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B.Sc. Nursing IV Year Important Questions for Management

Updated: Jul 15, 2021

Long Questions

1-Describe management. State the principles of management. Explain the role of nurse as a manager in Intensive Care Units? Explain theories of management? 2-What is budget. Enumerate the types and advantages of budget? 3-Explain supervision. Explain the principles and techniques of supervision? . What are the objectives of supervision? 4-Describe nursing as a profession. Explain the characteristics of a professional nurse? 5-Explain in detail the role of human resource manager in recruiting, selecting and retaining the staff nurses of a Multi Specialty Hospital? 6-Which are the regulatory bodies for the college of nursing. Explain the physical and clinical facilities for the college of nursing? 7-Explain personnel management. List the objectives of personnel management. Explain in detail the recruitment process? 8-Explain staff development. Explain the need for staff development. Describe the staff development programs? 9-Discribe the points to be kept in mind by nurses regarding legal issues arises in nursing practice? 10-Discribe the nursing as a profession by using standard criteria of a profession? 11-Explain the importance and responsibilities of nursing in maintaining recording and reporting? 12-Define quality assurance. Discuss methods adopted to maintain quality in a hospital? Short Questions Performance appraisal Continuing education Guidance and counseling Malpractice and negligence in nursing practice Equipment and supplies Principles of audit Current trends and issues in nursing Patient classification system The legal aspects in nursing Communication process Bench making The role of nursing service department in emergency and disaster management Role of ward manager in orienting the newly recruited staff to NICU Write a note on collective bargaining The job description of principal of nursing educational institution Enumerate the techniques of communication The consumer protection act INC code of ethics Enumerate the job description of female health assistant Leadership styles State philosophy and objectives of B.SC nursing course Describe the elements of material management with references to nursing Describe public relations in the context in nursing Explain the total quality management in nursing Current trends and issues in nursing Very Short Questions Affiliation Recruiting Essentials of good control Human relation Tools for evaluating nursing standards Delegation of responsibility Professional organizations Problems in health administration Define delegation and control List the objectives of planning Define accreditation What are the different types of patient care assignment What is curriculum planning List nursing organizations for the professional membership Define skill training Define halo effect What is graphic rating scale Dotivation Define bureaucracy List the criteria of a good report POSDCORB Inter personal relationship Indian Nursing Council Nursing rounds Inventory PERT Records in a school of nursing

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