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B Sc Nursing I year 2021 Important Questions for all Subjects


Describe, draw and label the parts of the respiratory system. Add a note on its applied anatomy.

Draw and label parts of the gastrointestinal system. Describe the stomach in detail.

Describe the structure of neuron with the help of a neat labelled diagram. Add a note on neuroglia.

Structure of lymph node

Parts of brain

Structure of eyeball

Draw and label chambers of heart

Structure of kidney with diagram

Structure of female reproductive system

Structure of pancreas

Structure of urinary bladder

Structure of male urethra with diagram

Central nervous system and peripheral nervous system differences?

Small and large intestine differences?


Describe the transport of oxygen and carbon -dioxide in the blood. Add a note on Oxygen Dissociation Curve.

Describe the different types of blood groups. Add a note on Rh incompatibility.

Define cardiac cycle and mention the duration. Describe the various events in the cardiac cycle.

Describe the waves of ECG and mention its uses.

Excitation -contraction coupling.

Composition and functions of cerebrospinal fluid.

Describe the mechanism of inspiration and expiration.

Visual pathway.

Hormones regulating pancreatic juice secretion.

Neuro -endocrine reflex.


Diffusion and osmosis.

Counter -current exchanger and counter -current multiplier.

First and second heart sound


Name the blood borne micro - organisms. List the blood borne virus infections. Describe the morphology of hepatitis B, modes of spread, laboratory diagnosis and prevention of hepatitis B infection.

Classify disinfectants and name the chemical agents used for skin antisepsis. Describe the steps of performing hand hygiene.

Describe briefly the laboratory diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis.


Dengue fever and its complications

Role of central sterile supplies department in a hospital.

Opportunistic infections in AIDS

Catheter associated urinary tract infection

MMR vaccine

Post exposure prophylaxis after a needle stick injury.

Falciparum malaria

Active and passive immunity

Immunoglobulin M (IgM) and IgG

Oral polio vaccine and injectable polio vaccine


Define attention. Explain determinants and types of attention

Define motivation. Explain the primary motives

Describe the role of nurses in mental health

Bhatia’s performance test

Adaptation and coping with stress

Types of thinking

Principles in counseling

Types of memory

Intelligence quotient

Nature of attitude

Theories of personality

Types of learning

Maslow theory of motivation

Characteristics of mentally healthy person

Nursing Foundations

Define drug administration and mention the various routes of drug administration. What are the factors influencing drug action. Explain the nurse ’s responsibility in storage and maintenance of drugs in the hospital.

Define communication and mention the types of communication. Explain the methods of effective communication.

Define nosocomial infection. What are the methods of transmission of infection. Discuss the role of a nurse in hospital infection control

What are the universal safety precautions

Care of unconscious patient

Types of rehabilitation

Therapeutic uses of hot and cold application

Indications for nasogastric feeding

Incident report and transfer report

Medical and nursing diagnosis

Blood pressure and pulse pressure

Inspection and auscultation

Records and reports.

Four factors affecting pulse

Four types of beds

Four principles of body mechanics

Four principles of Biomedical waste management

Four characteristics of a profession

Section A - Nutrition

Discuss about protein energy malnutrition in detail.

Explain about water soluble vitamins in detail.

Nutritional programme in India


Sources of calcium


Role of fiber

Factors affecting food and nutritional intake

Functions of carbohydrates

Menu plan for a diabetic adult man doing sedentary work


Section B – Biochemistry

Digestion and absorption of carbohydrates.

Dietary sources, biochemical functions and deficiency manifestations of vitamin

What are isoenzymes. Give examples of isoenzymes with their clinical importance.

Plasma buffers

Immunoglobulin (G) and immunoglobulin (M)

Essential amino acids and non-essential amino acids

Starch and glycogen

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