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B.Sc. Nursing First Year Computer (Internet and E-Mail)

Internet-internet is a network of network in which is combination with telephone line or radio waves. It came in category of wan (wide area network).

Development of internet-the development of internet start after a second world war and credit of this development goes to US department of defense.

The first network developed by this department is called "ARPANET" and after the same time when network spread all over the world it is known as Internet.

WWW (World Wide Web) The internet and WWW are closely related, but not the same. The internet is a set of network, but WWW is a collection of document or information.

Web browser, all software that are useful to open and close a website on internet is called web browser. Example-Internet Explorer.

Lan- Local area network 0 to 10 km

Man- metropolitan area network 10-100 km

Wan- wide area network 100-above


ISP-internet service provider

TCP- transmission control protocol

HTML- HyperText Markup Language

IP- internet protocol

HTTP-hypertext transfer protocol

E-Mail- electronic mail

URL-uniform resource locator

GSM- global system for mobile communication

WLL- wire in local loop

2G communication- Voice communication.

3G communication- voice and picture communication

4G communication- fourth generation wireless is 3G services on high speed and high quality of services.

5G communication- it is a new kind of network that designed to connect virtually everyone and everything together including machine, objects and devices. Efficiency improved from 4G network.

Internet Explorer-

Websites- it is a collection of webpages

Homepage- the first page of a website.

Web address- a website have a unique address. Which used to access line website through web browser.

Format of web address- following components are there in any web address.

Name of protocol- Http

Name of web server- www

Name of website- yahoo

Domain of website- .com


Domain name- com- commercial, edu- educational, gov-government, mil- military, net-network, org- organization, co-company,

Extra domain name-Au- Australia, ca-Canada, Denmark, fr-France, In-India, jp -Japan, United Kingdom

Internet-is a private network which can be accessed by a particular group of propless or organization.

Web browser- it is software, it is used to display a website/web page on computer screen.

Example- Internet Explorer,

Netscape Navigator,




Electronic mail - Rediff, Gmail, yahoo, Hotmail, Microsoft outlook.

It is an electronic mail which is used to send and receive messages through the internet.


High speed,


Ease to maintain record,

Save paper

Email address- a person can receive or send mail from it. If he or she has unique e-mail ID.

Inbox-here we receive new mail.

Draft-saved mails,

Sent-all sent mails,

Trash-deleted mails,

Spam-all spam mails,


To- receiver address,

CC- carbon copy receiver (other receiver).

BCC- Blind carbon copy to hide other receiver address.

Subject-purpose of mail.

Add image, file and contacts.

Message box- to write matter.

Send-option to send mail.

Save- to move to the draft or saved mail.

Chatting-it is a medium to talk or chat between online users through text messages.

Video conferencing- it is a medium of audio and video messages.

Meeting- to do group meeting.

Search engine- it is a website that is used to search information on the internet.

Newsgroup- it is an online discovering

Video- it is explored video contents.

Shopping- it is explored shopping things.

Maps- to see the location.

Books- to explored reading material.

Finance- to see the share market stuff.

Flights- to book flights.

Search tool- to search other matter.

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