What is IEC?

31. Mention four barriers of communication.

32. List four clinical teaching methods.

33. List two attitude scales.

34. Define psychodrama.

35. Enlist four characteristics of teaching.

36. Mention any two differences between symposium and panel discussion.

37. Five qualities of a counsellor.

38. Four purpose of discussion.

39. Parts of an over-head projector.

40. Mention the steps in curriculum development.

41. Characteristics of educational objectives.

42. Phases of IPR.

43. Types of guidance services.

44. List the psychological methods used in counselling services.

45. Enlist the methods of assessing knowledge.

46. Anecdotal record.

47. Elements of communication process.

48. Definition of sociometry.

49. Types of crisis

50. Clinical teaching methods.

51. Five purposes of discussion.

52. Types of puppets.

53. Parts of an over head projector.

54. Definition of curriculum.

55. Two disadvantages of checklist.

56. Four qualities of a counsellor.

57. Four principles of instructional aids.

58. Five advantages of field trip.

59. Cumulative record.

60. Mention four aims of Education.

61. Mention four benefits of human relations in nursing.

62. List the phases of counselling.

63. Five qualities of teacher.

64. Four purposes of bed side clinic.

65. Mention four benefits of using mass media in nursing.

66. Four principles of master rotation plan.

67. Define Pragmatism.

68. State the advantages and disadvantages of practical examination.

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