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Brief Discussion-

1. Classify Adrenergic Drugs. Therapeutic Uses and Mode of Action of Adrenergic Drugs. Adverse Effects, Contraindication, Drug Interaction and dose of Adrenaline.

2. a) Classify sedatives and hypnotics. b) Mechanism of action and uses of diazepam. c) Management of diazepam poisoning.

3. a) Classify antihypertensive drugs. b) Mode of action for Angiotensin Converting Enzyme inhibitors. c) Adverse effects, contraindication, nursing implication, Indication and dose of Captopril.

4. a) Write an account on Newer drug delivery system. b) Write the advantages and disadvantages of Enteral route of administration. c) Define First Pass metabolism. Mention the role of Nurses responsibility in drug administration.

5. a) Classify Penicillins. b) Write the mechanism of action, uses and adverse effects of Amoxycillin.

6. a) Classify Anti-hypertensive agents. b) Write the mechanism of action, uses and adverse effects of calcium channel blockers.

Short Questions-

1. Explain the Indication, Dose, Adverse Effect and Nursing Implication of Metronidazole.

2. Explain the Indication, Dose, Adverse Effect and Nursing Implication of Bisacodyl.

3. Write about the Classification, Indication and Nursing Implication for Oral Hypoglycemic Drugs.

4. Role of captopril in hypertension.

5. Mechanism of action and uses of ofloxacin.

6. Anti-thyroid agents.

7. Explain the mechanism of action, therapeutic uses and nursing implication of Diazepam.

8. Explain the indication, dose, adverse effect and nursing implication of Zidovudine.

9. Explain the indication, dose, adverse effect and nursing implication of Frusemide.

10. Drugs used in amoebiasis.

11. Major tranquilizers with examples.

12. Drugs used in peptic ulcer treatment.

13. Mechanism of action and uses of Pantoprazole.

14. Anti-tussives.

15. Note on intravenous general anaesthetics.

16. Helicobacter pylori treatment.

17. Succinyl choline and its uses.

18. Oral contraceptives.

19. Name any four uses of morphine.

20. Mention the first line drugs in the treatment of tuberculosis.

21. Define synergism with example.

22. Mention two uses of fibrinolytics.

Short Notes-

1. Name any two Nasal Decongestants.

2. Name any two Opioid Antagonists.

3. Define Bio-Availability.

4. Name any four uses of Povidone Iodine.

5. Mention two uses of adrenaline.

6. Define dependence with example.

7. Mention the uses of acidifiers with example.

8. Name two anti-emetic drugs.

9. Name any two antiepileptic drugs.

10. Name any two antipruritics.

11. Name any two Siddha and Ayurvedic preparation with their indication.

12. Write any four indications for Dexamethasone.

13. Explain rational use of drug?

14. Define autocoids. Mention two first generation antihistamines.

15. Define angina. Mention two drugs used in angina pectoris.

16. Advantages of Ayurvedic system of medicine.

17. Define teratogenicity with example.

18. Mention two drugs used in allergy.

19. Write any two uses of heparin.

20 Name two drugs used in alcohol addiction.


Brief Discussion-

1. What is Cholelithiasis? Write in detail about Etio-pathogenesis, Clinical signs, Symptoms and Types of Cholelithiasis.

2. What is inflammation? Write a detailed account on the cellular events of inflammation and its mediators.

3. Describe in detail about types of shock. Write in detail about etiological factors, pathogenesis and morphological change in septic shock.

4. Define Necrosis. Classify necrosis and discuss each of them with suitable examples.

5. a) What is atherosclerosis? b) List out the causes and effects of atherosclerosis

6. Define Shock. What are types of shock? Discuss the stages and clinical features of shock

Short Questions-

1. Write in detail about septic shock.

2. Estimation of bleeding time and clotting time.

3. Bronchitis.

4. Cirrhosis liver.

5. Write in detail about Bronchiectasis.

6. Types of anemia and write about iron deficiency anemia.

7. Metastasis.

8. Infective endocarditis.

9. Fate of thrombus.

10. Iron deficiency anaemia.

11. Factors affecting would healing.

12. Causes of anemia.


Brief Discussion-

1. Down syndrome.

2. Genetic counselling and its issues.

3. Pre-natal screening for developmental delay.

4. Gene therapy.

5. Classify Mendalian disorder and discuss the features of any one type of autosomal disorder.

6. Klienfelter’s Syndrome.

7. Turner syndrome.

8. Gene Therapy.

9. Genetic counselling.

10. Blood groups.

11. Name five autosomal dominant disorders.

Short Questions-

1. Methods of sex determination

2. Name of two autosomal recessive disorders

3. Barr Body

4. Define mutation

5. Name two diseases with chromosomal

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