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B.SC Nursing Directing Topic (Management)



Plan put into action Activities Delegation – transferring responsibility Updating policy Utilize the policy updates Supervision Roles in Supervision Guides Direct Facilitates Motivates Teaches.


“Direction is the sum total of managerial efforts that is applied for guiding and inspiring the working teams to make better accomplishments in the organization.” •

“Direction is telling people what to do and seeing that they do it to the best of their ability.

It includes making assignments, explaining procedures, seeing that mistakes are corrected, providing on the job instruction and of course issuing orders.”

Principles of Direction :

i) Principle of Maximum Individual Contribution

ii) Principle of Harmony of Objectives:

iii) Principle of Unity of Command:

iv) Principle of Appropriateness of Direction Technique

v) Principle of Managerial Communication.

vi) Principle of Use of Informal Organisationation.

vii) Principle of Leadership

viii) Principle of Follow Through:

ix) Components/Elements of Direction :

Four Rights of Delegation

1. Task The right task should be within the scope of the person’s practice and consistent with the job description.

2. Person The right person should have the appropriate license or certificate, job description.

3. Communication The right communication should be clear, concise, complete and correct.

4. Feedback The right feedback should ask for input, get the person’s recommended solution to the problem and recognize the person’s effort.

Aspects of Delegation

1. Responsibility – denotes obligation

2. Authority – the power to make final decisions and give commands.

3. Accountability – refers to liability

Importance of Directing :

i) It guides and helps the subordinates to complete the given task properly and as per schedule.

ii) It provides the necessary motivation to subordinates to complete the work satisfactorily and strive to do those best.

iii) It helps in maintaining discipline and rewarding those who do well.

iv) Directing involves supervision, which is essential to make sure that work is performed according to the orders and instructions.

v) Different people perform different activities in the organisation. All the activities are interrelated. In order to co-ordinate the activities carried out in different parts and to ensure that they are performed well, directing is important. It thus, helps to integrate the various activities and so also the individual goals with organisational goals.

vi) Directing involves leadership that essentially helps in creating appropriate work environment and build up team spirit.

The important components of direction are as follows

Motivation: It is the process of inspiring and encouraging the people to do work. It is a skill of using the capability of manpower for the organization. It is a mental and physical presence of employee to do work. Effective motivation helps to raise the effective direction. Therefore, motivation is important aspect of direction.

Leadership: It is another important aspect of direction. It is defined as the process of influencing people to perform work effectively. In other words, it influences the behavior of employees or subordinate. According to time, situation and behaviour of followers, a leader must conduct his followers. Therefore, it is an important aspect of direction.

Communication: Communication means transferring information from one person to another. In other words when the information is transmitted from one person to another and information receiver easily take the information, it is known as communication. It includes sending message and receiving message. After sending message receiver receives the message and understands it. Therefore message receiver responds and reacts about the message. In an organization manager must develop an effective communication system so that s/he may give instruction and guidance to the subordinates and motivate them to do the work to the best of their ability.

Coordination: It is also an important aspect of direction. When the coordination activity is not conducted effectively. Direction is not effective. Coordination is the process of linking activity of resources and various departments so that desired goal can be achieved easily. It is inter-related with all managerial function.

Supervision: It is another important aspect of direction. Direction is not only to issue order but also supervising job of subordinates. It is an important function of every manager. So the manager’s duty is to look after their work and examine that whether they have done according to the order issued or not and also help in solving their work problems.

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