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B.SC. Nursing I Year Computer (Unit-II) DOS and Window

DOS ( Disk Operating System) or micro soft disk operating system- it is the first program to be loaded into computer memory. There are various commands used to control all the activity of hard disk of computer.

DOS Commands-there are two types of commands

Internal commands

External commands

Internal commands-These are the simplest and commonly use command. These all command are a part of commands. COM file, which is system file.

These commands are available in hard disk.








External commands-These commands are existed on hard disk in the form of file. If we use these commands, it must be loaded in hard disk, otherwise DOS will be unable to feed these commands.


How to open the DOS




Command prompt

1- Date command- it is used to show or change system date.

C:/> Date (C Prompt)

The current date is- WEB/21/04/10

Enter the new date:

2- Time command- it is used to show or change the current system time.

C:/> (C Prompt)

The current time is: 11:15:16:55

Enter the new time

3- CLS (Clear Screen)

This command is used to clear the screen.

C:/> CLS

4- VOL command- it is used to see the volume level and serial number of hard disk.

C:/> VOL

Volume in drive change no label

Volume serial number is 3(45-off)

5- VER Command- it is used to display MS DOS version.

C:/> VER

Microsoft window Exp( Version-5-0-2195)

Exit 0 it is use for come out from DOS

DIR-directory information report. It is use for display directory or file list of directory.

DIR/P= Page wise

DIR/W= Width Wise

DIR/S= Sub directory or file

6- MD Command-made directory

MD use for creating a directory. A directory is used to store the file or subdirectory.

C:/> MD directory name


7- CD Command- it is use for enter in directory.

C:/> directory name


C:/> AAA>

CD.. Command- it is use exit from directory.

C:/> CD.. <AAA>CD..


8- Copy Con Command-copy con command is use for create a file.

C:/> Copy Con file name

C:/> Copy Con BBB

(Computer is an electronic machine F6 is use for save a file ^z File copied)

9- Type command- it used to show the matter of file.

C:/> Type file name

C:/> Type BBB

Computer, is an electronic machine

10- Ren command (Rename)- to change a name of file or directory.

Ren file name, new file name

C:/> Ren AAA, BBB

11- RD - it is used to delete a directory

C:/> RD Directory name

C:/> DDD

Note: Directory must be empty, we must out from directory.

12- Copy- it is used to joint matter of two more files. Using (+)sing.

C:/> Copy file/+file2/new file name

13- DEL- it is used to delete a file.

C:/> DEL file name

C:/> RRR

14- BATCH File- it is a special file in which we can write only commands and these commands automatically.

C:/> Copy Con file name.Bat

15- DOS key command- it is used to store previous command, and we can use these command by up and down arrow key.

C:/> Dos key

F7- command history

F9- Line number

16- Prompt command- it is used to change the prompt name.

C:/> Prompt AAA

17- Tree command- it is used to display all the subdirectory and file of our main directory in graphical form.

18- Tree/F- to see files in directory.

19- Scan disk Command- it is used to repair a disk, and it marks a damage area as a bad sector.

20- Echo Command- it is used to display a message, or we can say echoes whatever we type.

ECHO ****123*****

21- Colour Command- it is used to change colour of the text.


Interface- it is a method to communicate between user and system. In computer has two type of interface.

CUI- Character user interface-in this character is used for communicate between user and computer.For Example- DOS

GUI- Graphical user interface-in this graphics is used for communicate between user and computer. For Example- Window

Window - it is an operating system. It is a graphical user interface with a multitasking operating system. Window is developed in year 1983 and after it upgraded with following version.

Window3.1 - environment

Window 95,98, 2000, 11- operating system

Window NT (New technology)

Multiuser operating system

Environment- in this version DOS is necessary to start window.

Operating System- In this no need of DOS to start window.

Multiuser operating system- In this a single window work on multiple


Window 1- It is first attempt of Microsoft company to make a simple 16 bit graphic operating system.

Window 2- it is first version to practice word and excel. It is also 16-bit graphic operating system.

Window 3- It is first window that required hard disk, and it is first window to operate MS DOS in window system.

Window 95- It is the first complete operating system. It blended MS DOS and window products. Several features add like-start, star features, and many more. It is advance 16 bit to 32 bit.

In December 2001, window 1,2,3 declared outdated and discontinue.

Window 98- It is not new window, it is an upgraded version of window 95. Many features add like Internet Explorer, Microsoft chat, outlook and all.

Window 2000- it is made for various sectors, corporate, professionals and eduction. It has multilingual version to handle multilingual user. It became base for Window XP.

Window XP- it is available in two versions, 32 bit and 64 bit. Home edition in 32 bit. It has consumer friendly element. It is more advance and high-speed start up feature.

Window Vista- It has helpful features photo gallery, DVD-ROM installation, speech recognition. Window vista was codenamed as Longhorn.

Window 7- It is developed to cover all issues faced by window vista. Faster startup, support multitouch screen displays, more stable and advance.

Window 8- convenient to install 32 bit and 64 bit, Internet Explorer 10 included, task manager is redesign. Start button redesign, and new security feature launched.

Window 10- it provides virtual desktop feature, Internet Explorer with new Microsoft Edge browser feature included, new voice assistant added in window search bar.

Window 11- It is redesigned from 10, tablet mode/ touch mode, virtual desktops feature, snap layout, Microsoft store, android application included in it.

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