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B. SC. Nursing I year Important Questions 2022


Section A (ANATOMY)

1-Name the different parts and functions of Digestive System. Describe in detail about Stomach.

2-Bronchopulmonary Segments.

3. Blood supply of heart.

4. Types of Muscles

5- Name the arteries forming Circle of Willis.

6. Name the veins for Intravenous Injection.

7. Name the cranial nerves emerging from Medulla Oblongata.

8 Name the varieties of Synovial Joints.

9. Name the coverings of Testis.


1-Explain the composition, Circulation and Functions of CSF.

2-Bone Healing and Stages.

3-Functions of Skin.

4-Coagulation of blood.

5-Two functions of Liver.

6-Renal failure.

7-Myasthenia gravis.

8- Name any four Female Sex Hormones.




1-Define Nutritional Assessment. Explain methods of Nutritional Assessments.

2-Protein Energy Malnutrition.

3- Five food Group Plan.

4-Dietary Fibre.

5-Write notes on Vitamin – A

6-Define Balanced Diet.

7-Give four Rich Sources of Calcium.

8- Two functions of fat.

9- What is adulteration?

10-List out some Essential Amino Acids.


1-Glycolysis - add a note on its Bio-Energetics.

2-Digestion and Absorption of Proteins.

3-Examples for Monosaccharide’s.

4- Write any two functions of Calcium.


6- Types of Vitamins.

7- What is HOLO enzymes and APO enzymes?


1. Define Oxygenation. Explain about Nursing Interventions in Oxygenation.

2. Write a note on Principles of bed making, Principles of documentation and Qualities of Nurse.

3-Role of nurse in Storage and Maintenance of Drugs.

4- Basic life support.

5-Pain management.

6- Explain about methods of Physical Assessment

7-Universal Precautions.

8-State any four ROM Exercises.

9-Difference between Antiseptic and Disinfectant.

10-State any Two Functions of nurse.

11-Common Sites for Taking Pulse.

12-What is the purpose of Sitz Bath?

13-What is Perioperative Nursing?

14-Give four examples for Physical Hazard.

15-What do you mean by Parenteral Route of Administration?

16-Define Nursing Diagnosis.

17-State four Clinical Signs of Death.


1-Define Psychology. Explain different methods of Psychology.

2-Define attention and Explain Various Types of Attention.

3-Schools of thought.

4-Characteristics of Counsellor.

5-Creative thinking.

6-Projective test.

7-Vulnerable individuals.

8-The characteristics of Mentally Healthy Person.

9-Name the Components of Attitude.

10-Four kinds of Emotion noticed during hospitalization.

11-Four secondary motives.

12-What is delusion?

13- Four types of Aptitude.

14-Law of readiness.

15-Any four Psycho-Social Stages.

16-Reliability and validity.

17-Types of Stress.


1-Write in detail about Laboratory Methods for Identification of Microorganisms.

2- Write in detail about Bio-Medical Waste Management.

3-Antibody Structure

4-Explain Bacterial Motility.

5- Explain Zoonoses Infection with Example.

6-Protocol for Safe Blood Transfusion.

7-Difference between Active and Passive Immunity.

8-Use of Terminology.

9- Use of Electron Microscope.

10- Bacterial Colonization.

11-Mention any four Mesophilic Human Bacteria.

12-Define Nosocomial Infection.

13-Define Narrow-Spectrum Antibiotics with two examples.

14- What is Black water fever?

15-Name Four Viruses which are transmitted by blood?

16- Cold chain.

17- Define Immunity


Write an essay in about 300 words on the topic given below:

1. ‘My most Unforgettable patient’.

2. Correct the sentences:

1. You have a chance to win.

2. Please give key to your watch.

3. I will wait here until you do not return.

4. The satellite has been sent to space.

5. Are you a member in the committee?

6. All his family members are mad.

7. He has grown into a beautiful youth.

8. I lived in that hotel for two days.

9. We have reached the final conclusion.

10. He said that he was gardening since morning.

11. The interview will be held between 10 a.m. to 12 noon.

12. My hairs are black.

13. Law and order have to be maintained.

14. He picks up a quarrel over petty matters.

15. You are requested to substitute the old picture for a new one.

3-Write a letter to the district educational officer requesting him to preside over the inauguration of your college library.

4-Comprehension: Read the passage carefully and answer briefly.

The origins of the English Dictionary are found in the late 16th century when people became aware of the two levels of English (‘learned’, ‘literacy’ distinct from ‘spoken’, ‘popular’) to an extent that made it desirable to gloss one’s level in the other’s terms. Cawdrey’s ‘Table Alphabetical of Hard Words (1604) containing about 3000 words might be called the first English dictionary but it is ‘The Dictionary of the English Language’ brought out in 1755 by Dr. Samuel Johnson that stands as one of the two great landmarks in English lexicographical history. Johnson’s objective was to produce “a dictionary by which the pronunciation of our language may be fixed and its attainment facilitated; by which its purity may be preserved, its use ascertained and its duration lengthened”. He wrote the definitions, some playfully, of over 40,000 words illustrating them with about 114,000 quotations drawn from every field of learning and literature from the 16th century onwards. The work, though scanty in etymological knowledge remained without rival until the creation of the Oxford English Dictionary (OED) (1884-1926) edited by a group of lexicographers. The OD attempts to give a full history of the development of all English words since the 12th century with full illustrative quotations, ordered according to the principal distinct sense of the word. It has been updated by a series of supplements through the centuries. The possibility of one organized on synchronic, rather than historical, principles were brought close, when in 1984 the OED files to be converted into a computerized database.


1-When was the first English dictionary compiled?

2. Why was it compiled?

3. What are the features of Johnson’s dictionary?

4. Of the two landmarks of English lexicographical history which is more in use today? Why?

5. What dictionary do you use and how often do you use it?

Write one - third of the following passage.

When we survey our lives and efforts we soon observe that almost the whole of our actions and desires are bound up with the existence of other human beings. We notice that whole nature resembles that of the social animals. We eat food that others have produced, wear clothes that others have made, live in houses that others have built. The greater part of our knowledge and belief has been passed on to us by other people through the medium of a language which others have created. Without language and mental capacities, we would have been poor indeed comparable to higher animals. We have, therefore, to admit that we owe our principal knowledge over the least to the fact of living in human society. The individual if left alone from birth would remain primitive and beast like in his thoughts and feelings to a degree that we can hardly imagine. The individual is what he is and has the significance that he has, not much in virtue of the individuality, but rather as a member of a great human community, which directs his material and spiritual existence from the cradle to grave.

Do as Directed:

1. He never goes out with his dog, _________ ? (Question tag)

2. Frame yes or no question.

3. I am …………………. university student. (fill in with article)

4. My friend has been living in Canada ____________ two years. (use a preposition)

5. He can speak Chinese. (Frame ‘wh’ question)

6. By 9 o’clock, we (finish) __________ our homework. (Put the verbs into the correct tense)

7. Someone is repairing that fence. (into active voice)

8. ‘I love you,’ he told me. (into indirect)

9. Do you mind _______ me wash the dishes? (use a gerund)

10. I went to the zoo yesterday. (Modifier of time)

Match the following

1. Coccyx – Bacteria

2. Infection – Stapes

3. Sternum – Vertebrae

4. Suture – Manubrium

5. Ear – Surgery

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