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B.S.C. Nursing III Year MSN Important Questions

Updated: Mar 29, 2023

Long Notes

1. a) Define Glaucoma. List the causes and classification of Glaucoma. b) Describe the Medical, Surgical Management and Postoperative care for a client who has undergone eye surgery.

2. a) Define Meningitis and its types. Explain the pathophysiology and clinical manifestations. b) Write the Medical Management and draw Nursing Care Plan for client with meningitis based on priority needs.

3. Mr. Ram 65 year old admitted in neuro-ward with the complaints of tremors, slurred speech, gait disturbances and diagnosed as Parkinson disease (a) Define Parkinson disease. (b) Explain the pathophysiology and its clinical manifestations. (c) Write the management in detail.

4. (a) Define Cancer. (b) Write the difference between benign and malignant tumor. (c) Briefly explain the modalities of treatment for patient with Cancer.

5. a) Define Epilepsy. b) List out the types and explain the pathophysiology of epilepsy. c) Write the Medical, Surgical and nursing management of client during Convulsive attack.

6. a) Define Burns and classify burns based on etiology and BSA. b) Explain the pathophysiology of burns. c) Discuss the Immediate Medical management and Nursing Management based on priority needs.

7. a) Define Occupational Hazards. b) Write the types of hazards which industrial workers are exposed? c) Explain the protective health measures of workers.

8. Ms. R., admitted with a diagnosis of Breast Cancer. a) List down the causes and risk factors of Breast Cancer. b) Explain the pathophysiology and clinical manifestations of Breast Cancer. c) Write the medical and surgical management of patient with Breast Cancer.

9. a) Define Leukemia. b) Explain the types of Leukemia. c) Explain the management of the patient with Leukemia.

10. a) Define Cataract. b) Explain pathophysiology, clinical manifestations and diagnostic measures of cataract. c) Explain the surgical management of cataract. d) Write peri-operative nursing care of a patient with cataract.

11. Mr. Mani 50 years old male was admitted with diagnosis of diabetes mellitus. a) Define diabetes mellitus. b) Discuss the pathophysiology & clinical manifestations of diabetes mellitus. Mention the methods of management of diabetes mellitus. c) Draw a nursing care plan for Mr. Mani.

12. Mrs. Kala 48 years old female is admitted with renal calculi. a) List the types of renal calculi. b) Mention the clinical manifestations and diagnostic procedures. c) Write the pre and post operative nursing care plan for renal calculi.

13. a) Define shock. b) Classify the types of shock and explain the pathophysiology of shock in detail. c) Discuss the emergency management of patient in shock.

14. a) Define head injury. b) List down the classical signs and pathophysiology of head injury. c) Write a pre and post operative nursing care plan for patient undergoing surgical management for head injury.

15. Mr. Ruban is admitted with the diagnosis of Meningitis. a) Define Meningitis. b) Explain the etiology and pathophysiology of Meningitis. c) List down the clinical manifestations of Meningitis. d) Describe the collaborative management and nursing care for Mr. Ruban.

16. Mrs. Kamala, 60 years old is admitted for Uterine prolapse. a) List out the types of Uterine prolapse. b) Discuss the preoperative management of Uterine prolapse. c) Draw a nursing care plan for this patient who had undergone surgery for Uterine prolapse.

17. a) Define spinal cord injury. (b) List down the types and clinical manifestations of spinal cord injury. (c) Write the nursing care plan for a patient with spinal cord injury.

18. a) Define meningitis b) Explain the etiology and pathophysiology of meningitis c) List down the clinical manifestations of meningitis . d) Describe the collaborative management and the nursing care for a patient admitted with meningitis

19. a) Define glaucoma. b) State the causes and classification for glaucoma. c) Explain the diagnostic test in glaucoma. d) Describe the medical surgical management in glaucoma e) Plan a post operative nursing care for a patient who had undergone eye surgery.

20 . Mr.Raj, 50 years old is diagnosed to have laryngeal cancer.

a) List down the risk factors and clinical features of laryngeal cancer. b) Explain the medical and surgical management of laryngeal cancer. c) Write the preoperative and post operative nursing intervention for laryngectomy.

21. a) Mention the TNM classification of Cancer. b) List out the clinical manifestations of Cancer breast. c) Discuss in detail about the management of Cancer breast. d) Draw a nursing care plan for Cancer breast.

22. a) Define Seizure. b) Mention the stages of seizure. c) Describe the medical management of Seizure. d) Write Nursing care plan for patient with Seizure.

Short Notes

1. Infection Control Protocol in ICU.

2. Explain the causes and types of Disaster.

3. Abortion.

4. Post Mastectomy Exercises.

5. Meniere’s disease.

6. Otitis Media.

7. Care of patient on Ventilator.

8. National Blindness Control Program.

9. Disaster preparedness.

10. Common health problems of elderly and its management.

11. Principles of Critical care Nursing.

12. Psycho-social aspects of aging.

13. Retinal detachment.

14. Otosclerosis.

15. Endometriosis.

16. Burns rehabilitation.

17. ACLS.

18. Bell’s Palsy.

19. Management of glaucoma.

20. Dysfunctional uterine bleeding

21. Chronic supportive otitis media.

22. Psycho social aspects of ageing.

23. Myasthenia gravis.

24. Thermal emergencies.

25. Care of patient on ventilat

26. Breast self examination.

27. Rehydration therapy for burns.

28. Cancer chemotherapy.

29. Role of triage nurse.

30. Peritonsillar abscess.

31. Blindness.

32. Fluid management for burns.

33. Infection control protocols.

34. Stem cell and Bone marrow transplantation.

35. Learning needs of patients undergoing radiotherapy for cancer.

36. Nurses role in emergency disaster.

37. Pelvic inflammatory disease.

38. Preparation of a patient for electro encephalography.

39. Rehabilitation for blind person

40. National Blindness control programme.

41. Multiple sclerosis.

42. Role of a nurse in care of the elderly.

43. Crisis intervention.

44. Otitis media.

45. Refractive error

46. Trachoma

47. Otosclerosis

48. Meniere’s disease

49. Parkinson’s disease

50. Post mastectomy exercises

51. Endometriosis

52. Side effects of chemotherapy

53. National Blindness control programme.

54. Increased intracranial pressure.

55. Breast self examination.

56. Bone marrow transplantation.

57. Care of patient on ventilator.

58. Emergency management of food poisoning.

59. Psychosocial aspects of ageing.

60. Role of nurse in care of elderly.

61. Infection control protocol in ICU.

62. Explain about Otitis media.

63. Classification of burns.

64. Multiple sclerosis.

Short Questions

1. Deviated Nasal Septum.

2. Types of Contraception.

3. List four Occupational Disorders.

4. Consensus and Evans formula.

5. Snellan Chart.

6. Components of Neurological assessment.

7. Menorrhagia.

8. Byssinosis.

9. Shock.


11. Rule of 9.

12. Palliative care.

13. Mention four menstrual disorders.

14. Types of Skin Graft.

15. Mention four causes for Epistaxis.

16. Post-traumatic disorder.

17. Toxic Shock Syndrome.

18. Infertility.

19. Defibrillation.

20. Define asbestosis.

21. List the types of Disaster.

22. Define Myasthenia gravis.

23. Define Pneumoconiosis.

24. List four Chemotherapy drugs.

25. Write four risk factors of cervical cancer.

26. List any four indications for Arterial blood gas analysis.

27. Quinsy.

28. Triage.

29. Tonometry.

30. Warning signs of cancer

31. Expand APACHE II.

32. List the causes of Farmers lung.

33. Name four manifestation of Uveitis.

34. Classify Spina bifida.

35. State Brook army formula.

36. Define Triage.

37. Specify the types of Geriatric rehabilitation.

38. Define Laryngitis.

39. List four cosmetic surgery.

40. Define chorea.

41. Give the meaning of Byssinosis.

42. Define Blepharitis.

43. Mention the manifestations of Hydrocephalus.

44. List the types of Hysterectomy.

45. State Park land formula.

46. Name the components of Glascow coma scale.

47. Specify the types of skin grafting.

48. Define crisis intervention.

49. Specify four legal issues related to intensive care unit.

50. Define hospice care

51. Name two disorders of retina.

52. State the types of hearing aids.

53. Define Guillain-Barre’s syndrome.

54. Mention any four uterine abnormalities.

55. Classify the types of burns.

56. First aid for poisonous snake bite.

57. Specify the types of natural disasters.

58. List any four organs that can be donated.

59. Name any four occupational safety measures.

60.Warning signs of cancer.

61. Mention four complications for cataract surgery.

62. List any four genito-urinary diseases of elderly.

63. Specify any four surgical management for ear disorders.

64. List out any four special equipments in CCU.

65. Define gene therapy.

66. Mention four occupational disorders.

67. List out any four congenital abnormalities of female reproductive systems.

68. Surgical corrections for refractory errors of eye.

69. Types of Head injury.

70.Types of disasters.

71. Name two causes of Glaucoma.

72. Define infertility.

73. Two causes of multiple sccerosis.

74. What is Homan’s sign?

75. Two clinical manifestations of Breast Cancer.

76. Components of Glasgow coma scale.

77. Two changes in gastro intestinal system in elderly.

78. Two oncological emergencies.

79. Two indications of CPR.

80. Types of hearing loss.

81. State the types of contraception.

82. Define frost bite.

83. Define disaster.

84. Types of refractive errors.

85. List any four chemotherapeutic drugs.

86. List down any two reconstructive surgical procedures.

87. List out any four drugs used in the critical care unit.

88. List two congenital abnormalities of the ear.

89. Mention two types of contact lens.

90. Define hospice care

91. Coning syndrome

92. Mastoiditis

93. Presbycusis

94. Chorea

95. Alzheimer’s disease

96. Pap smear

97. Post operative complication of Tonsillitis

98. MTP act

100. Mention any four clinical manifestations of brain tumor.

101. Define frost bite.

102. Mention any two assisted reproductive technologies.

103. Define uveitis.

104. List out any four drugs used in critical care unit.

105. Define Byssinosis.

106. Define otosclerosis.

107. List the components of neurological examination.

108. Mention any four age related musculoskeletal changes.

109. Mention four principles of critical care Nursing.

110. Define Endometriosis.

111. Types of Disaster.

112. Mention four disorders of the middle ear.

113. Refractive errors of eye.

114. Aspects of neurological assessment.

115. Define Myasthenia gravis.

116. Define Metrorrhagia.

117. Name four types of Cataract.

118. Name two types of Hearing loss.

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