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B.Sc. Nursing IV year Important Questions for CHN

Updated: Jan 7

  1. a) Define Maternal Mortality Rate and List down the causes of Maternal Mortality Rate in India.

b) Explain the Preventive and the Social Measures in reduction of Maternal Mortality.

2. List down the approaches in Community Health Nursing and explain in detail?

3. a) Mention the objectives of Tuberculosis Control Programme. b) Explain the activities in RNTCP c) Discuss the Role of Community Health Nurse in DOTS Therapy.

4. a) List out the objectives of ante-natal care. b) Discuss the role of community health nurse in implementing maternal and child health programmes.

5. Enlist the National Health Programs in India. Explain the Revised National Tuberculosis Control Program in detail.

6. Classify Epidemiological approaches. Explain the Epidemiological Investigations in detail.

7. a) Mention the objectives of Family Welfare Programme. b) Explain the organization and activities in Family Welfare Programme. c) Discuss the role of Community Health Nurse in Family Welfare Programme.

8. a) Describe the National Health Policy in India. b) Enumerate the five year plans. c) Discuss in detail on 12th five year plan.

9. a) List out the International health agencies. b) Elaborate on World Health Organization. 10. a) Define Home Visit. b) Describe the Qualities of Community health nurse. c) Explain in detail the preventive, promotive and curative services provided by community health nurse during floods.

 1. a) List out the International health agencies. b) Elaborate on World Health Organization.

2. a) Define Home Visit. b) Describe the Qualities of Community health nurse. c) Explain in detail the preventive, promotive and curative services provided by community health nurse during floods.

3. a) Explain in detail about the organization of health services in India.

 4. Mention the various community nutritional programmes in India & explain any three in detail. Describe the roles of community health nurse.

5. a) Define Maternal mortality rate. b) Mention the factors affecting Maternal mortality, c) Discuss the preventive and social measures in reduction of maternal mortality.

6. Explain in detail the Reproductive and child health program.

7. Define Primary Health Care. b) Principles of Primary Health Care. c) Explain the functions of Primary Health Care.

8. a) Define Occupational Health Service. b) Explain in detail about occupational Hazards and role of Community health nurse in its prevention.

9. a) Delivery of Community health services at the primary health centre b) Role of Community health Nurse at maternal and child health centre

10. a) Mention the vital events and the uses of vital statistics b) Ro le of village health Nurse in maintaining the vital statistics at the health sub centre. c) Causes of infant mortality in India

11. Define occupational health. Discuss in detail the role of occupational health nurse.

12. Revised National Tuberculosis control programme.                                        

13. What are the components of community health services.  Explain in detail about school health services.

14. Enlist the high risk mothers and discuss the role and responsibilities of the CHN in preventive services for the mothers

15.a) Define Primary Health Care. b) Principles of Primary Health Care. c) Explain the functions of Primary Health Care.

16. a) Define Occupational Health Service. b) Explain in detail about occupational Hazards and role of Community health nurse in its prevention.

17. a) Define family welfare programme. b) List the objective of it. c) Explain any three temporary methods of it.

18. a) Mention the various committees existing in India. b) Discuss the Bhore and Mudaliar committee.

19. a) Define Maternal Mortality Rate and List down the causes of Maternal Mortality Rate in India. b) Explain the Preventive and the Social Measures in reduction of Maternal Mortality.

20. List down the approaches in Community Health Nursing and explain in detail.

21. Define Health Education. Explain about the content, principles and practices of Health Education.

22. a) Explain about the types, collection and disposal of waste at home and community. b) Discuss in detail about ICDS Programme.

23. a) Mention the objectives of Tuberculosis Control Programme. b) Explain the activities in RNTCP c) Discuss the Role of Community Health Nurse in DOTS Therapy.

 24. a) List out the objectives of ante-natal care. b) Discuss the role of community health nurse in implementing maternal and child health programmes.

25. Enlist the National Health Programs in India. Explain the Revised National Tuberculosis Control Program in detail.

26. Classify Epidemiological approaches. Explain the Epidemiological Investigations in detail.

27. a) Mention the objectives of Family Welfare Programme. b) Explain the organization and activities in Family Welfare Programme. c) Discuss the role of Community Health Nurse in Family Welfare Programme.

28. a) Describe the National Health Policy in India. b) Enumerate the five year plans. c) Discuss in detail on 12th five year plan

29. a) Define Home visit. b) List out the advantages of Home visit. c) Explain the principles of Home visit.

30. a) Define Family Welfare. b) List down the family Welfare programmes. c) Explain about Temporary Contraception methods.

31. a) Delivery of Community health services at the primary health centre b) Role of Community health Nurse at maternal and child health centre

32. a) Mention the vital events and the uses of vital statistics b) Ro le of village health Nurse in maintaining the vital statistics at the health sub centre. c) Causes of infant mortality in India


1.Alternative System of Medicine.

2. Aspects of School Health Programme.

3. Information Education Communication (IEC).

4. 12th five year plan.

5. Indian Red Cross Society

6. Central Social Welfare Board.

7. ESI.

8. Substance Abuse.

9. Information, Education, Communication (IEC).

10. MTP Act.

11. Primary Health care principles.

12. Principles in Bag Technique.

13. Pulse polio programme.

14. Employee State Insurance Scheme.

15. Breast Self Examination.

16. State level health-care delivery system.

17. Management Information System (MIS).

18. Female Foeticide Act.

19. Minimum needs programme.


21. Components of RCH II.

22. National Anemia Control Programme.

23. Treatment of Minor Ailments.

24. Principles of Primary Health Care.

25. MCH problems.

  1. List down four functions of Primary Health Centre.

2. List down four functions of Under Five Clinic.

3. Write two Maternity Benefit under ESI Act.

4. Mention two functions of UNICEF.

5. List down four advantages of Breast Feeding.

6. Define Family Health Services.

7. Mention four Voluntary Health Agency.

8. List down four effects of Population Explosion.

9. Write four roles of ASHA workers.

10. List down four functions of Female Health Worker.

11.Enlist the two millennium developmental goals.

12. Mention the four recommendations of Mudaliar Committee.

13. Write the four qualities of Community Health Nurse.

14. Define Infant Mortality Rate (IMR).

15. Mention the coverage population of Community Health Center.

16. List the four uses of Epidemiology.

17. Enlist the National Health Problems.

18. Write the expansion of ASHA.

19. List down the functions of Defense Service.

20. Write the four usages of Records and Reports.

21. Define community health.

22. Name four types of malarial parasite.

23. Define women empowerment.

24. Enlist four records maintained in the Primary Health Centre.

25. Enlist the four components in RCH package.

26. What is evidence based approach?

27. Enlist four major health problems in India.

28. Mention any four scope of community health nursing.

29. Enumerate any two functions of Health Sub-Centre.

30. Expand AYUSH.

31.List out the two functions of red cross.

32. Mention the coverage population of Primary health center.

33. Enumerate the four components of environmental sanitation.

34. Mention the four recommendations of Bhore Committee.

35. Define epidemiology.

36. List the four principles of health education.

37. Define cold chain.

38. Enlist the four occupational health hazards.

39. Mention the four referral services.

40. Write the staffing pattern of health sub-center.

1. Components of RCH II.

2. National Anemia Control Programme.

3. Treatment of Minor Ailments.

4. Principles of Primary Health Care.

5. MCH problems.

6. Scope of community health nursing.

7. Health problems in India.

8. Primary health care.

 9. Women empowerment.

10. Home visit

11. Directly observed treatment short course Chemotherapy.

12. Farmer’s lung.

13. Mass Drug Administration in Filaria.

 14. Any two health problems of elderly.

15. Barriers to communication.

16. What do you mean by referral system?

17. Name any two food adulterants.

18. Mention any four substances commonly abused.

19. List two objectives of National Mental Health Programme.

20. Weaning.

21. List down four voluntary health agencies.

22. Mention the qualities of community health nurse.

23. Write four principles of health education.

24. Define Epidemiology.

25. List out the alternative system of medicine.

26. Write the staffing pattern of sub centre.

27. Define eligible couple.

28. List down the functioning bodies at village level.

29. Mention four occupational hazards.

30.Define community health nursing.

31. Expanded programme of Immunization

32. High Risk Approach

33. Aspects of school health services

34. Food Adultration Act

35. National Health policy

36. List down any four nutritional programme in India.

37. Any four functions of PHC

38. List down any four functions of Health Worker Female.

39. ICDS

40. Write any two Qualities of Community health Nurse

41. Define Prevalence Rate

42. Any four danger signs of postnatal mother

43. Any four Benefits of ESI Act

44. Write any four effect of population explosion

45.Define primary Health Care

46. Components of school health programme

47. Epidemiological Approach

48. Mid-day Meal Programme

 49. Pulse Polio Immunization Programme

50. Maternal mortality

51. Define Home Visit

52. Define Epidemiology

53. Indicators of malnutrition

54. Vital Components of ORS

55. List out any four Voluntary Health Agencies

56. Explain – GOBBIF

57. Write the objectives of RNTCP

58. Define vital statistics

59. Write standing order for diarrhea

60.Write any four preventive measures of Dengue

61. National population policy

62. Health education

63. ESI

64. Roles and responsibilities of Community health nurse in school health services

65. NRHM

66. Alternative systems of Medicine

67. Name four communicable disease control programmes

68. Name four voluntary health agencies

69. List four purposes of home visit

70. What is Vande mataram scheme ?

71. List four concepts of Primary health care.

72. Mention the health problems of adolescents

73. List four community nutrition programs

74. Name four occupational cancers

75.What is the formula to calculate crude death rate ?

76. Concept of Community Health Nursing

78. Principles of home visit.

79. Orphanage

80. Minimum Needs Programme

81. M.T.P. Act

82. Community involvement

83. Prevention of food Adulteration Act


85. Define family planning

86. Three goals for eleventh five year plan.

87. List down four Principles of Primary Health Care

88. List down the objectives of school health programme

89. Principles of bag technique

90. Four functions of WHO

91. Define Active case detection

92. List down three uses of growth chart.

93. List down four points for prevention of anemia

94.List down four causes of blindness in India.

95. Old age homes.

96. Common health problems of School children

97. E.S.I Act


99. Mid-day meal programme.

100.Food adulteration.

101.Women empowerment.

102.National Anti Malarial Programme

103. Define community health nursing.

104. List down four functions of primary health centre.

105. List down two alternative health care system.

106. Define evidence based approach.

107. List down four functions of female health worker.

108. List down four national health agencies.

109. List down four health committee.

110. Write two principles of health education.

111. Write four uses of management of information system.

112. Write down the objectives of ICDS programme.

113. Components of school health programme

114. Epidemiological Approach

115. Mid-day Meal Programme

116. Pulse Polio Immunization Programme

117. Maternal mortality

118. Define Home Visit

119. Define Epidemiology

120. Indicators of malnutrition

121. Vital Components of ORS

122. List out any four Voluntary Health Agencies

123. Explain - GOBBIF

124. Write the objectives of RNTCP

125. Define vital statistics

126. Write standing order for diarrhea

127.Write any four preventive measures of Dengue

128. Community health centre.

129. Indigenous system of medicine.

130. Epidemiological approach.

131. Home visit.

132. Components of school health program

133. Mention four qualities of community health nurse.

134. Write purpose of standing order.

 135. Write four disease warning signs.

136. Mention four voluntary health agencies.

137. Write abbreviation on UNICEF.

138. Write the objectives food adulteration act.

139. Write four importance of maintaining records and reports.

140. Define health education.

141. Define Occupational health.

142.Define Epidemiology.

143. Alternative System of Medicine.

144. Aspects of School Health Programme.

145. Information Education Communication (IEC).

146. 12th five year plan.

147. Indian Red Cross Society.

148. List down four functions of Primary Health Centre.

149. List down four functions of Under Five Clinic.

150. Write two Maternity Benefit under ESI Act.

151. Mention two functions of UNICEF.

152. List down four advantages of Breast Feeding.

153. Define Family Health Services.

154. Mention four Voluntary Health Agency.

155. List down four effects of Population Explosion.

156. Write four roles of ASHA workers.

157. List down four functions of Female Health Worker.

158. Plan and organize school health programme in a panchayat union elementary school.

159. Epidemiological approach.

160. Maternal and child health problems.

161. Treatment of minor ailments.

162. Maintenance of records and reports in primary health centre and sub-centre.

163. Functions of Central Council of Health and Family Welfare.

164. Elements of Primary Health Care.

165. List down the alternative health care system.

166. Warning signs of leprosy.

167. Dr. Muthulakshmi Maternity Benefit Scheme.

168. Name WHO’s six regional organizations and its headquarters.

169. Write a model menu for mid-day school meal. 8. Benefits of ESI Scheme. 9. Name any four National Health Agencies and its functions.

170. Methods of food adulteration with suitable examples.

171. Central Social Welfare Board.

172. ESI.

173. Substance Abuse.

174. Information, Education, Communication (IEC).

175. MTP Act.

176. Enlist the two millennium developmental goals.

177. Mention the four recommendations of Mudaliar Committee.

178. Write the four qualities of Community Health Nurse.

179. Define Infant Mortality Rate (IMR).

180. Mention the coverage population of Community Health Center.

181. List the four uses of Epidemiology.

182. Enlist the National Health Problems.

183. Write the expansion of ASHA.

184. List down the functions of Defense Service.

185. Write the four usages of Records and Reports.

186. Primary Health care principles.

187. Principles in Bag Technique.

188. Pulse polio programme.

189. Employee State Insurance Scheme.

190. Breast Self Examination.

191. Define community health.

192. Name four types of malarial parasite.

193. Define women empowerment.

194. Enlist four records maintained in the Primary Health Centre.

195. Enlist the four components in RCH package.

196. What is evidence based approach?

197. Enlist four major health problems in India.

198. Mention any four scope of community health nursing.

199. Enumerate any two functions of Health Sub-Centre.

200. Expand AYUSH

201. State level health-care delivery system.

202. Management Information System (MIS).

203. Female Foeticide Act.

204. Minimum needs programme.

205. List out the two functions of red cross.

206. Mention the coverage population of Primary health center.

207. Enumerate the four components of environmental sanitation.

208. Mention the four recommendations of Bhore Committee.

209. Define epidemiology.

210. List the four principles of health education.

211. Define cold chain.

212. Enlist the four occupational health hazards.

213. Mention the four referral services.

214. Write the staffing pattern of health sub-center.

215. Concepts of primary Health care.

216. Health problems in India.

217. Explain in detail about waste management in the home and community.

218. National Mental Health programme.

219. Female foeticide

220. Uses of Epidemiology.

221. Write four roles and responsibilities of ASHA.

222. Define child Abuse.

 223. What is DOTS?

224. Quarantine.

225. Write an Immunization schedule for the period of birth to under five.

226. Write any four methods of health education.

227. Write the standing order for fever.

228. Write any two functions of central council of Health.

229. Maternal mortality rate.

230. National population policy

231. Health education

232. Roles and responsibilities of Community health nurse in school health services

233. NRHM

234. Alternative systems of Medicine

235. Name four communicable disease control programmes

236. Name four voluntary health agencies

237. List four purposes of home visit

238. What is Vande mataram scheme ?

239. List four concepts of Primary health care.

240. Mention the health problems of adolescents

241. List four community nutrition programs

242. Name four occupational cancers

243.What is the formula to calculate crude death rate ?

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