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BSC. Nursing I Year Important Questions MICROBIOLOGY

Updated: Mar 21, 2023


Discussion Type Questions

1. Write in detail about the bacterial anatomy with suitable diagram.

2. Name the bacterial agents causing pyrexia of unknown origin. Write pathogenesis and laboratory diagnosis of enteric fever.

3. Define Sterilization. Discuss in detail the different methods of dry heat sterilization.

4. Classify hypersensitivity. Discuss in detail Type I hypersensitivity.

5. Write in detail about Laboratory Methods for Identification of Microorganisms.

6. Write in detail about Bio-Medical Waste Management.

7. Describe the morphology, staining, pathogenesis and lab diagnosis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

8. Classify bacteria and add a note on the factors affecting bacterial growth

9. Define immunity. Add a note on types of immunity.

10. Describe the morphology, pathogenesis, lab diagnosis of HIV.

11. Describe the clinical findings and diagnosis of staphylococcus aureus in detail.

12. Explain the life cycle of plasmodium.

13. Classify antigen & antibody reactions. Describe in detail the agglutination tests and its uses in the laboratory diagnosis.

14. Write about the morphology, laboratory diagnosis, treatment and prophylaxis of Hepatitis B virus.

15. Classify different type of Sterilization. Write in details about moist heat Sterilization.

16. Define Enteric Fever and write in details of the Morphology, cultural characters, pathogenesis and Lab Diagnosis of Salmonella Typhi.

17. Classify bacteria. Describe the structure of a bacterial cell with a neat diagram.

18. Enumerate various causes of food poisoning. Describe the pathogenesis and laboratory diagnosis of Vibrio Cholerae infection.

19. Describe the Morphology, Cultural characteristics, Pathogenesis and lab diagnosis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

20. Define nosocomial infection. Describe the sources, modes of transmission and prevention of hospital acquired infection.

21. Define and classify sterili sation. Describe the various methods of moist heat sterili sation. 22. Describe the mode of transmission, prevention and laboratory diagnosis of Human Immuno Deficiency virus

23. Write in detail about the life cycle of Malarial parasite and complications caused by P.falciparum.

24. Write about the growth of bacteria in the laboratory and classify various culture media with suitable examples.

Short Notes

1. Laboratory diagnosis of urinary tract infection.

2. Bacterial capsule.

3. Hook worm infestation.

4. Protocol for safe blood transfusion.

5. Prophylaxis of Rabies.

6. Immunization schedule.

7. Swine flu.

8. Toxic shock syndrome

9. Bacterial growth curve.

10. Flagella.

11. Candida.

12. Widal Test.

13. Hospital infection control programme.

14. Antibody Structure.

15. Explain Bacterial Motility.

16. Explain Zoonoses Infection with Example.

17. Protocol for Safe Blood Transfusion.

18. Difference between Active and Passive Immunity.

19. Robert Koch and his postulates.

20. Life cycle of Malarial parasite.

21. Selective media.

22. VDRL test.

23. Anaphylaxis.

24. Enriched media.

25. Pasteurisation.

26. Candidiasis.

27. Hospital acquired infections.

28. Ig M antibody.

29. What are the different stages of disease in syphilis?

30. Anaerobic culture methods.

31. Describe the prevention of rabies.

32. Brief about chicken pox.

33. Draw picture of bacterial cell and label the parts

34. Polio

35. Transport Media

36. Nosocomial Infection

37. Dermatophytes

38. Flagella

39. Antibiotic susceptibility testing

40. Prophylaxis of rabies

41. Amoebic dysentery

42. Prophylaxis of tetanus

43. Gram staining

44. Describe the life cycle of malarial parasite.

45. Autoclave.

46. Prophylaxis of polio.

47. Bacterial spores.

48. Contributions of Louis Pasteur

49. Hydatid disease.

50. Anaphylaxis.

51. Describe the laboratory diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis .

52. Differential staining technique

53. Hospital Acquired Infections

54. Rh Incompatibility

55. Bacterial Conjugation

56. Bacteriophage.

Short Questions

1. Koch’s postulates.

2. Fluorescent microscope.

3. Grains stain.

4. Tantalization.

5. MMR.

6. Dengue fever.

7. List four opportunistic infections typically associated with HIV infection.

8. Malignant pustule.

9. BCG.

10. Name four dermatophytic fungi.

11. List the characteristics of passive Immunity.

12. Define precipitation. Give examples.

13. List the contributions of Joseph Lister.

14. Mention four species of plasmodia causing malaria.

15. Name two fungi casing skin infection.

16. Give two example of Type III hypersensitivity.

17. Mention two antiseptic solutions with their recommended concentration.

18. Enumerate four intestinal nematode.

19. Name two diseases acquired through the bite of Aedes aegypti mosquito.

20. List four complication of Diphtheria.

21. Use of Terminology.

22. Use of Electron Microscope.

23. Bacterial Colonization.

24. Mention any four Mesophilic Human Bacteria.

25. Define Nosocomial Infection.

26. Define Narrow-Spectrum Antibiotics with two examples.

27. What is Black water fever?

28. Name Four Viruses which are transmitted by blood?

29. Cold chain.

30. Define Immunity

31. Carrier.

32. Ig G antibody.

33. Give the color coding for disposal of Biomedical wastes in hospital.

34. Cross infection.

35. Mention four Modes of transmission of infection.

36. Pulse polio program.

37. Tyndallization.

38. Hide porter’s disease.

39. Widal test.

40. Cold sterilization.

41. Name two bacteria causing STD.

42. ELISA.

43. Gram staining.

44. Give two examples of live vaccine.

45. Name any two helminths infecting man.

46. Name any two filamentous fungi.

47. Name two anti-tubercular drugs.

48. What is antigen?

49. Non suppurative complications of Group A Streptococci

50. BCG vaccine.

51. Give two examples of gram negative bacilli.

52. What do you mean by incineration?

53. Name two bacteria which cause diarrhea.

54. Expand ELISA.

55. Normal flora.

56. Fever blister.

57.Casoni’s test.

58. Candle filters.

59. Convalescent carrier.

60. Toxic shock syndrome.

61. Mention any four microorganisms causing pneumonia.

62. Coagulase test.

63. Western blot test.

64. KOH wet mount.

65. Mention any two species of Aspergillus.

66. Negri bodies.

67.Normal flora

68. Give two examples for blood parasites.

69. Use of Electron Microscope.

70. Define agglutination reaction.

71. Give two examples of Type I Hypersensitivity.

72. Name four killed viral vaccines.

73. List the clinical manifestations of infection with Streptococcus Pneumoniae.

74. Name two Multidrug - resistant Bacteria.

75. Name two vaccines recommended specifically for Health care workers.

76. Mention two bacteria causing gas Gangrene.

77. Haptens.

78. What are opportunistic mycoses? Name two opportunistic fungi.

79. List the characteristics of passive immunity.

80. What is an enriched media? Give example.

81. Define tyndallisation.

82. Name four viruses which are transmitted by blood.

83. Name four methods for disposal of biomedical waste.

84. What is Black water fever?

85. Name two antiseptics.

86. Name four organisms causing nosocomial infection.

87.What is anaphylaxis?

88. Give two examples of live vaccines.

89. Name four methods of disposal of biomedical waste.

90. Name two gases used as disinfectant.

91. What is VDRL test?

92. Enumerate two diseases spread through contaminated water.

93. Name four organisms causing UTI.

94. What is zoonoses? Give example.

95. What are the uses of electron microscope?

96. What is candidiasis?

97. Name two dermatophytes.

98. What is an anaerobic medium? Give example.

99. Name two toxins produced by Staphylococcus.

100. Define pulse polio immunisation.

101. Enumerate dermatophytes.

102. Name two opportunistic fungi.

103. Mention four species of plasmodia causing malaria

104. Define nos ocomial infection.

105. Name four diseases caused by Staphylococci

106. Name four agents used for skin disinfection

107. Casoni ’s test

108. List articles disposed under various color code s

109. Name two transport media

110. Mantou x Test

111. Mention four killed vaccines

112.Name four fungi.

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