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B.SC Nursing I Year Computer

Discussion Type Questions

1. Write in detail about the Basic components of computer.

2. Explain Internet and E-mail and list out the uses in the field of Nursing.

3. Write in detail about the Basic components of computer.

4. Explain Internet and E-mail and list out the uses in the field of Nursing.

Short Notes:

1. List out five formatting tools in MS-Word and Explain.

2. Write short note on Software.

3. What is meant by DOS and Explain four Dos commands?

4. Write short note on Mail merge.

5. Write short note on Power point presentation.

6. List out five formatting tools in MS-Word and Explain.

7. Write short note on Software.

8. What is meant by DOS and Explain four Dos commands?

9. Write short note on Mail merge.

10. Write short note on Power point presentation.

Short Questions

1. What are input devices?

2. Write about Memory Unit.

3. List out four short-cut keys in Windows.

4. What is meant Database Management System?

5. What is meant by Multi-Media?

6. What is meant by PACS?

7. List out two functions in MS-Excel.

8. What is meant by Tele medicine?

9. Define Personal Computer.

10. What is meant by VIRUS?

11. What are input devices?

12. Write about Memory Unit.

13. List out four short-cut keys in Windows.

14. What is meant Database Management System?

15. What is meant by Multi-Media?

16. What is meant by PACS?

17. List out two functions in MS-Excel.

18. What is meant by Tele medicine?

19. Define Personal Computer.

20. What is meant by VIRUS?

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