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B.Sc. Nursing III Year Child Health Nursing Important Questions

1. a) Define the idiopathic respiratory distress syndrome and list out the causes. b) Explain the pathophysiology, clinical features and diagnostic evaluation of respiratory distress syndrome. Draw a nursing care plan for a child with respiratory distress syndrome.

2. a) Define leukaemia and list out the types of leukaemia. Describe the pathophysiology and clinical features of leukaemia. b) Write the medical and nursing management of leukaemia.

3. Master. Ramesh, 7 years old child is admitted in a paediatric medical ward with a diagnosis of rheumatic fever. a) Define rheumatic fever and list out the causes. b) Explain the pathophysiology and clinical features of rheumatic fever. c) Describe the medical and nursing management of the child with rheumatic fever.

4. Master. Anand, one day old boy is admitted in a paediatric surgical ward with a diagnosis of tracheo-oesophageal fistula. a) Define tracheo-oesophageal fistula. b) List out the types of tracheo-oesophageal fistula. c) Explain the surgical and nursing management of tracheo-oesophageal fistula.

5. Baby Kamala 7 year’s old child is admitted in a paediatric medical ward with a diagnosis of acute glomerular nephritis. a) Define acute glomerular nephritis and explain the pathophysiology of acute glomerular nephritis. b) List the clinical features of acute glomerular nephritis. c) Describe the nursing management of acute glomerular nephritis.

6. Master. Senthil, 5 years old child is admitted in the paediatric ward for the treatment of Protein Energy Malnutrition. a) Define Protein energy Malnutrition. List out the causes of Protein energy Malnutrition. b) Describe the pathophysiology of protein energy Malnutrition. c) Explain the nursing management including the dietary management of the child.

7. a) Define preterm. b) Mention the physical, neurological characteristics of preterm. c) Discuss the nursing process of hospitalized preterm baby.

8. a) Define idiopathic respiratory distress syndrome and list out the causes. b) Explain the pathophysiology, clinical features and diagnostic evaluation of respiratory distress syndrome. c) Draw a nursing care plan for a child with respiratory distress syndrome.

9. a) Write the difference between cyanotic and acyanotic heart diseases. b) Explain the pathophysiology and clinical features of tetralogy of fallot. c) Explain the surgical and nursing management of a child with tetralogy of fallot.

10. a) National Anti-Malaria programme. b) Immunisation schedule. c) Role of community health nurse in health education.

11. a) Define Occupation health. b) List out occupational hazards and diseases. c) Role of nurse in occupational health.

12. a) Classify the different methods of family planning.( b) Explain in detail the different family planning methods.

13. a) Describe the health problems of school children. (5 ) b) Elaborate on the different aspects of School Health Service.

Short Notes:

1. Neo-natal Reflexes.

2. Milestone development.

3. Assessment of New born.

4. Universal Immunization programme.

5. Haemophilia.

6. Theories of growth and development.

7. Play needs.

8. Rh incompatibility.

9. Assessment of dehydration.

10. Newborn care.

11. Grief and bereavement.

12. Rights of children.

13. Principles of growth and development.

14. Well baby clinic.

15. Phototherapy.

16. Reaction of toddler towards hospitalization.

17. Restraints.

18. Kwashiorkor.

19. Value of play.

20. Behavior problem

21. Oral rehydration therapy.

22. Hemophilia.

23. Measles.

24. Child guidance clinic.

25. Wilm’s tumor

26. School health programme.

27. Vital health statistics.

28. WHO.

29. Records and Reports.

30. Organisational setup at district level in health care delivery system.

31. DOTS in Tuberculosis

32. Medical Termination of Pregnancy

33. Occupational hazards

34. Community nutritional programmes

35. WHO .

Short Questions:

1. List down the major criteria for diagnosis of rheumatic fever.

2. List down the congenital disorder of genito-urinary system.

3. Define Lanugo.

4. Mention four complications of fracture.

5. Define growth chart.

6. Define neonatal mortality rate.

7. List down the types of play.

8. Write the formula to calculate the degree of malnutrition.

9. Name the types of polio-myelitis.

10. List the principles of traction

11. Mention two classical signs of diaphragmatic hernia.

12. Define physiological jaundice.

13. List down four neo-natal problems.

14. Define Hirsphrung’s disease.

15. Expand APGAR.

16. Two purposes of incubator care.

17. List down the types of leukaemia.

18. List four common accidents in children.

19. Mention four causes of neo-natal sepsis.

20. Classification of high risk newborn

21. Expand BFHI.

22. List down four characteristics of pre-term baby.

23. Define child guidance clinic

24. Difference between physiological jaundice and pathological jaundice.

25. Define Stridor.

26. Write four causes of Respiratory distress syndrome.

27. State four congenital disorders of gastro-intestinal system.

28. Define Rickets.

29. List any four restraints and its uses.

30. Difference between Tracheo-oesophageal fistula and Oesophageal atresia.

31. Define infant mortality rate.

32. Classification of high risk newborn.

33. List our congenital anomalies of gastrointestinal tract in children.

34. List down three cardinal features of diaphragmatic hernia.

35. Differentiate between epispadiasis and hypospadiasis.

36. Mention four clinical features of nephrotic syndrome.

37. List down four minor manifestations of Jone’s criteria.

38. Mention the two signs elicited in meningitis.

39. Mention two indications of phototherapy.

40. List down any two common types of anaemia in children

41. List the types of pneumonia in children.

42. Differentiate between physiological and pathological jaundice.

43. Mention the types of child abuse.

44. Name the surgical management of congenital megacolon.

45. List the types of play.

46. Define growth chart.

47. Write the formula to calculate the degree of malnutrition.

48. Name the types of poliomyelitis.

49. Write four genetic disorders of children.

50. State four clinical features of meningitis.

51. Define Quarantine.

52. Difference between Epidemic and Endemic.

53. Define community health nursing.

54. List out International health agencies.

55. Nutritional problem in under-five.

56. Role of nurse in training and supervision of various health workers.

57. DOTS.

58. Home visit.

59. Channels of information, education and communication.

60. Eligible couple.

61. Mention the p rinciples of primary health care

62. Name two voluntary health agencies of India.

63. List four causes of infant mortality .

64. Write any four vector borne diseases

65. Mention four vaccine preventable diseases.

66. Define exclusive breast feeding.

67. Define pulse polio programme.

68. Define puerperium.

69. Define weaning.

70. Define Cold chain

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