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B.Sc. Nursing First Year English (Important Questions)

Essay Type Questions

1. “Many a drop make an ocean”.

2. Prevention is better than cure.

3. Pollution and its hazards to mankind.

4. “Is nursing a profession or service? Discuss it with your views”.

5. ‘My most Unforgettable patient’

I. Correct the sentences:

1. The players as well as the captain is ready to go.

2. The furniture is made of teakwood.

3. Neither Prabhu nor his friends is coming.

4. The crowd are wild with excitement

5. He is a M.Com graduate.

6. Let us have a dinner.

7. Ranjani can play a piano very well.

8. I will take care of your luggages.

9. Gymnastics are given a lot of importance in our school.

10. Whoever tops the class she will be selected.

11. You have been working hardly.

12. Yesterday I met a lady who was was my teacher long ago.

13. Hari have a car.

14. City life is tense and village life is relaxed.

15. Your book does not include the English alphabets.

16. He is more taller than you.

17. Law and order are a bid problem.

18. The principle along with the staff are coming out of the staff-room.

19. The enemy is forced to retreat.

20. Two miles are too much for this man to run.

21. He is wiser than honest.

22. He has come last evening.

23. He is working since 8 A.M.

24. He is a MP.

25. The sceneries of Himalayas are very fine.

26. Less luggages make your journey comfortable.

27. Priscillah is one of the cleverest girl in the class.

28. He cannot cope up with this responsibility.

29. Joy is good in mathematics and will win the prize.

30. I agreed with his suggestions.

31. The lecturer discussed about our performance.

32. Each of the two girls is correct.

33. Your obediently.

34. Yours’ loving son.

35. None of the two girls is tall.

36. Three hundred rupees are a big sum.

37. “Gulliver’s Travels” were written by Jonathan Swift.

38. His mother gave him a hundred rupees note.

39. Two-third of the total cost are met by the government.

40. The summons have been issued.

Writing Letter:

Write a letter to the principal of your college asking him/her certify your article that you want to send to a newspaper for publication.

Write a letter to your friend congratulating him/her on his/her getting the ‘Best Nurse Award’ for the year 2023.

Write a letter to the Nursing Superintendent requesting leave for 2 days to attend your relative’s marriage.

Write a letter to the principal of your college requesting to arrange for Spoken English classe

. Write a letter to the Principal of your college pointing out some of the difficulties you and other students have experienced in the college.

Write a letter to the district educational officer requesting him to preside over the inauguration of your college library.

Comprehension: Read the passage carefully and answer briefly.

Once there lived in Athens a very wise man named Diogenes. He despised wealth and comforts. He lived in a tub. One day in broad day light he went to the market place with a lighted lamp in his hand. He went about looking at every one he met. People laughed at him, when he passed by with a lamp in broad day light. After some time, he blew out his lamp and went back to his tub. A citizen of Athens came to him and asked him whom he had been searching for. “An honest man”, said he, who could not find one.

Answer all the questions:

1. Why did Diogenes live in a tub?

2. Who did he look for in the market place?

3. Did he come across the person he wanted to find?

4. Why did the people of Athens, laugh at him?

5. What did the people of Athens think of him?

The following tips will help you in managing your time effectively. You need to plan your day. Quite a few of us allocate our time according to whatever events that take place during the day. And we end up making the fatal mistakes of dealing primarily with problems rather than opportunities. State each day by making a general schedule. Give emphasis on the two or three major things you like to accomplish. Set deadlines with sufficient safety margins so that you complete your tasks before time. Studies confirm what common sense tells us: the more time we spend planning a project, the less total time is required to do it. Of all the principles of time management, none is more basic than concentration. People who have serious time management problems are invariably those who try to do too many things at once. It is the amount of uninterrupted time that is spent on a project which counts for its success. To work for long periods without taking a break is not effective use of time. Energy

decreases, boredom sets in; physical stress and tension accumulate. Changing of work or even changing position can relieve. When the work area gets chaotic, take time out to reorganize? Put the highest priority item from your pile over your desk, then put everything else out of sight. Remember, you can think of only one thing at a time and you can work on only one task at a time. So, focus all your attention, on the most important.

Answer all the questions:

1. How do people end up dealing with problems than opportunities?

2. Why is concentration necessary in doing anything?

3. How can stress and tension be relieved during work?

4. Why is it necessary to order a sequence of activities?

5. Give a suitable title for this passage

V. Precise writing:

Write one third of the following passage.

“Pass no judgment, and you will not be judged. For, as you judge others, so you will yourselves be judged, and whatever measure you deal out to others will be dealt back to you. Why do you look, at the speck of saw dust in your brothers eye, with never a thought for the great plank in your own or how can you say to your brother, “Let me take the speck out of your eye”, when all the time there is that plank in your own? You hypocrite! First take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother’s.

VI. Vocabulary:

Do as Directed:

1. Jasper has a great zeal ………….. removing illiteracy from his village (preposition).

2. …….. aim of education is to draw out all ……. faculties (articles).

3. Robert said to me, “Do you know when the teacher will come?” (indirect speech).

4. You should obey your parents (passive voice).

5. He is taller than I (positive degree).

6. He is _________ town. (Use Preposition)

7. The teacher said that the world is round. (Change into direct Speech)

8. ________ apple a day keeps the doctor away. (Use suitable article)

9. I ________ (work) in this office since six years. (Use correct tense)

10. A letter is being written by Kala. (Change into Active Voice)

VII. Match the following:

1. Persistent fear of blood – Monophobia

2. Persistent fear of disease – Hydrophobia

3. Persistent fear of water – Claustrophobia

4. Persistent fear of being alone – Haematophobia

5. Persistent fear of closed places – Pathophobia

6. Suture – Bacteria

7. Hepatitis – Vertebrae

8. Coccyx – Surgery

9. Erythrocyte – Liver

10. Coccus – Blood

11. Abductor – Muscles that turn an organ outward

12. Flexor – Muscles that draw towards the midline

13. Evertor – Muscles that bend a part

14. Adductor – Muscles of the heart

15. Myocardium – Muscles that draw away from the midline

16. Anorexia - Dysuria

17. Difficulty in passing urine - method of sterilization

18. Analgesics - Oxidizing agent

19. Autoclave - Used to relieve pain

20. H 2 O 2 - loss of appetite

21. Coccyx – Bacteria

22. Infection – Stapes

23. Sternum – Vertebrae

24. Suture – Manubrium

25. Ear – Surgery

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