HTML- Hypertext mark up language.
HTML file is a text file containing small markup tags.
The markup tag tells the web browser "how to display the page"
An HTML file can be created using a simple text editor.
Title TAG- <> are use for writing, code. These are called angle brackets. HTML Tag normally come in pair like <HTML> Called end tag.
The text between the start and tag is the element context.
<HEAD><\HEAD>- it is the first part of your document.
<TITLE><\TITLE>- it is shows up in the title bar.
<BODY></BODY>- it is the real meet of the page.
<p><\p>- it is use for where you want to write a paragraph.
<h><\h>- it is use for heading.
<h> is the biggest tag.
<h6> is the smallest heading.
Marquee direction- <"left"><\marquee>- it is use for moving our text.
Center tag- it is used to set center position of text and image.
Font color- <Font color= Red><\font>
Font size- <Font size=S><\font>
<HR>- it is to draw lines and horizontal rules.
<BR>- it is to break a line.
Link- <A HREE="URL"><\A>TEXT<\A>
<a> is called anchor tag, for link a page with other page.
<IMG SRC="Address"> this is use for insert a image.
<Body="BG Color"="RED">
it is use for setting a background color.