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B.Sc. Nursing First Year Psychology (Important Questions)

1. Define Psychology. Explain different methods of Psychology.

2. Define attention and Explain Various Types of Attention.

3. Define intelligence and write the various tests of intelligence.

4. Define perception. Describe the perceptual organization in detail.

5. Define psychology and write various branches and scope of psychology.

6. Explain the developmental stages of a man and the skills acquired during these stages.

7. Define attention. Discuss the determinants of attention.

8. How personality is developed according to psychoanalytic theory?

9. Define Attitude. Explain the various factors involved in its development.

10. Define Perception. Describe Perceptual Organization in detail.

11. Operant conditioning theory of learning and its concepts of reinforcement and punishment - explain.

12. Discuss about the characteristics of mentally healthy person and the signs of poor mental health.

13. Describe the operant conditioning by Skinner.

14. Define ‘Personality’. Give an account of projective techniques in personality assessment.

15. Define Intelligence. Discuss various theories of Intelligence.

16. Define Emotion. What are the Theories of Emotion and explain

17. Define attention. discuss the factors determinants attention

18. Defense mechanism of ego? explain with suitable examples

19. Explain the types and theories of motives in detail.

20. Describe the concepts of mental health and mental hygiene in detail.

21. Define perception. How perception is organized among different factors?

22. How personality is developed according to psychoanalytic theory?

23. What is motivation? Explain the Biological motives with suitable examples.

24. Define Learning. How a reflex is going to be learnt according to Pavlov’s classical conditioning?

25. Define intelligence and write various test of Intelligence.

26. Define psychology and write various branches of Psychology.

27. Define personality and write various tests of personality.

28. Define learning and explain the trial and error learning proposed by Thorndike

1. Schools of thought.

2. Characteristics of Counsellor.

3. Creative thinking.

4. Projective test.

5. Vulnerable individuals.

6. Abnormal psychology.

7. Role of environment in development.

8. Types of forgetting.

9. Introspection method.

10. Psycho-sexual stages.

11. Concept and personality of mind.

12. Case study method.

13. Types of psychological test.

14. General attitude towards mentally ill.

15. Explain the steps in prevention of mental and emotional disturbance.

16. Schools of thought.

17. Defense mechanisms.

18. Insight learning.

19. Twins mechanism.

20. Physiological changes during emotion

21. Psychosomatic disorders.

22. Psychological needs of Adolescence.

23. Id, Ego and Super-ego.

24. Intelligence test.

25. Theories of forgetting.

26. Glandular control of behaviour.

27. The classification of intelligence.

28. Physiological motives.

29. Projective tests of personality.

30. The period of infancy.

31. Observation method

32. Explain the types of environment

33. Write the difference between sensation and perception

34. Explain efficient methods of memorizing

35. What is thinking? Describe the types of thinking

36. Principles of Perception

37. Types of Motives

38. Principles of Psychological Tests

39. Schools of Psychology

40. Twins Mechanisms

41. Explain the various methods of Psychology

42. Maslow’s need hierarchy theory .

43. Enumerate the theories of emotion.

44. Explain the effective ways in learning.

45. Steps in problem -solving

46. Adulthood

47. Frustration

48. Scope of psychology

49. Effective ways to learn

50. Secondary motives

51. Illusion and hallucination

52. Bhatia’s battery of performance test

53. Emotion and health.

54. History of Psychology.

55. Body – Mind relationship

56. Causes of forgetting

57. Theories of emotion

58. Types of personality

59. Psychology of vulnerable individuals.

60. Guidance and counseling

61. Types of Psychological tests.

62. Motivational cycle.

63. Intelligence tests.

64. Stages involved in creative thinking.

65. Types of conflicts.

66. Defense mechanism.

67. Forgetting.

68. Schools of thought.

69. Insight Learning.

70. Determinants of Attention.

71. Types of conflicts.

72. Psychosexual development.

73. Defense mechanism.

74. Physiological changes during emotion.

75. Types of Motives.

76. Introspection method.

77. Chromosomal abnormalities.

78. Classical Conditioning.

79. Psycho somatic disorder of Emotion.

80. Types of thinking.

81. I.Q.

82. Perceptual constancy.

83. Experimental method.

84. Basic concepts of Freud.

85. Primary needs.

86. Characteristics of mentally healthy person.

87. Sources of frustration

1. The characteristics of Mentally Healthy Person.

2. Name the Components of Attitude.

3. Four kinds of Emotion noticed during hospitalization.

4. Four secondary motives.

5. What is delusion?

6. Four types of Aptitude.

7. Law of readiness.

8. Any four Psycho-Social Stages.

9. Reliability and validity.

10. Types of Stress.

11. Define illusion.

12. Types of behavior.

13. Any four ego mechanism.

14. Name the schedules of reinforcement.

15. BAI.

16. Four projective techniques.

17. Three levels of consciousness.

18. Two types of attention.

19. Qualities of good counsellor.

20. Any two solutions for frustration

21. Short term memory.

22. Concept of IQ.

23. Write any four primary motives.

24. Rorschach inkblot test.

25. Sensory disorders.

26. Memory disorders.

27. Name some psychiatric childhood disorders.

28. Insight learning.

29. Introspection.

30. Define the term adolescence.

31. Expand W.A.I.S and W.I.S.C.

32. Heredity.

33. Motivational cycle.

34. Mental hygiene.

35. Frustration.

36. Steps in creative thinking.

37. Which period is called ‘Storm’ and ‘Stress’ period?

38. Any four methods of studying behaviour.

39. TAT.


41. Motivational cycle.

42. Sources of Frustrations.

43. Long term memory.

44. Creative thinking.

45. Attitude.

46. Schedules of Reinforcement.

47. Resolution of Conflicts.

48. Any four methods of studying Behaviour.

49. Types of Attention.

50. Guidance and Counselling.

51. Meaning of observation method.

52. Definition of perception.

53. Types of memory.

54. Thinking and any of its two types.

55. Definition of emotion.

56. Meaning of attitude.

57. Definition of personality.

58. Vulnerable individuals.

59. Meaning of defense mechanism.

60. Definition of reliability and validity.

61. Which period is called ‘storm’ and ‘stress’ period?

62. Define attitude with an example

63. Motivation

64. Frustration

65. Reasoning

66. What are ‘traits’ and ‘types’?

67. Insight learning

68.What are the characteristics of a good counselor?

69. Sensory disorders

70. Attention

71. Any Four Defense Mechanisms

72. Frustration

73. Steps in Creative Thinking

74. Types of Aptitude

75. Errors in Perception

76. Personality

77.Memory Disorders

78. Heredity

79. Perception

80. Introspection

81. Projective test

82. Types of conflicts

83. Emotional Intelligence

84. Mental hygiene

85. Define ‘creativity’

86.Rorschach Inkblot Test

87. Causes of forgetting

88. Name the four principles of classical conditioning

89. List out the methods used in psychology

90. Mention the three levels of consciousness

91. Name the different intelligent tests

92. Name the five psycho-social development of Eric-Erickson

93. Name the three different conflicts

94. Mention the five psycho-sexual stages by Sigmund-Freud

95. Guidance and counseling

96.Mention the four characteristics of a mentally healthy person

97. Write the meaning and types of behaviour.

98. Explain transfer of learning.

99. Write types of memory.

100. Explain the levels of thinking.

101. Explain attitude change.

102. Write and explain the definition of personality

103. Mention the types of groups

104. Explain any two defense mechanisms.

105. Explain projective tests.

106. Name the Vulnerable individuals

107. Write about Goals in psychology.

108. Define Sensation and Attention.

109. Write about Laws of learning by Thorndike.

110. What are the types of behaviour?

111. Write any five types of Intelligence.

112. What are Basic instincts?

113. Write any two defense mechanisms.

114. Write any three reasons for misperception (Error perception).

115. SQ3R – Write the expansion form.

116. Positive reinforcement.

117. Short term memory.

118. What are the Concepts of IQ?

119. Differentiate counselling from guidance.

120. Any four psychosomatic disorders.

121. Any four characters of a creative thinker.

122. Define Ego.

123. What are the solution for conflict and frustration?

124. Write a few principles of perception.

125.Write any four primary motives.

126. Name Three Laws of Learning.

127. Webbers’s Law.

128. Environment.

129. Any four types of secondary needs.

130. Types of Reinforcement.

131. Write the subtests of Bhatia’s Battery of Intelligence scale.

132. Define creativity.

133. Define Stress.

134. Define Mental Health.

135. Name four projective tests of Personality.

136. Mention any four types of conflict.

137. Write any four branches of psychology.

138. Mention any four secondary motives.

139. Write any four stages of creativity.

140. Mention any four personality inventories.

141. Name eight psycho social stages of personality proposed by Erickson.

142. State any two principles of psychological assessment.

143. Mention any two factors of forgetting.

144. Write a few external determinants of attention.

145. Mention two theories of emotion.

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