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B.Sc. Nursing III Year Nursing Research and Statistics Importance Questions

Long Questions:

1. Present an overview of research process in detail.

2. Explain the methods and types of writing research report.

3. Explain the methods and tools of data collection with suitable examples.

4. Define Sampling. Explain the types of sampling techniques with suitable examples.

5. Discuss the steps of nursing research process in detail.

6. Explain experimental research designs with suitable examples.

Short Notes:

1. Rating Scales.

2. Data collection in qualitative approach.

3. Communication of research findings.

4. Criteria of good research problem.

5. Difference between qualitative and quantitative research design.

6. Dependent variable.

7. Ethics in research.

8. Types of Survey.

9. Case study research.

10. Quasi Experimental Research Design.

11. Pilot study.

12. Criteria for selecting a good research problem.

13. Non-probability sampling techniques.

14. Qualitative research design.

15. Probability sampling techniques.

16. Research statement.

17. Sources of research problem.

18. Steps in literature review.

19. Types of experimental research designs.

20. Importance of nursing research.

21. Methods of data collection.

22. Criteria of good research problem.

23. Research variables.

24. Validity and reliability of an instrument.

Short Questions:

1. State any four non-experimental research designs.

2. What is variable?

3. Differentiate target and accessible population.

4. List any four bio-physiological measurements.

5. Write four important points of ethics in nursing research.

6. Define sampling error .

7. What is sampling criteria?

8. List any four characteristics of good hypothesis.

9. Define validity.

10. Write any four types of qualitative research.

11. Define Nursing Research.

12. Define Manipulation.

13. Types of Variables.

14. Define reliability.

15. Write four characteristics of good research.

16. State any four non-experimental research designs.

17. Mention any two types of validity.

18. Define pilot study.

19. Define population.

20. What is descriptive research?

21. State any four sources of literature review.

22. Mention two needs for research in nursing.

23. Define hypothesis?


Long Notes:

1. Discuss the test of significance procedures.

2. Explain the various methods of collecting statistical data.

3. What is central tendency? Explain in detail about various measures of central tendency.

4. Find the mean respiratory rate/minute and its SD in the 9 samples which are given below: 23, 22, 20, 24, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 21.

5. a) What is statistics? Explain the importance of statistics in nursing. b) Explain the scales or levels of measurement.

Short Notes:

1. Draw Pie chart: Males - 40%, Females - 60%.

2. State the types of correlation

3. Find out the range of following data

4. Write the uses of student ‘t’ test.

5. What is a degree of freedom?

6. Define probability.

7. Define vital statistics.

8. Find the mean of 8, 6, 4, 2, 9, 7.

9. List the levels of measurements.

10. Types of Bar Diagram.

11. List down the Non-parametric tests.

12. Mention the types of diagrams.

13. Define correlation.

14. List four scales of measurements.

15. List the uses of chi-square test.

16. Mention two uses of statistics in nursing research.

17. Define histogram.

18. Mention any four common diagrams used in statistics.

19. Write two properties of normal distribution.

20. Find out the range of following data 7, 6, 4, 3, 8, 12.

21. Find the mean 7, 3, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5.

22. State the types of correlation.

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