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B.Sc. Nursing IV Year OBG Important Questions

Long Questions

1- Describe the onset of labour? Give brief description of first stage of labour with nursing management?

2-What do you mean by multiple pregnancy? Explain types and etiology with nursing management?

3-Define postpartum hemorrhage? Explain types and etiology with emergency care of mother?

4-Describe conception? Explain psychological changes during pregnancy?

5- Describe birth asphyxia? Explain its causes, clinical feathers along with management a baby born with birth asphyxia?

6- Describe caesarean section? List of indication of caesarean section? 7-Explain the structure of placenta at term with a neat, labeled diagram. Enumerate the functions of mature placenta. Mention the anatomical variations of placenta?

8-Define gestational diabetes mellitus. What are the effects of diabetes on pregnancy. Explain the antenatal care of the women with GDM?

9-What is high-risk pregnancy. How will you screen the high-risk cases. Explain the management of high-risk cases?

10- Explain Breech presentation and its types. Mention the maneuvers used to deliver the after coming head in Breech presentation. Describe the management of Breech presentation in second stage of labour?

11-Explain postpartum hemorrhage. List the causes and risk factors of primary postpartum hemorrhage. Explain the medical and nursing management of atonic uterus in PPH?

12-Expalin ectopic pregnancy. Enlist the causes, risk factors, and diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy. Explain emergency management of ectopic pregnancy?

13-Define induction of labour. Mention the indications of induction of labour. Discuss the methods of induction?

14- What are the signs of fetal distress. Explain the management of labour and delivery when fetal distress is identified?

15-Expalin the management of patient with heart diseases during labour and puerperium?

16-Describe the physiology of the second stage of labour? Explain the mechanism of labour in left occipito anterior position?

17-List the objectives of antenatal care. Define the nursing care of a woman at 10 weeks of gestation, admitted with the diagnosis of threatened abortion?

18-Describe prematurity. List the causes of prematurity. Describe specific nursing care to be provided for a premature baby in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit?

19-Describe the signs and symptoms of pregnancy in the first trimester. Describe the antenatal advice you will give to a woman in the third trimester. List five minor disorders of pregnancy and the management?

20-What is an ectopic pregnancy. List the of tubal pregnancy. Describe the clinical features of an acute tubal pregnancy and its management?

21-Explain the physiological changes during puerperium. Describe physiology of lactation. Explain the nursing management of a woman during the first week of puerperium?

22-Define PIH (Pregnancy Induced Hypertension). Describe the obstetrical and nursing management of PIH?

23-Define anaemia. Describe the obstetrical and nursing management of iron deficiency anaemia?

24-What are the causes of iron deficiency anemia in pregnancy. Describe the of effects of anemia on mother and fetus. Describe the management in pregnancy?

25-Discuss the management of a patient with heart disease during labour and puerperium?

26-List down the criteria for diagnosis of preterm labour. Discuss the measures should be taken to arrest preterm labour and continue the pregnancy to term?

27-Define normal labour. List down the signs and symptoms of onset of labour. Explain the management of 2nd stage labour?

28-Define multiple pregnancy. Mention the diagnostic measures of multiple pregnancies. Discuss the maternal and fetal complications during pregnancy?

29-Define abortion. List the types of abortion. Discuss the nursing of management of septic abortion?

Short Question


2-Breast feeding?

3-Reproductive and child health welfare programme?

4-Permanent method of family planning?

5-Universal immunization programme?

6-Disorders of menstrual cycle 7-Explain the types of obstetric forceps 8-Enumerate the indications and types of episiotomy

9-Explain about IUGR

10-Describe the role of a nurse in family welfare programme 11-How will you prepare the couple for parenthood

12-Explain about internal female reproductive system

13-What are the physiological changes during second stage of labour

14-What are the difficulties of breastfeeding

15-Explain on postnatal assessment

16-How will you assist the obstetrician in management of complicated breech delivery 17-Write brief note on meconium aspiration syndrome

18-Explain the role of nurse in family welfare programme

19-Explain the medical and the nursing management of urinary tract infection in postpartum 20-Explain the procedure of external cephalic version 21-Interpret the ill effects of TORCH infections and its management in pregnancy

22-Explain the nursing responsibility in maintaining the partograph

23-Describe the role of nurse in management of teenage pregnancy

24-Explain in detail about development of placenta from conception

25-Describe the management of eclampsia?

Very Short Questions


2-Exchange transfusion


4-Prostaglandins in obstetrics

5-Persistent occipito posterior position and possible outcomes

6-Retroverted gravid uterus

7-Legal and ethical aspects in obstetrical and midwifery nursing

8-Tocolytic drugs


10-Neonatal jaundice

11-Maternal mortality

12-Per vaginal examination


14-Nursing management of hyperemesis gravidarum

15-Right occipito posterior position

16-Nursing care of newborn undergoing phototherapy

17-Population dynamics


19-Vesicovaginal fistula

20-Customs and beliefs in relation to confinement and puerperium

21-New born assessment

22-Artificial rupture of membranes

23-Acute inversion of the uterus

24-Placenta praevia

25-Asphyxia neonatorum

26-Still births



29-Ultra sonography in obstetrics

30-Puerperal sepis


32-Amniotic fluid embolism

33-Deep vein thrombosis

34-Burns marshall manoeuvre

35-Bishop score

36--Birth trauma in newborn

37-Prolapsed of the uterus

38-Barrier methods of contraception

39-Postpartum venous thrombosis

40-Prevention of birth injuries

41-Forth degree perineal tear

42-Obstructed labour

43-Diagnosis of pregnancy

44-Mother to child transmission of HIV

45-Artificial rupture of membranes

46-Molor pregnancy

47-Abnormalities of Bony pelvis

48-Obstetrics anesthesia and analgesia

49-Copper –T 380 A

50-Displacement of uterus

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