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B.SC Nursing Controlling Topic (Management)


Control is the managerial functions concerned with making sure that plans succeed; it means measuring and correcting the performance of employees to ensure that the planned objectives of an organization are achieved.

Planning and controlling are closely related. However, control means more than measuring, for in many instances it requires revised planning, additional organizing, and better methods of directing.

It sees to it that the right things happen, in the right ways, and at the right time.

A process of monitoring , comparing ,correcting performance and taking action to ensure desired results.

Elements of Control

The process of control has three elements-

· Standards that represent the desired performance.

· Comparison of actual results with the standards

· Corrective action

Importance of controlling

Protecting the workplace

Empowering Employees


The control process is the three step process of measuring actual performance, comparing actual performance against standard and taking managerial action to correct deviations or to address inadequate standards.

The control process assumes that performance standards already exists and they do.

Step-1 Measuring

Four approaches managers use to measure and report actual performance are-

1. Personal observations

2. Statistical reports

3. Oral reports

4. Written reports

Step-2 comparing

The comparing step determines he variation between actual performance and a standard.

Acceptable range of variation

Step-3 taking managerial action

Three possible course of action managers can do

1. Do nothing

2. Correct the actual performance

3. Revise the standards

Guidelines Relating to Control are:

· Action is the essence of control.

· Plans and budget are important elements in implementing effective control because they outline.

· Control action can be taken only be the individuals who hold delegated responsibility and authority for the operation affected.

· The success of an organization and its parts depends on the degree of difference between what should b done and what is done.

· To be effective, a control system must be understandable and flexible and point out where corrective action should be taken.

· Four activities can be controlled: quality, quantity, cost and use of time.

" Constraints/Difficulties in Control are:

· The response of people to standards, measures reports or other forms of control depends on the total situation.

· Controls may cause dispute among parts of an organization when the people involved lack confidence in the measurements.

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