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BS.C. Nursing First Year Important Questions (ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY)


Essay Notes:

1. Classify the Nervous system and write in detail about the functional areas of Cerebrum.

2. Describe the mammary gland under the following headings: (i) Shape (ii) Surfaces (iii) Structure (iv) Blood supply (v) Lymphatic drainage (vi) Applied anatomy.

3. Enumerate the organs of male reproductive system.

4. Describe the testis in detail under the following headings. a) coverings b) structure c) blood supply and d) clinical significance.

5. Enumerate the parts of respiratory system and write in detail about the Lung.

6. Describe the organs of urinary system in detail.

7.Enumerate the parts of female reproductive system. Describe in detail about the supporters of uterus.

8. Name the sensory organs and write in detail about the Tongue.

9. Name the endocrine glands and describe about the thyroid gland in detail

10. Define a Joint. Explain the features of Synovial Joint. Classify the various types of Synovial Joint with suitable Examples.

11. Enumerate the parts of the Digestive system and describe the stomach under the following heading: a) Situation b) Parts c) Blood supply d) Lymphatic drainage e) Applied anatomy

12. Draw and label a neat diagram of urinary system. Write in detail about the kidney.

13. Enumerate the parts of female reproductive system with a neat diagram. Describe about the uterus in detail.

14. Write in detail about the lymphatic organs.

15. Name the different Endocrine Glands present in the Human Body. Describe in detail the anatomy of the Thyroid Gland.

16. Name the organs of male reproductive system. Describe in detail about testis.

17. Name the different parts and functions of Digestive System. Describe in detail about Stomach.

Short Notes:

1- Deltoid muscle – Origin, insertion, nerve supply, action, applied anatomy.

2. Blood supply to heart – Arterial supply, venous drainage, and applied anatomy.

3. Stomach – Position, parts, blood supply, nerve supply, applied anatomy.

4. Circle of Willis – Formation, area of supply and applied anatomy.

5. Tongue – Parts, surfaces, muscles, nerve, supply.

6. Urinary Bladder – Parts, surfaces, capacity, interior.

7. Draw and label the eye ball.

8. Describe the location and features of the myocardium.

9. Explain the ventricles of the brain.

10. Where is the thyroid gland situated? Name the hormones secreted by it.

11. Describe the structure of the inner ear.

12. Urinary Bladder – Position, external features, relations and applied anatomy

13. Blood supply of Brain.

14. Gluteus maximus.

15. Supports of uterus.

16. Pancreas.

17. Tongue.

18. Deltoid muscle

19. Stomach –Position, parts blood supply nerve supply and applied anatomy.

20. Gluteus maximus

21. Describe the major openings in the diaphragm

22. Radial artery

23. Testis

24. Differences between small and large intestines.

25. Great Saphenous vein

26. Classification of bones

27. Cerebellum

28. Vermiform appendix

29. Describe the interior of Heart

30. Fallopian tube

31. Para nasal sinuses.

32. Structural differences between skeletal, cardiac and smooth muscles.

33. Functional areas of cerebrum

34. Draw the labeled diagram of Eye ball.

35. Blood supply of heart.

36. Mammary gland.

37. Circle of Willis.

38. Deltoid muscle.

39. Cerebellum.

40. Support of uterus.

41. Classification of bones with examples.

42. Anterior and posterior relations of both the Kidneys.

43. Pharynx

44. Name the parts of extra-hepatic biliary apparatus. Write about gall bladder.

45. Describe in detail the supports of uterus.

46. Right atrium of the heart.

47. Bronchopulmonary Segments.

48. Blood supply of heart.

49. Types of Muscles.

Few Line Notes:

1- Write the parts of Fallopian tube.

2. Mention any two connective tissue cells.

3. Draw the structure of nephron.

4. Name the contents of middle ear cavity.

5. Mention the three layers of adrenal cortex.

6. Enumerate the contents of the spermatic cord.

7. Name the major openings in the Diaphragm.

8. Mention the parts of the pancreases.

9. Mention the upper and lower extent of the spinal cord in adult.

10. Name the arteries supplying the heart and their origin.

11. Name any two Sesamoid bones.

12 Give the formation of Superior vena cava.

13. Write the layers of eye.

14. What are the anatomical lobes of the liver?

15. Mention the parts of Uterus

16. Name any two contents of cubital fossa.

17. Mention the neuroglial cells.

18. Give two examples for ball and socket joint.

19. Write any two characteristic features of skeletal muscle.

20. Mention the three coverings of eyeball

21. Name the types of bones.

22. Name the veins used for intravenous injections.

23. Varicose veins.

24. Pleural recesses.

25. Differences between small intestine and large intestine

26. Mention the types of muscle

27. Name any four hormones secreted by pituitary gland

28. Name the layers of skin

29. Mention any four lymphoid organs present in our body

30. List out the name of any two contents for spermatic cord.

31. Pleuritis

32. Parts of a young bone

33. Openings of diaphragm

34. Name the Lymphoid organs

35. Ear ossicles

36. Costodiaphragmatic recess.

37. Parts of pituitary gland.

38. Transitional epithelium

39. Median cubital vein

40. Coverings of eye bal

41. Name the structures present in the hilum of the Liver

42. Name the coverings of the brain

43. Name the parts of the pancreas

44. Name the types of the cartilage

45. Name the branches of the arch of aorta

46. Parts of uterine tube.

47. Splenomagaly.

48. Dislocation of shoulder joint.

49. Blood brain barrier.

50. Quadriceps femoris muscle.

51. Name the bones present in the middle Ear.

52. Name the Endocrine glands present in the body.

53. Name the structures present in the Hilum of the right Lung.

54. Name any four Cranial nerves.

55. Give two examples of Synovial

56. Name the muscles used for intramuscular injection.

57. Write the vertebral level for lumbar puncture and level of termination of spinal cord .

58. Write any two characteristic features of cardiac muscle.

59. Name any two hernias.

60. Write the parts of fallopian tube.

61. Name the arteries supplying the heart and give their origin.

62. Write any two characteristic features of skeletal muscle.

63. Name the organs involved in respiratory system.

64. Name the ventricles present in the brain.

65. Name the salivary glands present in the body

66. Name the muscles of tongue.

67. Median cubital vein.

68. Ear ossicles.

69. Name the covering of the brain.

70. Name the parts of pancreas.

71. Name the arteries supplying the stomach.

72. Draw a neat labelled diagram of the section of eye ball.

73. Name the different organs of male reproductive system.

74. Name the structures passing through the hilum of right lung.

75. Name the muscles for intramuscular injection.

76. Median cubital vein – position and clinical importance.

77. Write about the parts of the ureter.

78. Mention any four functional areas of cerebrum.

79. Name the bones forming the vertebral column.

80. Name the fissures and lobes of right lung.

81. Name the arteries forming Circle of Willis.

82. Name the veins for Intravenous Injection.

83. Name the cranial nerves emerging from Medulla Oblongata.

84. Name the varieties of Synovial Joints.

85. Name the coverings of Testis


Essay Notes:

1. Write in detail the mechanism of urine formation.

2. Discuss in detail the different stages of erythropoiesis and the factors necessary for erythropoiesis.

3. Describe the origin, course and termination of pyramidal tract. State its functions. What is the effect of their lesion?

4. Define Immunity. How do you classify Immunity? Add a note on the various functions of T lymphocytes and B lymphocytes.

5. Describe the structure of thyroid gland. Name the hormones of thyroid. Describe in detail the functions of thyroxine. Add a note on cretinism.

6. What is erythropoiesis? Describe the stages of erythropoiesis and write the factors influencing the same?

7. Define Blood Pressure. Write in detail the factors controlling blood pressure.

8. Write in detail the regulation of Respiration. Define Tidal volume and vital capacity.

9. What is Menstrual Cycle? Explain the Ovarian changes taking place during Menstrual


10. Define erythropoiesis. Describe in detail about the stages of erythropoiesis. Add a note on maturation factors.

11. Write in detail the mechanism of Urine formation.

12. Describe in detail with a help of diagram the mechanism of skeletal muscle contraction.

13. Enumerate the factors involved in blood coagulation and describe the mechanism of blood coagulation. Add a note on anticoagulants.

14. What is calcium homeostasis? Explain the role of parathyroid hormone in calcium homeostasis? Add a note on tetany.

15. Write in detail the mechanism of urine formation

16. Define Landsteiner’s Law. Explain ABO blood grouping system. Add a note on Erythroblastosis foetalis.

17. Explain the composition, Circulation and Functions of CSF.

Short Notes:

1. Describe the functions of placenta.

2. Mention the physiological factors affecting blood pressure.

3. Oxygen transport.

4. Functions of Liver.

5. Enumerate the functions of Saliva.

6. Describe the conductive system of the heart.

7. Gall bladder.

8. Renin Angiotensin system.

9. Regulation of Arterial pressure.

10. Endometrial cycle.

11. Functions of placenta.

12. Dwarfism.

13. Surfactant.

14. Heart Sounds.

15. Functions of Hypothalamus.

16. Hypoxia

17. Factors affecting erythropoiesis.

18. Name the secretions of pituitary gland and write the functions

19. Functions of blood

20. Nuero muscular junction.

21. Blood grouping

22. Contraceptive methods

23. Micturition

24. Classification and functions of leukocytes

25. Conducting system of the heart

26. Deglutition

27. Functions of Saliva

28. Transport of Carbon dioxide

29. Refractive errors of eye

30. Electro cardiogram [ECG]

31. Functions of skin.

32. Functions of placenta.

33. Dwarfism.

34. Heart sounds.

35. Neuro-muscular junction.

36. Factors affecting glomerular filtration rate.

37. Trace the visual pathway.

38. Neural regulation of respiration.

39. Neuro muscular junction.

40. Transport of oxygen in blood.

41. Hormonal regulation of menstrual cycle.

42. Briefly explain the conductive system of the heart.

43. Lung volumes.

44. Composition and functions of cerebro-spinal fluid.

45. Blood grouping.

46. Functions of female sex hormones.

47. Refractive errors of eye.

48. Define cardiac output. Write a short note on factors regulating cardiac output.

49. Intrinsic pathway of coagulation.

50. Functions of cerebellum.

51. Bone Healing and Stages.

52. Functions of Skin.

53. Coagulation of blood.

Few Line Notes:

1. Mention two functions of Hydrochloric acid.

2. Write two functions of Surfactant.

3. Name different refractory errors of the eye.

4. What is Tetany?

5. Name different types of muscle tissue?

6. What is calcium and its effect on serum calcium level?

7. Name the two important waste products excreted by the Kidneys.

8. What are the two hormones secreted by posterior pituitary gland?

9. Write two functions of gall bladder.

10. Mention two uses of ECG.

11. Define cardiac output.

12. Rigor mortis.

13. Placental hormones.

14. Color blindness.

15. Functions of saliva.

16. Mention any two functions of blood.

17. Name any two hormones produced by the adrenal cortex.

18. List any two functions of CSF.

19. Name any four primary tastes.

20. List any two physiological properties of skeletal muscle.

21. Name the Different types of Muscle.

22. List out any 4 functions of liver.

23. Non excretory functions of Kidney

24. Colour Blindness.

25. List out the methods of contraception in females.

26. Classify WBC

27. Name any two contractile proteins

28. Spermatogenesis

29. CSF and its functions

30. Female sex organs.

31. Name the pacemaker of heart

32. Write two functions of Bile

33. Name the first two clotting factors

34. Two functions of Cerebellum

35. Two hormones of Adrenal Medulla

36. Name the plasma proteins

37. Define Glomerular Filtration rate

38. Mention two functions of neuroglia

39. Write two functions of Kidneys

40. Name the two enzymes that help in the digestion of proteins

41. Name the leads of Electrocardiogram

42. Types of Nephron and its functions

43. Name any four hormones secreted by Anterior pituitary gland

44. Types of Blood group

45. Define Sarcomere

46. What is surfactant?

47. Mention the enzymes present in pancreatic juice.

48. Types of Neurons.

49. Muscle tone.

50. Name the bile salts

51. Describe the conducting system of the Heart.

52. Enumerate the functions of Saliva.

53. List the name of any two Neuroglial cells.

54. Name any two hormones produced by the Ovary.

55. Functions of Bile

56. Any two functions of cell membrane.

57. Any four functions of thyroid hormone.

58. Functions of red blood cells.

59. What is vital capacity? Give the normal value.

60. Name any two contraceptive methods.

61. Name the layers and secretions of adrenal cortex.

62. Any four functions of calcium.

63. Functions of leucocytes.

64. Name the hormones that act on nephron.

65. Name the three compartments of cochlea

66. Mention any two functions of blood.

67. List out any four functions of liver.

68. Rigor mortis.

69. Mention any two functions of skin.

70. Mention any two functions of testosterone.

71. Mention two uses of ECG.

72. Name the two enzymes that help in the digestion of proteins.

73. Two functions of cerebellum.

74. Muscle tone.

75. Name the muscles for inspiration and expiration.

76. Pancreatic secretions.

77. Hormones of anterior pituitary gland.

78. Any two non-excretory functions of kidney.

79. Cretinism.

80. Functions of testosterone.

81. Two functions of Liver.

82. Renal failure.

83. Myasthenia gravis.

84. Name any four Female Sex Hormones.

85. Glands.

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