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BSC. Nursing I Year Important Questions NUTRITION AND BIOCHEMISTRY


Discussion Type Questions:

1. Define Nutritional Assessment. Explain methods of Nutritional Assessments.

2. Discuss the methods of cooking in detail.

3. Briefly explain about water soluble vitamins.

4. What are macronutrients? Discuss the digestion, absorption and utilization of carbohydrates in detail.

5. Describe briefly on any one national organization working towards nutrition.

6. The classification, clinical manifestations and dietary management of Protein Energy Malnutrition.

7. Define balanced diet. What are the factors to be considered in preparing a menu?

8. Define Basal metabolism. Explain factors affecting basal metabolic rate and write the determination of basal metabolism.

9. Write about Nutrition Education in detail.

10. Discuss any three National Nutrition Programmes.

11. Explain the methods of cooking in detail.

12. Define nutritional assessment. Write methods of nutritional assessment.

13. Define preservation. Explain canning. Write domestic methods of preservation.

14. Explain the digestion and absorption of carbohydrates. List the functions and characteristics of carbohydrates.

Short Notes:

1. Protein Energy Malnutrition.

2. Five food Group Plan.

3. Dietary Fibre.

4. Write notes on Vitamin – A.

5. Functions of calcium.

6. Functions and deficiency of vitamin C.

7. Mid-day meal programme.

8. Plan a menu for a pregnant woman.

9. Bomb calorimeter.

10. Canning.

11. Amino acids.

12. Nutritional anthropometry.

13. Importance of dietary fibre on health.

14. Explain the principles of cooking and its effects on foods.

15. Deficiency manifestations of water.

16. Write about the Iodine deficiency control (IDD) programme.

17. Narrate the classification of food in detail.

18. Explain deficiency of vitamin A in children.

19. Write a note on PFA (Prevention of Food Adulteration Act).

20. Discuss the role of nutrition in maintaining health.

21. Carbohydrate classification.

22. Basic five food groups.

23. Types of dietary assessments.

24. Digestion of fat.

25. Define BMR. What are the factors affecting BMR?

26. What is the need for preservation of nutrients? What are the methods followed in preserving nutrients?

27. Explain the role of nurse in nutritional programmes with reference to Vit A drops program.

28. Write in detail the electrolytic principle of sodium and potassium.

29. Clinical examination.

30. Vitamin B2.

31. Classification of protein.

32. Types of preservatives.

33. Plan a day’s menu for a Pregnant mother

34. Iodine deficiency disorder(IDD)

35. Basic Five Food groups

36. Principles of menu planning

37. Goitre

38. Factors affecting food and nutrition intake.

39. Plan a day’s menu for a patient who is obese.

40. List down the foods included and excluded by a diabetic patient.

41. Nutritional problems in India.

42. Iron deficiency

43. Classification of carbohydrate

44. Calcium deficiency.

45. Biochemical assessment.

46. Menu Planning.

47. Functions of protein.

48. Anthropometric measurements.

49. Factors affecting BMR.

50. Ascorbic acid.

51. Nutritive valve of Proteins.

52. Importance of nutrition in nursing.

53. Regulation of blood glucose.

Short Questions:

1. Define Balanced Diet.

2. Give four Rich Sources of Calcium.

3. Two functions of fat.

4. What is adulteration?

5. List out some Essential Amino Acids.

6. Define BMR.

7. Two types of weaning foods.

8. What is pellagra?

9. Classification of food.

10. Sources and classification of dietary fibres.

11. Give two functions of carbohydrate.

12. Sources of Iron.

13. Define BMI.

14. What is Trans Fat?

15. Scurvy.

16. Define lathyrism and fluorosis.

17. Mention the clinical symptoms of Hypokalaemia and Hyponatremia.

18. Distinguish between overweight and obesity.

19. Write about the food guide pyramid for balanced diet.

20. What are the clinical features of Vitamin-D deficiency?

21. Name the five best sources of calcium.

22. Define balanced diet with example.

23. Give the clinical symptoms of iron deficiency.

24. What is oedema?

25. Discuss any four factors you will consider while planning a menu.

26. Define Kilo Calorie.

27. Describe Bitot’s spots.

28. Define Water intoxication.

29. List the food preservation methods

30. What are Therapeutic Diets?

31. How are carbohydrates classified?

32. Protein energy malnutrition.

33. What are the deficiency manifestations of vitamin K?

34. What are the sources of iron?

35. Write the symptoms of osteomalacia

36. Define kilocalorie.

37. Define Dietary fiber.

38. Objectives of cooking

39. Write three chemical preservatives

40. Objectives of Applied Nutrition Programmes

41. Functions of protein

42. Dental fluorosis

43. Define Balanced diet

44. List out four sources of Vit-E

45. What is rickets?

46. Define health

47. List out four foods avoided by a diabetic patient

48. What are essential amino acid?

49. Define Basal Metabolic Rate

50. Define dehydration

51. What is pellagra?

52. List down the sources of ascorbic acid

53. Define nutrition

54. Classification of proteins

55. Source of iodine

56. What is adulteration

57. Write types of lipoprotein

58. Write any two foods to manage constipation

59. List out some Essential amino acids.

60. Sources of potassium.

61. What is active transport?

62. Define balanced diet.

63. Define Digestibility co-efficient.

64. Write two functions of lipids.

65. Classification of amino acids.

66. Write the classification of carbohydrates

67. Two types of weaning foods.

68. Two national organizations associated with nutrition.


1. Glycolysis - add a note on its Bio-Energetics

2. Explain in detail about TCA cycle, its energetics and regulation.

3. Describe the β-oxidation of fatty acid and its energetics.

4. Write down the steps involved in Urea cycle and how it is regulated?

5. Write the sources, RDA, Biochemical functions of Vitamin D and the clinical manifestation of its deficiency.

6. Define Glycolysis. Describe in detail about the pathway and significance of Glycolysis.

7. Describe urea cycle and mention the formation of ammonia and its toxicity?

8. Describe the process of glycolysis. Explain How many ATP molecules are formed in anaerobic and aerobic glycolysis

9. Write down the steps involved in Urea cycle and how it is regulated? What is the normal level of urea in an adult?

Short Notes:

1. Digestion and Absorption of Proteins.

2. Define lipoprotein and its classification.

3. Glycogen storage disease.

4. Cori cycle.

5. Essential aminoacids.

6. Gout.

7. Metabolic acidosis.

8. Structure of the RNA

9. Regulation of Blood glucose

10. Enzymes of clinical importance

11. Hypervitaminosis

12. Define and classify the enzymes.

13. Phospholipids

14. Glycogen storage diseases

15. Phenylketonuria

16. Enzyme inhibition

17. Urea cycle.

18. Metabolic acidosis.

19. Role of Vitamin A in vision.

20. Renal function test.

21. Factors influencing enzyme action.

Short Questions:

1. Examples for Monosaccharide’s.

2. Write any two functions of Calcium.


4. Types of Vitamins.

5. What is HOLO enzymes and APO enzymes?

6. Gout disease.

7. What is a suicide bag?

8. Hyper-vitaminosis.

9. Define osmosis.

10. Name the purine and pyrimidine bases.

11. Power house of the cell.

12. Essential amino acids.

13. Define coenzyme.

14. GTT.

15. List any four macro-minerals.

16. Ribosome.

17. Optimum pH.

18. Saturated fatty acids.

19. Elastin.

20. Write any two functions of lipids.

21. Functions of lysosomes.

22. Significance of HMP shunt.

23. Name the specialized products formed from glycine.

24. Mention the types of immunoglobulins.

25. Define co-enzymes.

26. Essential Fatty acids.

27. Power house of the cell.

28. Write the normal value of Serum Urea and Serum Creatinine.

29. Phenylketonuria.

30. Define Acidosis.

31. Define glycolysis.

32. Normal values of serum electrolytes.

33. Two examples for isoenzymes.

34. Name the essential fatty acids.

35. Purine catabolism and its normal value.

36. Lipoproteins.

37. Define co-enzyme.

38. Types of Jaundice.

39. Name any 2 liver function tests.

40. Examples for disaccharides.

41. Cytoskeleton

42. Essential fatty acids

43. Difference between DNA and RNA(any two)

44. Write any two functions of calcium

45. Ribosomes

46. Osmosis

47. Name the water soluble and fat soluble vitamins.

48. Flurosis

49. Essential Amino Acids

50. Lysosomes

51. Beri-beri

52. Glutathione

53. Significance of HMP shunt

54. Name the ketone bodies

55. Fluorosis.

56. Sucrose is non reducing sugar why?

57. Alkaptonuria

58. Structure and functions of mitochondria

59. Essential amino acid

60. Name the purine and pyrimidine bases.

61. Hypercolesterolemia.

62. Anti oxidant vitamins.

63. Oxidative Phosphorylation

64. Name four clinically important enzymes.

65. Write the reference range for serum electrolytes.

66. Laboratory findings in a case of obstructive jaundice.

67. Essential fatty acid.

68. Metabolic alkalosis.

69. Name two essential fatty acids.

70. Name two clinically significant transaminase measured in the laboratory.

71. Name two special products from tyrosine and their function.

72. What are the coenzymes of pyridoxine? Mention a reaction where it is used?

73. What is the end product of purine catabolism? What is its normal level?

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