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B.SC. Nursing Forth Year Management Important Questions

Updated: Sep 9, 2022

Long Questions:

1. Explain the role of a head nurse? Ward teaching programme service education for staff development?

2. Discuss the responsibilities of the principal of nursing with regard to administration of faculty

3. Enumerate the qualities of the community health supervisor?

4. Explain the roles and functions of the Multi-purpose health workers?

5. Explain the organization and control of School of Nursing?

6. Discuss faculty recruitment?

7. Discuss the responsibility of the Principal, School of Nursing in relation to administration of student and faculty?

8. Explain the principles of good ward management?

9. Describe the various factors involved in good ward management?

10. Describe various methods of patient assignment?

11. Explain in detail about records and reports?

12. Define the term management?

13. Explain the principles of management with examples?

14. As a nurse administrator, what are the various factors you will consider while planning for nursing service department?

15. Calculate the nursing staff requirement for a 250 bedded multi-speciality hospital?

16. Explain the principles of clinical supervision? Discuss the methods of clinical supervision?

17. Explain the principles of management?

18. As a nurse administrator, prepare plan for continuing nursing education?

Short Notes:

  • Group dynamics

  • Factors involved in good ward management

  • Principles of management

  • Methods of staffing

  • Five year plan

  • Responsibilities of Community Health Nurse in the care of children.

  • Factors influencing staffing of the nursing unit.

  • Bed side clinic.

  • Methods of patient care assignment. Legal responsibilities of Nurse.

  • Principles of supervision.

  • Group dynamics.

  • Indian nursing council.

  • Legal aspects in nursing.

  • Housekeeping in hospital.

  • Bedside clinics.

  • Job description.

  • Faculty development programme.

  • Budget.

  • Methods of communication.

  • Material management.

  • Define supervision.

  • Write four benefits of records.

  • List any four methods of evaluation of staff.

  • Write any four functions of Nursing Superintendent.

  • List any four purposes of nursing rounds.

  • List any four criteria for faculty recruitment.

  • Define group dynamics.

  • List four functions of a primary health centre.

  • List four geriatric problems.

  • Define the term counseling

  • Nursing audit

  • Functions of planning

  • Recruitment of faculty in college of nursing

  • Principles of budgeting

  • Leadership styles

  • Barriers of communication

  • Principles of delegation

  • Legal aspects in nursing

  • Define quality control;

  • Four purposes of staff development

  • Advantages of collective bargaining

  • Define standards

  • What is total quality management

  • Systems theory

  • Ethical principles

  • Define staffing

  • Modular nursing

  • Define anecdotal notes

  • List four qualities of maintaining records.

  • IPR.

  • Affiliation.

  • Job analysis.

  • List four factors involved in good ward management.

  • Recruitment.

  • List the types of Budget.

  • Continuing education.

  • Purposes of nursing audit.

  • List the four records of school of nursing.

  • Nursing Audit.

  • Industrial health.

  • Functions of central health education bureau.

  • Welfare program for physically challenged children.

  • In-service education.

  • List four organization principles.

  • List four leadership styles.

  • List any four purposes of nursing rounds.

  • Identify four qualities of a nurse administrator.

  • Name any four methods of evaluating patient care.

  • List four principles to be followed when planning clinical assignment for students.

  • List four responsibilities of a public health Nurse.

  • List four advantages of time planning.

  • Mention channels of communication.

  • Mention any four factors influencing nurse patient ratio

  • Criteria for a good report

  • Define Accreditation

  • List four functions of public health nurse in homes

  • List of four principles of supervision

  • Name the recruitment methods used by health agencies

  • Health problems of the aged

  • Define Job analysis

  • Define primary health care

  • Name four important reports used in a hospital setting

  • Mention the process of Recruitment

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